Esoteric Advent

SOL INVICTUS UNIVERSALIS: Contemplative Diamond Soul Practices and Spiritual Rituals for the Heart of the Christ and the Soul of Humanity

Daily editing in process …


December 16 — 21, 2024


Spiraling Higher and Deeper



Entering the Kingdom of God

THE TRIUNE NATURE OF THE TRUE SOUL— Mind, Heart and Will of God ~ Alive




~ The Mind That Was In AND IS the Living Christ In You ~


Daily Morning Alignment (abbreviated form; for in-depth form, please go to Week Two of the Second Mountain)

◊ We enter 'sacred time' — 'sacred space'. Light a Light unto the Christ in the sacred stillness of the deep Heart-Mind.

◊ In the breathe of Life flowing through the Heart of the Sun— softly (silently) sound the Sacred Word, OM.

(THE GAYATRI - Hymn to the Sun)

“O Thou ~ Who givest sustenance to the Universe,

From Whom all things proceed,

To Whom all things return,

Unveil to us the face of the true spiritual Sun,

Hidden by a disk of golden light,

That we may know the Truth

And do our whole duty

As we journey to Thy sacred *Fire”

(*feet - in the original)


◊ The SUN/SON’s rays pour through the Heart of the Sun — "The Son of Divine Love" … through the Solar system ... to and through the Earth and all its Centers — Shambhala, Christ and Spiritual Hierarchy, Soul of Humanity and the Kingdoms of Nature … thence through all consecrated Soul Groups dedicated to working on behalf of the “Great Good” — all world servers and light workers “Where on Earth we live”.

◊ Once again we stand — in the ever present Life and Will energies of the Lord of the World … Universal Love streaming from the Heart of Divine Love … to and through Shambhala — the Light of Life — Love Eternal — and the Peaceful Silent Will of the Father … revealing His Presence of Being … Sensing His Touch upon us — OM.  ◊ Intensified by the "Breath of Life" energy streaming, we open deeper into the Peaceful Presence of the “True Soul” — as Life and Love pours through the Chalice of the Crown … and all our centers" … ◊ In the fountain of Life within which we now stand we ‘live, move, breathe and have our Being’ … blessing all whom we “touch” and contact on this Day.  (OM)

◊ We attune now with the Soul Star Group and all Souls herein gathered — radiant spheres of living Light (and therefore Life) forming a great Circle of Lights … and “Presences.”

Visualize now … a stream of white Light descending from the Heart of the Crown, into the Ajna center of all participants … Thence, with power on the Beam, let us project a beam of White Light from the Ajna center to the Center of the Soul Star Group … seeing all lights converging, forming a magnificent white Cross of luminous Light, hovering in the Christ Circle where the Christ stands.

We, a fractal of the greater Soul Star group, grow in love and light — the Triune nature of the Soul — the Light that illumines and repels the darkness, the universal Love that unites all in Oneness, the Living Will of Purpose that opens the door to Life more abundant — releasing these powers upon our Way. OM

We, a visible presence in the Christ Field, shine in service of the Great Ones — the Custodians of the Plan of God. OM

(Replay this “Interlude” music several times until the full meditation with the Angel of the Lord is complete)

An Angel of the Lord stands before Us — Preparing the Way in the refining Fires of Agni — Solar Fire

Bearing the Sword of Truth — the WILL OF GOD — in One Hand, and in the other drawing upon the Power of SOLAR LOVE from the Sun ~ the SUN of DIVINE LOVE — She Stands …

In all humility, inwardly we vibrate: “Be With Us — this Day, this Night — throughout all these Days of BIRTHING the CHRIST, en-MASSe” — (in the universal Christ Mass of Christmas).

In the energy field of the Soul Star Group, we open ourselves to a new and higher transmission as we onward move for the intensification of the LIGHT streaming through our Consciousness upon Mountain the Third … (pause).

Visualize all our Souls radiantly standing round a circle, wide. Bringing our focus to the Crown, and visualizing a living stream of golden-white light descending from the Crown to the region of our heart centers … Let us pause now to visualize the energy forming a golden white cross in each of our hearts. OM, OM, OM ◊ Thence in one unanimous movement, upon a beam of power, we project our golden-white crosses of light (in the shape of an equal-armed Cross) from each of our hearts to a center just above the circle, where stands the great Angel of the Lord ~ OM

See the Angel gather all our crosses of Light into One Living Cross of Christic Light vibration ~ radiating great beauty and living dynamic power ~ OM

Visualize the Crosses of Light returning to our heart center, every cross greatly empowered with universal Love, radiant Light and Holy Will. Visualize the vertical line of the cross extending high above your Crown touching a higher vibratory heaven ~ and extending below your feet grounding deep into the earth. ◊ Thence, the horizontal line of the cross extending round and through your arms ~ opened wide in service.

With the sacred Word, OM Sounding (silently or softly aloud) … visualize a beauteous refined energy gathering in the Heart Center of the CHALICE … through which radiates the Love and Light of the Christ and spiritual Hierarchy.

In the SACRED FIRE OF EXPECTANCY to “Love All” … we forward move upon the WAY.  


Close with the Great Invocation (GI) or the word phrase of power from the GI:


(In one fluid movement, in the sounding of the last phrase, draw three signs: beginning with the Cross (for Light) — up/down, right/left … followed by drawing a Circle of Love energy around the cross (for the word Love), thence pressing into the Center point (for the word Will)”.

Sounding ~ OM OM OM

Before us loom three GREAT Mountains

“Mountain the Third”



Where is the gate, O Lanoo, which guards the triple-way?

Within the sacred heart of Him Who is the threefold Path. I reach the gate and pass within, entering thus the Heart, through the means of wide compassion.

How many gates are there, O Passer on the Way?

The gates are seven, each leading to the centre of a great sphere of bliss.  By the one who seeks to know, the first gate must be found.  That entered, in periodic cycles he will find the other six.

You speak of wide compassion as the key that opens wide the gates.  Explain in words the simplest the need that this involves.

The need of gentle mercy, which knows and sees yet understands; the need of tears of crystal to wash away a brother's sins;

‘Entering my Brothers Heart … I See, I Know, I Understand. In these words born of true perception, veils of separation fall.’

The need of fiery courage that can hold a brother's hand, and lift and elevate him though all the world cry "nay";

‘I take his hands and lift us both unto a higher sphere. Together we onward move.’

The need of comprehension, that has experienced and knows; the occult [inner] sense of oneness guides unto the gate.

What else will lead a man to the portal of the Path?

Compassion first and conscious oneness;

then death to every form that holds and hides the life;

next wisdom linked with learning, and the wise use of the Word;

speech of an occult [inner Intuition] nature and the Silence of the Centre held in the noise of all the world.

Can you, O Lanoo, blend these thoughts into a threefold charge?

"First Oneness, then the Word, and lastly Growth.”

(Rays and Initiations, 763)

(Words in italics are my own)



◊ ◊ ◊

Choose the gate and the keys opening the chosen portal on the Path.

Add to it the blended threefold charge.

Proceed onward apace in the Silence of the Centre.

◊ ◊ ◊



Phrase I – For the Mind

“Like a golden butterfly, which flies towards the sun, I find myself poised upon the lotus petal of the earth. Held by the breath of love I hover. I stay a little moment and then I fly into the golden pathway which leads into the sun. — “I am drawn by the Heart of the Son of Divine Love.”

Phrase II – For the feeling (sentient) body

There is no darkness and no fog. There is no night, nor day. There are no storms, nor peace; no rest, nor strife. Only the changeless love of God, which works towards the Good for All.

Phrase III – In Service

Down from the mountain top I come, bringing the ‘light of love, the love of God’.

Into the chalice of all forms I meet, I pour this love which light confers, this love which life sustains.

I see the love of life divine pour through the form, my own and others. It heals and soothes.

Thus is the task performed.  Thus is a man of earth transformed into a Son of God.”  

(DNA-I, 558/9)

Remembering the Third Advent Light: “From out the East, bringing a light divine, the Word comes swinging round the square: Love All.”

Each initiation is an expansion in Consciousness demonstrating as the increased capacity to “Love All” — What that capacity confers upon the Initiate, and opens in the Seven, are revealed upon the Mountain.


Choose … to “Be With” (the above phrases) today. 

Should any disturbance occur in the field (in yours, another’s, your groups, in the world), channel it through one of the Phrases — and the living current of “the Mind that Is in Christ” — growing in You. 


FIRE — Roerich

“ … the object for which life takes form and the purpose of manifested being is the unfoldment of consciousness, or the revelation of the soul. This might be called the Theory of the Evolution of Light. When it is realised that even the modern scientist is saying that light and matter are synonymous terms, thus echoing the teaching of the East, it becomes apparent that through the interplay of the poles, and through the friction of the pairs of opposites light flashes forth. The goal of evolution is found to be a gradual series of light demonstrations. Veiled and hidden by every form [is] light. As evolution proceeds, matter becomes increasingly a better conductor of the light, thus demonstrating the accuracy of the statement of the Christ "I am the Light of the World". (Treatise on White Magic (TWM), 9/10)


“We are told in the New Testament that we must endeavour to let the mind which was in Christ also be manifest in us. We are working towards the perfecting of the rule of Christ on earth; we are aiming at the development of the Christ consciousness and at the bringing in of the rule or law of Christ, which is Love. This will come to fruition in the Aquarian Age, and we shall see brotherhood established on earth. The rule of Christ is the dominance of the basic spiritual laws.

“The mind of Christ is a phrase conveying the concept of the rule of divine intelligent love, which stimulates the rule of the soul within all forms, and brings in the reign of the Spirit. It is not easy to express the nature of the revelation which is on the way. It involves the recognition by [people] everywhere that the "mind-stuff" … to which their own minds are related and of which their mental bodies are an integral part, is also part of the mind of Christ, the cosmic Christ, of Whom the historical Christ is—upon our planet—the ordained representative.

“Whenthrough meditation and group service we have developed an awareness of our own controlled and illumined minds, we will find ourselves initiated into a consciousness of true being and into a state of knowledge which will prove to them the fact of the soul, beyond all doubt or questioning.” (EP-I, 95/6)

CONTEMPLATIVE R E A L I Z A T I O N Practice — slowly read, and re-read the above paragraph (divided into three sections). There is a living potency behind the wording, sparking a living Truth in us, written upon a foundation of Light Knowledge.

Let us elevate this “Light” to “expanded feeling” … thence to expanded “awareness” … thence to the whispering “revelations” of the “reign of Spirit” — ineradicable is the Truth, inevitable is the Way of true livingness — “standing in spiritual Being” — the fact of true-soul Realization.



Divine Light was received and embodied by the Christ that led to functioning as the “Light of the World” — and illumined the Plan of God and God’s purpose. As the “Light of the World”, He “refracted” new Light into the world, illumining Truths through the full perception of His Soul (his Triune Soul-Self nature): sharing his experience of Reality and enunciating Truth as living wisdom, illuminating principles of the universe and the higher Values of the Soul for daily living, revealing Beauty and a “proper sense of proportion” for perfecting living. Christ released the Power of Divine Love into the world — the unconquerable, ineradicable nature of God — of the Good, the Beautiful and the True … that lightened all burdens.

What then is the Gift that each of us can give to the world as we travel from one Initiatory Mountain to another?

“Each can … express in daily living some quality of our Divine nature which Christ so perfectly portrayed and which carried Him in triumph from the Mount of Transfiguration down into the valley of duty and of service …” (FBTC - The Third Initiation)

As each of us progressively reveals the Divinity within, we too shall “stand as beacons of light“ — in The Light of the World.

“Steadfastly facing Thee, there is no evil on my pathway. “

Through the first touch of the Monad, the gift of the Third Mountain, we come to know “The mind of Christ … the rule of divine intelligent love, which stimulates the rule of the soul within all forms, and brings in the reign of the Spirit”.

As we advance upon the Third Mountain, “the rule of divine intelligent love”—the illumining Fire of Mind progressively burns more brightly on the Way to the Center — within.

TODAY, let us hold in mind the mantric phrase containing the above truths:

‘Let the Mind which is in Christ also be manifest in Me (in You)’

The manifestation of light radiates and resounds, creating a bridge of illumination to those seeking THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD.

This Light of “divine intelligent love” rules — lightening, illumining, lighting the Way for the “reign of the Spirit”.


We are moving through the fiery Gates of the Hierarchy of Light.

Christ embodied the Idea that “God Is Love”, and that Love is the motivating power of the Universe.

Mankind has an "undying belief in the loving Heart of God" ever meeting his need. 

"The reason for this faith, innate in the human heart, is to be found the fact of the nature of Deity itself. The … statement that "God is Love" is founded on that deepest, recognized, spiritual fact. The expression of this divine characteristic can be summed up in the words from The Voice of the Silence:

THE LAW OF LOVE ETERNAL — "Compassion is no attribute. It is the Law of Laws—eternal Harmony, Alaya's Self; a shoreless, universal essence, the light of everlasting right and fitness of things, the law of love eternal."

To this everlasting Compassion the cyclic appearance of the Sun Gods of the ancient myths, the World Saviours and the Avatars bear witness and are the guarantee." (Externalization of the Hierarchy, 286)



“The Monad is Life, the sustaining force, a Lord of persevering and ceaseless devotion …”

Devotion to oneself becomes devotion to Humanity. Devotion to Love — opens all gates. How wondrous it is to find the inexhaustible universe of Love. “Let us not forget this even for a moment.“

How wondrous is the realization that daily devotion and a flaming love can be offered to the Lord of Love … and to Life — God of Love … and to all that lives.

When the highest striving is offered, that which is contacted manifests in the Chalice, therefore:

“Be aflame in Heart and create in Love.”

(Hierarchy, 176)

In the Chalice of Love Eternal — My Cup runneth over for all the World.


In the Silence that Sounds,

~ Be now a Cup of Love Eternal — running over for all the world ~


TODAY We Contemplate — Joy as the “strong basic note” of our Solar System — of our Solar God. Today, we allow the magnitude of THIS JOY to flow through all our vehicles.

The Bliss of the Monad works through the Soul, and the Joy of the Soul works through the etheric body of the Personality, thence anchoring Joy and Bliss on the physical plane.

“The teaching in The Secret Doctrine about the reincarnating monads who are called the divine Sacrifices, Lords of Knowledge, Will and Sacrifice, will be clarified. These monads, who are ourselves, are Lords of Persevering Ceaseless Devotion ” (EA, 98)

“The Secret Doctrine speaks of the Lords of Knowledge and of Love, and also of the Lords of Ceaseless Devotion. We might, in order more clearly to understand the mystical significance of these names, point out that the dynamic persistent will of the Logos expresses itself through the Lords of Ceaseless Devotion. *Here devotion … is the persistent directed one-pointed will of God, embodied in a Life which is that of the Lord of the first ray. The Lords of Love and of Knowledge are the two great Lives Who embody or ensoul the Love-Wisdom and the creative Intelligence aspects of the two major rays. *These three are the sum total of all forms or appearances, the givers of all qualities, and the emerging Life aspect behind the tangible manifestations. They correspond, in the human family, to the three aspects of Personality, Soul and Monad.”

* “Here devotion … is the persistent directed one-pointed will of God embodied in a Life which is that of the Lord of the first ray.” Devotion then for the second ray could be said to be the expanding, permeating all-encompassing love of God. Devotion for the third ray could be said to be the comprehensive knowing of the mind of God.

**”These three” — refer to the Lord of Life-the Lord of the world-Sanat Kumara, the Lord of Love—the Christ and the Lord of Knowledge and Wisdom — the Buddha.

“The Monad is dynamic will or purpose, but remains unrevealed until after the third initiation. The Monad is Life, the sustaining force, a Lord of persevering and ceaseless devotion to the pursuit of a seen and determined objective. The soul is a Lord of love and wisdom, whilst the personality is a Lord of knowledge and of intelligent activity. This use of terms involves the realisation of an achieved goal. It is not true of the present stage as regards expression, for this is the intermediate stage. None are as yet working with full intelligent activity, though some day each will do so. None are as yet manifesting Lords of love, but they sense the ideal and are striving towards its expression. None are as yet Lords of ceaseless will and none realise as yet the plan of the monad nor the true goal towards which all are striving. Some day all will. But potentially every human unit is all these three, and some day the appearances which were called personalities that mask or veil reality, will fully reveal the qualities of Deity. When that time comes, the purpose for which all creation waits will burst upon the awakened vision, and we shall know the true meaning of bliss, and why the morning stars sang together. Joy is the strong basic note of our particular solar system.” (Esoteric Psychology-I, 48/9) CONTEMPLATE

To know the true meaning and experience of bliss and Joy is the true aim of Esoteric Advent imparted through disciplines and practices for the New World religion and the Constellational rigors of the 12 Lights of Life. A more immediate aim is growing the Christ field — the Soul field by virtue of the Soul of all Beings. As such, we prepare for a new Advent of the Coming “Light of the World” and The Great Ones — Companions upon the Higher Way — this is the true “esoteric advent”.


“The Monad is Life, the sustaining force, a Lord of persevering and ceaseless devotion to the pursuit of a seen and determined objective. The soul is a Lord of love and wisdom, whilst the personality is a Lord of knowledge and of intelligent activity. This use of terms involves the realisation of an achieved goal.

~ In continuing Real-”I”-sation, we advance upon the way ~


alignment with the unlimited


DIAMOND SOUL PRACTICE: “… The ego is legion, but the Holy Spirit is one.  No darkness abides anywhere in the Kingdom [of God] … your part is only to allow no darkness to abide in your own mind. This alignment with light is unlimited, because it is in alignment with the Light of the World Each of us is the light of the world, and by joining our minds in this light we proclaim the Kingdom of God together and as one.

(ACIM, T99, 13)










WINTER SOLSTICE - Sun’s Entrance into Capricorn

Saturday, December 21

GMT 9:20 am / 1:20 am PT / 4:20 am ET





SOLSTICE RITUAL: Go to TAB titled “The Winter Solstice” for a prepared ritual, best accomplished at the moment of the Sun’s entrance into Capricorn. Yet, the ritual can be done any time on this “day or night”.


Devotion to Love and to Life — opens all the gates to the inexhaustible nature of universal Life (the Life of the Solar Logos) and Love.

“Let us not forget this even for a moment.“

How wondrous is the realization that when the highest striving is offered, that which is contacted manifests in the Chalice thereof ~

Therefore, “Be aflame in Heart and create in Love.”

(Hierarchy, 176)

~ In the Chalice of Love Eternal — My Cup runneth over for all the World ~



Between now and Christmas Day, let us review the THIRD MOUNTAIN. Let us pause upon a teaching, a phrase, a Day, or the week as a whole.

Experiencing higher light and immersing ourselves in the life energies of graded mountain ascents, we have subjected ourselves to a perfecting template of higher consciousness stirred deep within our Souls.

As a Group Disciple journeying together through Gods many mansions of Consciousness, we’ve been ascending higher (deeper) states of Love and Light, poised to attune with the Soul’s empowerment of “the Supplementary Seven” to shining upon the planes of Earth with a new measure of Light. We come to realize we are a fractal of THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD.

When aligned with the Lights of higher Love and the Purpose of Deity, we are immersed in the “Light of the World” that Christ emits daily.

On this Third Mountain, the injunction of the Law of Love to — “LOVE ALL” — RADIATES a Truth in Being (the Third Advent Light of the Eastern portal)

Let us apply this injunction of power for Humanity throughout the full spectrum of human activity. The most complex of all world problems would disappear in this single word of Power — Love All.

IS a new energy — a new light and new sound — coursing through you now? See your brightness as a fractal of THAT LIGHT which Lights the World.

◊   ◊   ◊

in PREPARation for christmas



In the Discipline of Silence, the sacred Center is Found

In the Discipline of Humility — Exaltation!

In the Discipline of Love, giant steps are taken upon the Lighted Way.

In the Discipline of Surrender to Will and Sacrifice, a Holy Path is forged.

In the Discipline of Spirit — God extends through all planes of manifestation.


the fourth SUNDAY of ADVENT

Woman of the Sun —Cathedral of St John the Divine - NYC. THE TWELVE LIGHTS OF THE ONE ABOUT WHOM NAUGHT MAY BE SAID


“In the New Testament there is depicted for us the life of a Son of God in full manifestation, wherein, freed from every veil, the Soul in its true nature walks incarnated on Earth.  It becomes apparent to us, as we study the life of Christ, what it means to develop the powers of the soul, to attain liberation, and become, in full glory, a God walking on earth.”   (Light of the Soul, xiii)

as we enter into the depths of this passage — from SOLSTICE day to mothers night — christmas eve to christmas Day, the light of the world is born and we give birth to light


Christ embodied the Idea that “God Is Love”, and that Love is the motivating power of the Universe.

Mankind has an "undying belief in the loving Heart of God" ever meeting his need. 

"The reason for this faith, innate in the human heart, is to be found the fact of the nature of Deity itself. The … statement that "God is Love" is founded on that deepest, recognized, spiritual fact. The expression of this divine characteristic can be summed up in the words from The Voice of the Silence:

THE LAW OF LOVE ETERNAL — "Compassion is no attribute. It is the Law of Laws—eternal Harmony, Alaya's Self; a shoreless, universal essence, the light of everlasting right and fitness of things, the law of love eternal."

To this everlasting Compassion the cyclic appearance of the Sun Gods of the ancient myths, the World Saviours and the Avatars bear witness and are the guarantee." (Externalization of the Hierarchy, 286)

Begin tomorrow, Sunday, with The 4th Advent Light

Proceed throughout the Day with readings, contemplations and practices on the Tabs for Mothers Night that precedes Christmas Day. There is a great deal of material there normally intended for a fuller 4th Mountain week. This year, we have three Days for the 4th Mountain then on Christmas Day, we shall light the 5th Light of Spirit to complete the Sacred Five-Pointed Star of the Christ.

December 26 begins the First Day of Christmas!

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