Editing is in process for Days 1 - 7 for 2024. Refresh this URL daily to see edits and new uploads.
DATES AND TIMES of the full moon
Full Moon Day is September 17, 2024
7:34 PM PDT; 10:34 PM EDT
September 18, 2024
UTC - 2:34 AM
For more exact FM times in most major Cities around the world, copy and paste the following URL into your browser — https://www.moongiant.com/moonphases/September/2024/
To determine DAY ONE of the 7-Day FM Ritual Ritual of Group Approach to Divinity, In your time zone, what day is the FM, then count back three (3) days. For example, If Wednesday is Full Moon Day in your time zone, Sunday is Day One of the 7-Day process, and Full Moon Day is always Day 4. If the Full Moon is anytime after mid-night in your time zone, this is your Day 4 from which you count back three days.
Also, if FM Day is in the late evening, you can “observe” Day 3 on the same Day as Day 4 of FM Day, thereby moving everything back by one day.
vIRGO - 2024
"The Ancient Wisdom teaches that "space is an entity". It is with the life of this entity and with the forces and energies, the impulses and the rhythms, the cycles and the times and seasons that esoteric astrology deals". (Esoteric Astrology, 7/8)
“The entire theme of the zodiac can be approached from the angle of light and its unfolding and increasing radiance and of the gradual demonstration in what I have called elsewhere "the glory of the One." The mode of the development of this inner light and of its externalization must remain—from the standpoint of its cosmic effects—one of the secrets of initiation and this for a long time to come. It will, however, not be out of place if I were to give symbolically certain phrases and sentences which will indicate (for each sign) this "growth of light in light," as it is esoterically called, bearing in mind that we are attempting to express conditions connected with the soul whose essential nature is light. This soul-light affects the form as evolution proceeds and produces sequentially the revelation of that form, and of the nature of space-time as well as of the goal.” ... "A study of the above thoughts will reveal the symbolic story of the irradiation of matter, of the growth of the light body within the macrocosm and the microcosm, and finally make clear the purpose of the Logos." (EA, 328/9)
VIRGO is the blended dual light of God and form.
The Word of the Soul: “I Am the Mother and the Child; I God - I Matter, Am”.
The keynote embodying the truth of the mission of Virgo most is "Christ in you, the hope of glory". (EA, 251/2)
“Spirit and matter met together, and the manifested universe came into being. Love is ever productive, and the Law of Attraction is fruitful in results. Man and God came together under the same great Law, and the Christ was born,—the guarantee of the divinity of humanity and the demonstration of the fact. Individual man and his soul are also attempting to come together, and when that event is consummated the Christ is born in the cave of the heart, and Christ is seen in the daily life with increasing power. Man therefore dies daily in order that Christ may be seen in all His glory.” Esoteric Psychology-I, 288
Planetary and solar fire rituals are part of the emerging New World religion for building a new world and spiritual civilization. As we make it a soul imperative to organize our lives to participate in living soul rituals, we enter the tide of solar and planetary rituals that are in concert and resonant with the life of the Lord of the World, the Christ, and the Great Ones Who serve Him.
There is tremendous power in observing rhythmic, simultaneous group Approaches to Divinity. During such monthly GROUP RITUAL Observances, we are nurtured and strengthened as Souls in our conscious daily alignments with the energy of the Constellation and Their Luminaries, with the inner Ashrams (Centers of Love, Light and Power) of the Christ, with the Solar Angel and Angelic Intelligences of each Sign and corresponding "petals" in the Heart in the Head, and with the Soul Star Group as a whole through our daily Meditations, Contemplations and Diamond Soul Practices. As we participate individually and as a group in the downflow of higher life energies, we are anchoring on earth and through the Soul of Humanity that which is new and needed (for progress forward).
The Spiritual Hierarchy can and does work with and through consecrated groups dedicated to serving the Plan such as the Soul Star Group and countless World Serving Groups around the world dedicated to fulfilling the Plan.
If you are new to the Esoteric Advent Group Rituals ~
This is a guided, self-determined process. To participate, come to this website daily for deep immersion in high thoughts and energies of Divinity. Scroll to the bottom beneath the image of the moon phases to click on the appropriate day (for a daily uploaded PDF file containing the meditations and Diamond Soul practices). With practice, the meditations become deeper, fuller, richer and more potent.
Work with the practices, choosing one or more from the day. You may also repeating them because they are “ever new” and become more potent and alive the next time around — like a living diamond whose colors and clarity change over time — overseen by the living intelligences (Angels) who are linked with these living rituals and the energy of the Soul Star Group.
Meditations, Contemplations, and Diamond Soul Practices are greatly enhanced when accompanied by the music presented here (or choose your own). Inspired Music is a sound vibration that breaks up old patterns and lifts the form nature into higher spheres of living.
For VIRGO 2022 Letter of Invitation to share with others: CLICK HERE Click Here
Themes, Mantrams and Process
(Click on the shaded area to open a PDF file; these can also be found in the Supplemental Reading tab; new information is added to these Themes periodically).
◊ What is the Spiritual Hierarchy and Their Work Today: The Spiritual Hierarchy
◊ Alignment: What Is Alignment? What Is Alignment?
◊ Prepare the Way - A Compilation Prepare The Way
◊ The Great Invocation: A World Prayer for Humanity - The Great Invocation
◊ The Sacred Word OM / The Breath is the Life - Mantram - Sacred Word
◊ Affirmation of the Disciple - Affirmation
◊ Mantram of Unification - Mantram
◊ Seven Newer Truths - Seven Newer Truths
7-Day Ritual for Sanctified Living ~
A Group Approach to Divinity in the Sign VIRGO
3 DAYS OF PREPARATION - Building the Soul Field
PLEASE NOTE: A PDF file for each day will be uploaded when ready; click in the shaded area to open. Where you see V2 or later, this indicates a revised/edited version has been uploaded after edits were made.
Due to the volume of content in some of these pages, select one or two practices to work with daily for full benefit (come back to the others during the remaining month). Read section above if you are new to Esoteric Advent.
DAY ONE — CLICK HERE: DAY ONE, V2 — VIRGO 2024 (Right click to open a new tab leaving this page open)
Day One has several pages of content to read that gives an overview for those who are new to this process.
Also scroll down below the galaxy to see additional Supplemental Reading to augment our understanding of “Substance” and The Solar Angel, and other related Teachings that will enrich our experience of our group Approach to Divinity.
DAY TWO — CLICK HERE: DAY TWO, V2 — (Right click to open in a new tab)
DAY THREE — CLICK HERE: DAY THREE, V2 — (Right click to open in a new tab)
NOTE: If the Full Moon in your time zone is late in the evening, then Day Three can be done in the morning of Ful Moon Day, on the same day as the Full Moon.
DAY FOUR — FULL MOON DAY: Making Contact — Go directly to 2024 VIRGO FULL MOON DAY tab for Ritual Invocation/Evocation under the tab titled 7-DAY FULL MOON RITUAL APPROACHES
For those who desire to participate on-line in real-time with others (for the ritual),
(or copy and paste into your browser):
The Zoom Meeting will begin at 6:00 pm Pacific (+3 three hours for Eastern time zone, etc.) and will continue for approximately 1 1/2 hours until we reach a sensed completion after the exact moment of the Full Moon at 7:34 PM Pacific / 10:34 PM Eastern.
For the exact Full Moon time in your time zone, CLICK HERE or copy and paste into your browser: https://www.moongiant.com/moonphases/september/2024/
DAY FIVE — CLICK HERE: DAY 5, V2 (V2 - minor corrections) Right click to open in a new tab)
DAY SIX — CLICK HERE: CLICK HERE (Right click to open in a new tab)
See New Document titled PRINCIPLES - CLICK HERE PRINCIPLES uploaded here!
DAY SEVEN — CLICK HERE: DAY 7, V2 (Right click to open in a new tab)
Play Track 02/CG on this “day”, most especially for the final page of seven synthesizing OMs.
A new section has been added to the end of the document for Day 7 titled, The Trend to Synthesis which comes from Esoteric Psychology -II. It is an extraordinary thought piece written by Master DK bringing the consummating powers of Virgo into our blending consciousness for further Soul unfoldment. Reading and immersing ourselves in this Teaching while the hierarchical energies are present is life enhancing. There are no adequate words for it.
After completing the Meditation, you may want to play Luminosity for the final two Contemplations on this page.
During the month of Virgo, more content and Diamond Soul Practices can be found in the tab titled “12 Lights of Life” - Virgo - 6th Petal.
September 8, is the day celebrated as Mary’s Birthday. Think of Virgin Substance giving birth to the Christ Spirit on this day.
HOLY MOTHER: Eric Clapton, Luciano Pavarotti, East London Gospel Choir - Holy Mother (Live video)
◊ An Introduction to the Solar Angel CLICK HERE (A Compilation by Lone Ørbech-Grønlund) PDF: 8 pages (Uploaded 9/06/22)
◊ UNIVERSAL SUBSTANCE - The Soul and Its Mechanism by A.A.B. CLICK HERE PDF; 2 pages (Uploaded 9-06-2022)
◊ CLICK HERE — Substance-The Holy Spirit Overshadows the Mother - Matter. For in-depth reading of esoteric teachings (by Master DK) about the Holy Spirit as it relates to Virgo, the Trinity in Manifestation - Triple Manifestation, the Will to Love and the evolving Christ: “You must, with care, distinguish in your minds between matter or the Mother and substance or the "Holy Spirit overshadowing the Mother"; it is with this latter we are concerned …” Esoteric Astrology, p 621…
◊ For mystical writings and modern examples from FB Group: Encounters with Women of the Fourth Kind https://www.facebook.com/groups/471345376235531/
CLICK HERE To read a mystical writing by Anna Kingsford & Edward Maitland posted by Patrick Chouinard, titled: “Venus and the Hymn of Aphrodite”
22. The secret of the Angel Anael (1) is at the heart of the world: the “Song of God” is the sound of the stars in their courses.
24. By thee, O goddess, pure-eyed and golden, the sun and the moon are revealed: love is the counsellor of heaven.….
◊ Uploaded (9-17-19): An e- book by David Spangler: HOLDING WHOLENESS (In a Challenging World). CLICK HERE for PDF e-Book. An anthology of articles written in response to questions raised. “The basic message is simple: the world is going through a difficult time, AND we have within ourselves the resources not only to survive but to thrive and make a positive difference. We can be effective and good subtle energy tenders in a challenging world.”
The MUSIC for Prelude is wonderful for reading the first section of Day 1 to move into sacred space prior to the Meditation proper).
i am the mother and the christ
" LANIAKEA - IMMEASURABLE HEAVEN". Angelically feminine, gossamer tendrils of golden light comprised of tens of thousands of galaxies (currently estimated at over 100,000) — thousands of light years apart, extend far into Space — stretching the imagination into infinity. The eye is drawn to the concentrated center of neighboring galaxies producing a unified Light. This image of the vastness of the Universe suggests a gathering of BEINGS coming together to be in each others company. Here we witness "the sweep of 'God's' instinct to synthesis underlying all universes, constellations, solar systems, planets, and kingdoms in nature..." (EP-II)