Dear Friends Upon the Lighted Way,
To participate in the exact moment of New and Full Moons, see the Chart for NEW and FULL Moon times (in the tab titled “7-Day Full Moon Ritual Approaches”.
"There are crisis points [opportunity points] at times of superlative tension [high intensity] in the meditative work of all hierarchical Ashrams. At the times of the new moon and of the full moon, all members of all the Ashrams meditate deeply in an invocative and evocative manner." DNA-II, 217/8 An Ashram is a center of dynamic energy formed, held and supervised by a Master of Love-Wisdom along a specific Ray line and mission. It is a “sphere of radiant, magnetic light … emitting and receiving light, via the Christ”. DNA-II, 653
As we meditate with the Great Ones, and thousands of World Servers and serving groups, we can come under Ashramic Soul impression "... thus the great chain of contact and the great channel for the inflow of spiritual energy reaches from Shamballa to humanity and then, through humanity, to the three subhuman kingdoms; in this way, these lower kingdoms are "enlightened and raised." All this is accomplished through meditation, through invocation and evocation, carried forward in the spirit of worship, which is the fundamental method of spiritual recognition. Thus, creatively, the glory which is hidden in every form is evoked and slowly brought to exoteric manifestation.” (DNA-II, 217/8)
Self-directed ritual meditations for New and Full Moons have been created on the Esoteric Advent website with which to participate. As we participate in the sacred science of invocation & evocation, we sanctify our lives, and we support the Soul of our Nations and the Soul of Humanity in concert with the Plan of God.
The Buddha and the Christ gave Humanity Seven foundational Determinations in the form of short phrases representing essential truths, principles and higher values that when followed and “lived” will serve as the building blocks for a new global Soul Culture and Civilization for Humanity. These were given to Humanity in 1945 by a Master of Love-Wisdom to nourish and inspire leaders and peoples of all nations whose desire is to build a “better world for all” — today, in subsequent decades, and for a full flowering in the centuries to come. The energy emanating from the Willed Determinations are forces and "saving powers” which will assist in redeeming, rebuilding — “building back better“ to use a current phrase, and renewing our world on the ground of every day living in accord with the Soul of every nation and the Soul of Humanity as a whole.
The triune nature of God — Holy Love, Holy Light and Holy Will (or Purposed Power) pours through and empowers the channels of every nation (their leaders and groups working on behalf of Humanity and the Earth) who work with these guiding principles, whether consciously known or unknown. The Heart of God emanating Love flows through the spiritual Hierarchy — a body of enlightened Souls (the Kingdom of Souls) in support of the Plan and Will of God. Conscious World servers within the body of Humanity whose soul purpose is to build a new and better world work closely with this Heart.
In every new era such as we are now entering, Humanity has the opportunity to build anew in accord with higher Soul Values as it comes into its own high calling as a Soul. A new world reflecting the Divine Pattern in the Heavens, held in the Mind of God, is the role of Humanity to manifest. This pattern and plan built in space and time is alluded to, sung by choirs of angels, as a new heaven on earth — “on Earth as it is in Heaven”.
During every New and Full Moon phase period, participating Souls around the world subjectively link together as Souls in a unified Soul Field of Group vibration — intent to cooperate with the Christ and Masters of Love-Wisdom, Who in turn subjectively link with the Lord of the World and the great overlighting Angels of every nation and every Kingdom of nature. (For Full Moon ceremonial rituals, go to “7-Day Full Moon ritual approaches” on this website).
This page is specific to the New Moon phase during which time we subjectively attune with the Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet Who in turn is attuned with Shamballa where the Will of God is known. Let us be impressed and conditioned by this new energy as we stand with Them in the Silence. An over-lighting circle and geometric formation of Presences stand together, receptive to the energy of the Will of God. This energy subsequently strengthens the work of the Elders of our race and in turn strengthens all World Servers and world serving groups. With these great Ones we attune and cooperate for fulfilling the Plan of God on Earth and all the Kingdoms of nature. The Masters of Love Wisdom work with the major Centers in the body of God, overseeing all progress of the lower Kingdoms. With Them we attune — our Spiritual Elders, and with the Angelic lives working responsibly on behalf of a new earth rising as the emerging Soul of Humanity takes and sustains firmer hold.
What follows is an organized spiritual ritual for the New Moon to invoke spiritual energies with the spiritual Hierarchy from on High, through the Group, and then actively utilize and direct the evoked energies for the purpose of Soul living and purposeful creating. The following ritual works specifically with an emphasis on strengthening the Soul of our respective Nations, thereby supporting ‘all life and the Peoples of the Earth’.
This ritual can be adapted to work with a specific intention in mind, or purpose. For example, it is eminently clear that in the world today, too many unenlightened, selfish personalities holding leadership positions in high offices are on the world stage. Souls working for world unity and the Greater Good for all are obstructed by selfishly motivated governance and ego-centered relations causing separation, pain and suffering. What the world could be — what the world needs now is but a “soul whisper” away. As increasing numbers of soul-centered leaders enter the world stage vibrating to a new octave, they will bring soul-inspired thought and action to galvanize a tide of transformational change allowing the Soul of Humanity to take deeper root and fuller flowering, as if over night.
In high forms of ritual invocation / evocation, through visualization and magnetic attraction, we can help turn that tide by consciously joining forces with the spiritual Hierarchy. As we see clearly, we can act decisively with power, ever in a field of love.
Let us visualize empowered, skilled souls leading our countries. Let us take action by voting them into office and guiding appointed officials in significant roles to act rightly and truly represent the people. Let us institute living Soul values into daily practice so that soul relations with each other and planetary life is recognized as the norm and order of the day, rather than the exception. Let this be our focus and our invocatory call for true Freedom (—for example).
As much as possible, please participate at the exact moment of the New Moon in your time zone.
◊ Select an orienting Thought from below (or create your own) to hold in mind and extend outwardly in service. We activate love, heal, lift and impress the auric field of our lives and arena of service. We thereby influence Humanity in “right living, high thinking and loving activity”:
With the Christ we stand, united in the Fire of Love, for the Glory of the One.
Only God’s Will is Real — within that Will We Stand
I am a Soul — I am the Soul. As the Soul, I radiate soul light, soul love and soul life to all whom I contact through the aura of my mind, feelings, radiant energies and actions for the purpose of world betterment.
True-soul living will transform the world.
I call upon the Soul of our world and community Leaders to govern and rule as the Soul in service of all of Humanity and the sacred Earth.
May True-Soul leaders step into high places, low places, and all places for the redemption of Humanity for building a better world for All.
In darkness, let there be Light. In pain, let there be healing and understanding Love. In weakness, let God’s will prevail.
As Souls, we walk the Lighted Way. Upon the Higher Way walk the Masters of Love-Wisdom. Within, without, on every side, there is light, love and the strength and power of Gods Will Guiding all true aspirants Upon the Lighted Way.
“Nothing not created by the Will of God, the Love of God or the Mind of God, is Real.”
Good Will is an aspect of the Loving Will of the Christ. Good Will overcomes separation and calls forth “the better Angels of all our nature”.
As Humanity effectively manifests the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s), we be build a Lighted House — a world Good for All. Let us build Lighted Houses in every department of human living and therein dwell.
The redemption of Humanity is furthered through the right use of money. Money “is a flowing golden substance” that when rightly utilized will be shared with all and thereby diminish the power of the “forces of materialism”, liberating the life-giving “forces of Light” to build a better world Good for All lives.
“May the power of united group work express the Good to flow forth from Humanity.”
“As a group, we Stand for the integrity and Unity of the World.”
We stand together united in purpose: “The Will to Save is here; the Love to carry forth the Work is widely spread abroad; the active Aid of all Those Who Know the Truth is also here; Come forth , Oh Mighty One and blend these three; construct a great defending wall for evil now must end.”
◊ With a deepening, soul-aligned breath, consciously step into the Peaceful Presence of the True Soul … affirming: I am the Soul — a sphere of illumined Light … radiantly magnetic, transformative Love … and power-filled higher Will. OM
Take a few moments to gently breathe in the rarified field of the True Triune Soul — allowing heightening Soul energy to flow through the entire three fold personality (of mind, emotions and body) — aligned and reinforcing the Soul-Mind-Brain as One. ◊ OM
◊ We visualize a worldwide Group Circle — formed from WITHIN the higher etheric planes … standing in blessing around the world, joined as One radiant collective Consciousness of One Soul, One Humanity. We have come together to build a new world, to bring forth the Soul of Humanity in greater measure, and arrest the forces of evil.
Through the "Seven Willed Determinations" given to Humanity by the Buddha and the Christ, we shall now participate in strengthening true Soul values and principles — bringing forth Human as the World Disciple — for the building of a world worthy of true-Soul living. OM
We sound Our Group Intention:
Our unified, willed intention is to invoke and evoke the deep Love and Higher Will of the Soul to sound forth its vibrations through the world for lifting and aiding Humanity and all life on Earth — as we bring forth the Soul of Humanity, true Soul values will be seen in action, releasing an unstoppable force expressing as “the Good, the True, and the Beautiful.” OM
◊ Standing in the Life stream of the Sign ______________ (name the current Sign) streaming through the Son of Divine Love of the Heart of the Sun … we breathe in the solar Breath of Life … ◊ Standing in the Presence of the One Life, this great Life flows through one and All. In this Divine Presence, we Know the Soul as One — One World, One Humanity, One Group of True World Servers through which the Light and Love and Will of God flows and becomes known. OM
◊ Subjectively, attune now with the Presence of the Christ — World Teacher and Savior of Humanity … now and in the Coming Age — through Whom the Love of God is known ... (pause to sense the vitalizing power of the Lord of Love and His living, magnetic radiance). ◊ We attune to the “great potency of the Inner Groups” — of 49 Ashramic Centers of living Light and Holy Power presided over by the Masters of Love-wisdom of the 7 Rays … Who in turn through the potency of the Christ link with the Lord of the World and that Center where the Will of God is known — Shambhala. OM .
Let us Be in the Silence of this great energy field … in the stillness of impression during this New Moon.
Let us Visualize a 5-Pointed Star, the symbol of the Christ through which the Lord of Life stimulates and conditions the Five planetary inlets, thence all the nations of the world: GENEVA, LONDON, NEW YORK, DARJEELING and TOKYO — together forming a 5-pointed pentagram above the world channeling the Holy Light, Love and Will of God.
EA, 521 “… there are today in the body of Him in Whom we live and move and have our being, five focal points of spiritual energy, expressing themselves through five awakened centres in that body. These five are:
1. Geneva—The European continent.
2. London—The British Commonwealth of Nations.
3. New York—The American continent.
4. Darjeeling—Central and Western Asia.
5. Tokyo—For the Far East.
◊ We affirm the Christ as THE HEART AND HEAD of the spiritual Body of Light we call Hierarchy, radiating Rays of purifying Light, all-inclusive Love and Holy Will — to and through the Soul of Humanity, and the agency of the Group of all World Servers — thence all the Kingdoms of nature. ◊ OM
◊ Standing together as “One spiritual Body” Lighting the Way — let us envision Holy Love and Holy Light and Holy Will pouring through all the Kingdoms … stimulating the high nature of the Soul in every form … cohering Humanity as One human family … leading to the building of a new world civilization and Soul Culture — “where on Earth we live”.
In the above invoked energy field, we now sound forth “Seven Willed Determinations” (EOH, 440) followed by a group mantram and the Great Invocation.
As we begin with the first image frame below — hold in the background of your mind (thereby) simultaneously invoking — ‘drawing forth and drawing near’ — the Soul of your own Nation (if you know its motto, sound it forth) — adding to the Soul motto of America “I Light the Way” — for the Seven Determinations to pour through every Nation.
For the sake and joy of the World, America as a superpower at this time in world history must assume its Soul destiny for ‘Lighting the Way’ for the sake of Humanity. As nations around the world awaken their Soul potentials, together we build a new world culture and civilization — now and for future generations recognizing that at this time the nations of the world face challenges born of ignorance and forces of evil and separation. It is the work of every Nation to bring in the Soul of their nation, disperse ignorance and mal-intent, and bring in the energy of the Will-to-Good.
Through the souls of all Nations, a citizenry of conscious Souls are rising. In the recognition that national borders are porous, as the One Soul of Humanity becomes Truth, we shall come to know and live in a boundary-less world. To this Day we work — and sing into being.
Ceremonial ritual light-workers among us may want to symbolically light 7 Lights (visualizing lighting 7 willed Truths) — to enhance the formation of a magnetic World Light comprised of Seven Determinations — toward this end we intentionally sound them forth. As these invocatory Truths are embedded in the Mind, Heart and Will of Humanity, producing 7 great Beacons of Light, Love and Holy Will, all the World becomes a bearer of that Light.
(Choose a confirming Word of Power following each of the Seven Willed Determinations: OM — AUM — Let it Be Done — So Be It — Amen)
◊ WE Refocus, firmly standing in resonance with the Ashram of the Group of the Christ … and hold our hands in blessing, intone with power the following mantram:
(ROC, 58)
OM (Sounded forth 3 times)
help us to do our part
(If candles have been lit, with a conscious breath extinguish each Light one by one, knowing these Lights are captured by the building Angels of the Lord on the other side of the veil).
We affirm once again —
We are One Soul, One Humanity, One Earth.
Only God’s Will is True, Only God’s Will is Real.
Let THIS WILL Be Ours ~ In this LOVING Will, We Stand and Serve.
“Synthesis dictates the trend of all the evolutionary processes today; all is working towards larger unified blocs, towards amalgamations, international relationships, global planning, brotherhood, economic fusion, the free flow of commodities everywhere, interdependence, fellowship of faiths, movements based upon the welfare of humanity as a whole, and ideological concepts which deal with wholes and which militate against division, separation and isolation.”
“Little as people realise it, these concepts are relatively new factors in the human consciousness, and the fact that they are the result of a new and direct relation between Those Who implement the will of God and humanity everywhere is the guarantee of the inevitability of their expression in the future. It is only in the immediate interim—a period of one hundred fifty years—that delay may seem the rule. Such, however, will not really be the case. The forms through which these new and impending ideas must take shape and manifest have yet to be created, and that takes time, for they are built by the power of thought and due process of educating the public consciousness until that consciousness becomes confirmed conviction and demonstrates as an immovable public opinion.” (The Rays and Initiations, 121)
So Be It
The Soul of every nation carries an energetic quality and potency (a spiritual power) that is drawn from the souls of its citizens. When sufficiently evoked with unifying power, the citizens of these nations are said to participate in bringing forth a new world and spiritual order.
As the “gifts” of the Soul flow through every nation, the “FORCE of GOOD” is released — benefiting the whole world and all the earth. As we join with others to create inspired new conditions on earth, the most important value to be expressed at this time — and for a long time to come — is ‘right human relations’ that is predicated upon the Essential Divinity in every human being whose heart is aflame with Love for the good of all. Prerequisite to building a better world and Peace on Earth, Christ indicated ‘right human relations is what is needed now’ — which naturally extends to right relations with all life on earth.
We begin here, joining forces with the greatest spiritual forerunners of the human race — the Buddha and the Christ — As we walk with Them, They walk with us. As we sound forth ‘with willed intent’ the Seven Willed Determinations given to Humanity for birthing a new world Civilization, we serve to energize a divine pattern for building a new world culture and civilization — a world in which joy and beauty will reign. To take responsibility for the whole is to express our divine nature through service.
We begin with Democracy and move toward spiritual governing. " … the rapid response of the American continent to every form of idealism, to the need of others, even of its enemies, to compassion for all suffering and to a pronounced progress towards a well defined humanitarianism. This they may call the democratic ideal but it is in truth something which grows out of and eventually supersedes democracy—the ideal of spiritual government—a government by the highest and the most spiritual to be found in the land. Hence also the unrealised esoteric motto [of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA]: "I light the Way."
Destiny of the Nations (DON), 60
FOOTNOTE: During the period of 1940-1945, the Master DK wrote, “Three great countries hold the destiny of humanity in their hands at this time: The United States of America, Great Britain and Russia.” (Destiny of the Nations (DON), 101)
A great inter-soul-Nation Triangle comprised of these three Nations were to ensure the victory over the dark forces. Today the whole world faces the crises of global climate change, global pandemics and the influx of the Aquarian impulse causing vast changes furthering the need for these Seven Determinations, and possibly others that are specific to the needs of these times for global full-Soul cooperation.
The *Soul of America is particularly needed to play its destined role to facilitate bringing forth the new world. A harbinger of this came through a full solar eclipse — The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 that spanned the contiguous United States. For a brief but powerful period of time, all Americans were united under the one Sun of this nation as everyone looked up to the Sun of our Universe. During this deeply troubled time of partisan politics, with wide rifts and splits between the people of our nation, for a very real and long moment, we forgot ‘all that’ and became as if “One under the Sun”.
From the perspective of a larger vision, in the distant future, America out of necessity will humbly stand back and gladly give over her current prominent place in the world to nations whose time will come to stand forward in a great leadership role. But not now, not yet. A powerful symbol for this future event occurred on July 2, 2019 when a full solar eclipse was seen over Brasil. A Master of the Wisdom Teachings informs us that Brasil will in a distant future (during the 6th root race) be such a nation to lead the world, much as America is intended and destined to lead the way now to a brighter future.
For now, America needs the spiritual support of all nations to call on the better angels of her nature when acting in ways that are not yet ‘right’ with the world — expressed as errant American ways. The forces of materialism with which she continues to do battle will eventually be overcome. It has to be and will be because this is the Plan. Let us therefore fan the ways in which America is now fulfilling her role for the greater Good. Let us continue to support and encourage America to do her part without hatred or blame which would only delay her Soul of Love-Wisdom from emerging — now and tomorrow through the Light.
A profound all-inclusive truth reflecting its Soul is — “America Belongs to the World”.
As we come to understand more fully the critical role America has to play for unifying the world and bringing about those changes that will draw forth the Soul of all nations and the planet itself, the Soul of all world citizens must participate in bringing this about. The Soul of America must be brought forth into fuller measure in service of the One Humanity. Nationalistic tendencies (undue national pride, the hoarding of resources and erecting walls) will readily drop away as we come closer to identifying with the whole world as One — seeing as “God sees”, thereby inspiring the recognition of our mutual responsibility.
The Statue of Liberty — “Lady Liberty” as she is affectionately called, is emblematic of “America belonging to the whole World”. This statue was not born from the soil of America but gifted to America by France in a spirit of Brotherhood and gratitude for America’s role during the French Revolution, and later reinforced by America’s role with the Allied Nations for overcoming the dark forces that had spread across Europe threatening the capture and annihilation of human freedoms during WW-II. She now stands as the symbol of Freedom and Liberty in the world and gives hope to all who desire to gain entry through her portals. Today she is more than an American symbol. She has evolved to stand for the higher Soul Values of “the greater Good” for all Peoples of the earth, in all walks of life from the most humble to the most powerful.
It is a tragedy that this high purpose has been temporarily trumped by materialistic, misguided, lower ego, forces. Note the word temporary. She will triumph because the Soul will triumph as the collective will of the people “for the people” and the good of the earth gains ascendency.
“In May, 1938, at the time of the full moon, the Council of the Hierarchy [the Masters of Love-Wisdom] to which I have several times referred in the past, convened and the plans for the immediate future were laid down. I would remind you of something we are very apt to forget. The plans for humanity are not laid down, for humanity determines its own destiny. The plans to meet the immediate human emergency and the plans to make possible a closer relationship between humanity and the Hierarchy were established. The problem before the Hierarchy of Masters (speaking in a large and general sense) is to intensify the activity and the consequent potency of that hidden power. By thus bringing it to the fore in human lives, the needed changes in our civilisation can be produced. The average man works from the organisation angle and having visioned some illuminating idea, he begins to build the outer physical form which will house and express it. The planetary Hierarchy, working under the inspiration of the Divine Vision as it is embodied in the Plan, seeks to evoke a response to that Plan in every human heart, and by fostering and fanning that response, to evoke not only a mental understanding but also an [Page 705] aspirational desire. These together will produce finally the emergence of the Plan upon the earth and thus express a conditioning factor in human affairs.
When there are a sufficient number of people who are in conscious touch with their souls, then the sheer weight of their numbers, plus the clarity of their intentions and their widespread distribution over the face of the earth, must necessarily become effective. These people will then bring about changes of such far-reaching importance that the culture of the future will be as far removed from ours today, as ours in its turn is removed from that of the red Indians who roamed for centuries over the American continent and of whose possessions the white race took charge.
This then is the task of the Workers in the field of human affairs: to awaken the soul ray to potency in the life of each human being, beginning with those whose mental equipment and achieved integration would warrant the belief that—once awakened—they would use the new forces at their disposal with a measure of wisdom and planned constructive intention. “ EA, 704/5
The Soul Motto of America is — “I LIGHT THE WAY”. It is no small wonder then that NYC is Her home as one of the Five major Planetary Inlets of the Earth. In due time, America will light the way with Love-Wisdom — through her second Ray Soul — the Ray of Love-Wisdom, as it unfolds with ongoing collective power. Christos-Sophia (Love-Wisdom) is powerfully appropriate as a spiritual name for Lady Liberty.
For many, Lady Liberty also stands as a symbol of the Divine Mother, the Divine Feminine — a Christos-Sophia power carrying the divine potency of Love-Wisdom for the outworking of “the Good, the True and the Beautiful” upon the face of the Earth— through All the Peoples of the Earth as One Humanity.
*THE TRUE SOUL OF AMERICA has a divine purpose. The true Soul of America never has and never will for long reflect the limiting values of one person or religious set of beliefs, or the brief tenure of one sitting president, political party or institution. As such, America will not long remain self-oriented building walls separating nations, or separating families from their children at our national borders, or desperate immigrants seeking entry for asylum and safety or for a new life escaping poverty or natural disaster. America will not abandon the poor to fend for themselves.
America will not limit the freedoms born of human rights upon which she was founded. The True Soul of America will not allow her citizens to purchase, own or use military grade arms against her citizens — knowing that no good mother/father nation would allow such murders to take place and suffering that follows.
The True Soul of America will not militate against sister/brother nations through fear and manipulation, nor will she enter into war against nations for personal gain or power because she understands that true power and beauty resides in Peace born of “right human relations”, that happy relations and well-Being are gained through care for each other through which Peace arises.
The True Soul of America will not destroy the beauty of the natural world, here or abroad, for untoward personal gains.
The True Soul of America and wealthy Soul nations will come to understand “the principle of sharing” with all and for all — in meeting necessary human needs and honoring human dignity, thereby prospering the emerging potential innate to the human race, caring for the Kingdoms of nature — and the Earth as a living Being.
Let us hold these affirmations as visions for the True Soul of all nations to come forth for the betterment of all. As we care for the citizens of all our nations, as we see all the peoples of the Earth as divine Beings living inside and outside our respective national borders, as we live intent to nourish, protect and unfold the Soul of Humanity and the living Earth, then All the Earth shall rejoice and thrive, then all the Peoples of the Earth shall find simpler and truer ways for happiness and the Joy born in the company of every living Soul.
E Pluribus Unum
“Of Many, One”
Out of the Many, We are One Humanity
A few supportive Quotes from MDK’s books to the above:
Esoteric Psychology-I (EP-I), 386/8
“You will note that of the major nations only Brasil, Great Britain and the United States of America are definitely under the influence of the second ray [the ray of Love-Wisdom]. An interesting fact emerges as we consider this grouping. Great Britain is the custodian of the wisdom aspect of the second ray force for the Aryan race, so called. The United States fulfills the same office for the sixth or coming subrace, which is the germ race for the future sixth great race, whilst Brasil will function as the leading division of the great sixth race. These three races embody the attractive cohesive aspect of the second ray, and will demonstrate it through wisdom and wise government, based on idealism and love. The United States will therefore represent a fusion of races, with the Anglo-Saxon element dominating. Brasil will later represent the best of that which the Latin races have eventually to give. This presented fusion will be considered from the angle of the ray types and the basic unfolding principles, and not from the angle of culture and civilisation.
Great Britain therefore represents the aspect of mind which expresses itself in intelligent government, based eventually on just loving understanding. This, I say, is the ideal before her, but not the fulfilled achievement. The United States represents the intuitive faculty, expressing itself as illumination and the power to fuse and blend. Brasil (or rather what that country will then be called, for the time of this expression lies thousands of years ahead) will represent a linking interpreting civilisation, based on the unfoldment of the abstract consciousness, which is a blend of the intellect and the intuition, and which reveals the wisdom aspect of love in its [Page 388] beauty. But the period of the development of this great civilisation lies too far ahead to make speculation possible.”
Destiny of the Nations, 101 (first printing 1949):
“I would remind you that we are in a period of shifting rays and that they change both for individuals and nations, for hemispheres and planets. All can move off a minor ray on to a major, if destiny decrees. A study of the above tabulation will give much light to the inter-human relation. Three great countries hold the destiny of humanity in their hands at this time: The United States of America, Great Britain and Russia. Great fusing, racial experiments are going on in all these lands; the rule of the people is being developed in all of them, though it is as yet in an embryonic stage. In Russia it is being retarded by a dictatorship which will shortly end [it did end and then came back again]; in the States by corrupt politics, and in Great Britain by ancient imperialistic tendencies. But democratic principles are being developed, if not controlling; religious unity is being established though it is not yet functioning, and all three countries are learning very rapidly, though the United States at present is learning the most slowly.”
DON, 102
“Therefore, through the five major centres in the planet today, spiritual energy is streaming forth, and according to the vehicle of expression which receives its impact so will be the reaction and activity, and so will be the type of consciousness interpreting and using it. The ancient occult truism remains accurate: "Consciousness is dependent upon its vehicle for expression and both are dependent upon life and energy for existence." This remains an immutable law.
The five cities which are the exoteric expression of the esoteric centre of force and through which the Hierarchy and Shamballa are seeking to work are the correspondence in the planetary body to the four centres up the spine and the ajna centre in the body of humanity and of individual man. In all three cases, they are "living vital focal points of dynamic force" to a greater or less extent. Some predominantly express soul energy and some personality force; some are influenced by Shamballa and some by the Hierarchy. The head centre of the Occident is beginning to react to second ray energy and the ajna centre to fourth ray energy and in this lies the hope of the race of men.”
First uploaded in Gemini 2018; with monthly editing
Revised 1/2/2022 - moving the Triangle of three nations out of prominent position