Esoteric Advent

SOL INVICTUS UNIVERSALIS: Contemplative Diamond Soul Practices and Spiritual Rituals for the Heart of the Christ and the Soul of Humanity

please note: tomorrow, sunday, we will offer a live ritual for pentecost sunday. If you would like to participate, go to the zoom WEBINAR tab for the link that will be provided on sunday. please arrive 10 minutes before start time. we will begin promptly at 9am pacific, 12:00 noon Eastern, 4 pm utc.



"The Mystery of the Ages is on the verge of revelation, and through the revelation of the soul that mystery which it veils will stand revealed.  The scriptures of the world, we know, have ever prophesied that at the end of the age we shall see the revelation of that which is secret, and the emergence into the light of day of that which has hitherto been concealed and veiled.  This, our present cycle, is the end of the age, and the next two hundred years will see the abolition of death, as we now understand that great transition, and the establishing of the fact of the soul's existence.  The soul will be known as an entity, as the motivating impulse and the spiritual centre back of all manifested forms.  ...  The work of Christ, and His main mission two thousand years ago, was to demonstrate the divine possibilities and powers latent in every human being.  The proclamation which He made to the effect that we were all sons of God and own one universal Father will, in the future, no longer be regarded as a beautiful, mystical and symbolic statement, but will be regarded as a scientific pronouncement.  Our universal brotherhood and our essential immortality will be demonstrated and realised to be facts in nature.  He came, He said, not to bring peace but a sword, and esoterically, He has been the "Cosmic Divider."  Why? Because, in establishing unity, He also makes a distinction between body and soul.  Body and soul are, however, only two parts of one whole, and this must not be forgotten.  In establishing the fact of the soul and its expression, the body, the totality emerges in completeness."  (EP-I, 96)




A Pentecost ritual in service of an Aquarian Pentecost unfolding.

The ritual for today has three Parts and can be repeated at will any time today or in the future. It will grow in power with repeated use.

Part I


ʘ  Bring your awareness inside the 12-Petaled Heart of the Crown Center, sounding the sacred Word, OM … allowing Cosmic Christ energy flowing through Gemini to pour through all your subtle bodies and their centers — cleansing and releasing mis-qualified energy, purifying, heightening and… raising your vibration to the peaceful Presence of the One Soul. OM

ʘ  Sounding the sacred Word, OM, … with a Breath of Life, (through aspiration) we raise our energy unto the “True Soul-Self” — the Soul of the One Self … expressing as a Trinity of the One Life, One Heart and One Universal Mind — that Christhood Is.

ʘ  Holding your hands open in a gesture of reception allow the energies thus contacted to flow through you now, penetrating and gaining deeper entrance … opening more fully to the sacred fire of Spirit flowing through the True Soul to you — the ‘man / woman on the ground of daily living’.

ʘ   In this expanding, and intensified state of Soul Awareness, step into the consecrated Soul Star Group ~ a Sphere of living Light and Love, sensing all “Who have here gathered in unified approach to Divinity” … … participating to experience the sacred mysteries of Pentecost. Let us sense our unified presence …


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ʘ  Visualize each Soul standing in the radiance of the Christ Circle, blended now in One magnanimous whole — a Sphere of living Light and Love and Holy Will … expanding beyond the boundaries and confines of space and time.


ʘ Visible in the Center is a triple Light  –  of "Illumining Light, Radiant Love and Living Holy Will" — embodied by the Christ, the World Teacher of the Aquarian Age … and great attending Angels near.  ʘ Let us attune to His vibration … extend a beam of Love and Light to Him, drawing forth a response, a pure ray of Christ Love entering your Heart.

Reverently sound the sacred Word, OM  

◊ Sense now the living Field of the Spiritual Hierarchy — the "great Potency of the Inner Groups" … and All Who have here gathered in the radiant Love field of the Lord of Love ~ whilst still greater Beings and Presences from the Heavens above stand in Holy relationship with Them All.

Attune now to the great sound of the Universal OM pulsing through space … in and outside of time.


Part II

Whilst in the energy field of the Soul Star Group and in the Company of the Great Ones ~

Linked with the Soul Star Group and the generative, resonating power of the "great potency of the inner Groups", let us now engage in a White Magic process to impress the mental field of Humanity with TEN PROPOSITIONS that the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Great White Lodge on Sirius align with daily.

Master DK wrote: “I seek to formulate for you the fundamental propositions upon which all this teaching is founded.  They are for me, a humble worker in the Hierarchy, as they are for the Great White Lodge as a whole, statements of fact and of truth. For students and seekers they must be accepted as hypothesis”.

As we speak each "Thought", let us have it impress our Mind and Heart. Speak these aloud with the Voice of the Soul, pausing to allow the "presence" and energy of these high Truths to Impress the Mind and Heart field of Humanity —

This is a White Magic process. We can also be more specific by focusing upon a specific region on the planet or an area in the life of humanity such as human suffering or chaos in need of healing, purification, divine order and upliftment.  

Hold your hands in a gesture of outpouring blessing.

(During the pauses for “Impression”, new awareness, ideas or renewing energy may 'drop in') 




Standing with the Christ, in the Christ Field we intone TEN PROPOSITIONS, pausing for Impression after each:

ONE: There is one Life, which expresses Itself primarily through seven basic qualities or aspects, and secondarily through the myriad diversity of forms.

TWO: These seven radiant qualities are the seven Rays, the seven Lives, who give Their life to the forms, and give the form world its meaning, its laws, and its urge to evolution.

THREE: Life, quality and appearance, or spirit, soul and body constitute all that exists.  They are existence itself, with its capacity for growth, for activity, for manifestation of beauty, and for full conformity to the Plan.  This Plan is rooted in the consciousness of the seven ray Lives.

FOUR: These seven Lives, Whose nature is consciousness and Whose expression is sentiency and specific quality, produce cyclically the manifested world; They work together in the closest union and harmony, and cooperate intelligently with the Plan of which They are the custodians.  They are the seven Builders, Who produce the radiant temple of the Lord, under the guidance of the Mind of the Great Architect of the Universe.

FIVE: Each ray Life is predominantly expressing Itself through one of the seven sacred planets, but the life of all the seven flows through every planet, including the Earth, and thus qualifies every form.  On each planet is a small replica of the general scheme, and every planet conforms to the intent and purpose of the whole.

SIX: Humanity … is an expression of the life of God, and every human being has come forth along one line or other of the seven ray forces.  The nature of his soul is qualified or determined by the ray Life which breathed him forth …

SEVEN: The Monad is the Life, lived in unison with the seven ray Lives.  One Monad, seven rays and myriads of forms—this is the structure behind the manifested worlds.

EIGHT: The Laws which govern the emergence of the quality or soul, through the medium of forms, are … the mental purpose and life direction of the ray Lords, Whose purpose is immutable, Whose vision is perfect, and Whose justice is supreme.

NINE: The mode or method of development for humanity is self-expression and self-realisation.  When this process is consummated, the self expressed is the One Self or the ray Life, and the realisation achieved is the revelation of God as the quality of the manifested world and as the Life behind appearance and quality.

TEN: The method employed to bring about this realisation is experience, beginning with individualisation and ending with initiation, thus producing the perfect blending and expression of life – quality - appearance.


Pause for Impression

PLEASE NOTE: the above 10 Propositions replace the following 'seven conditioning streams of Thought' that stimulate the 'Christ Mind in us'.  If your time and energy permits, you may want to “voice” both. These Soul Truths unify Humanity and assist in providing a vision for its “rising”. The evolutionary urge of Humanity is under the leadership of the Christ and the vision of Hierarchy for Humanity.

Standing with the Christ, in the Christ Field we intone:

ʘ When humanity is assured of divinity and of immortality, and has entered into a state of knowledge as to the nature of the soul and of the kingdom in which that soul functions, its attitude to daily life and to current affairs will undergo such a transformation that we shall verily and indeed see the emergence of a new heaven and a new earth."


Pause for Impression

ʘ  "Once the central entity within each human form is recognized and known for what it essentially is, and once its divine persistence is established, then we shall necessarily see the beginning of the reign of divine law on earth—a law imposed without friction and without rebellion."


Pause for Impression

ʘ  "This beneficent reaction will come about because the thinkers of the race will be blended together in a general soul awareness, and a consequent group consciousness will permit them to see the purpose underlying the working of the law.”


Pause for Impression

ʘ  “… put more simply.  We are told in the New Testament that we must endeavor to let the mind which was in Christ also be manifest in us.  We are working towards the perfecting of the rule of Christ on earth; we are aiming at the development of the Christ consciousness and at bringing in the rule or law of Christ, which is Love."


Pause for Impression

ʘ  "This will come to fruition in the Aquarian Age, and we shall see brotherhood established on earth.  The rule of Christ is the dominance of the basic spiritual lawsThe mind of Christ is a phrase conveying the concept of the rule of divine intelligent love, which stimulates the rule of the soul within all forms, and brings in the reign of the Spirit."


Pause for Impression

ʘ  "When men, through meditation and group service, have developed an awareness of their own controlled and illumined minds, they will find themselves initiated into a consciousness of true being and into a state of knowledge which will prove to them the fact of the soul, beyond all doubt or questioning.”


Pause for Impression

ʘ  "The work of Christ, and His main mission two thousand years ago, was to demonstrate the divine possibilities and powers latent in every human being.  The proclamation which He made to the effect that we were all sons of God and own one universal Father will, in the future, no longer be regarded as a beautiful, mystical and symbolic statement, but will be regarded as a scientific pronouncement.  Our universal brotherhood and our essential immortality will be demonstrated and realized to be facts in nature."    


Pause for Impression

(These can be found in Esoteric Psychology-I, 94)

Part III—

Repeat Part II, bottom up (to the music Interlude) in one even, rhythmic sweep upward.

We reinforce with thought and the power of speech and sound these truths ~ in concert with the "building" angels. 

With full Soul intention, align once again as the "Soul Mind of Christ in You", with the Soul Star Group to impress the 'seven conditioning thoughts' into the field of Humanity — this time intoning the phrases softly aloud whilst reading them in reverse order (from the bottom up). We do this with the golden Voice of the Soul and the clear Christ mind.  This time we do not pause for impression.

As a group, we sound forth these thoughts for the welfare of Humanity. Each paragraph descends reaching down into Humanity and then ascends back up reaching Hierarchy. In the first round top to bottom, we incarnate along the left side of a U — into incarnation. In this second round, we move back up along the right side of the U out of incarnation, ascending to a higher sphere of living.

Let us close with the following reading for today.

Leonardo Da Vinci's painting of the communion feast in the upper room is a “great symbol of the Aquarian age, for we shall sit down together under the loving direction of Christ when brotherhood will be established and men will be banded together in the bonds of divine relationship.  The old barriers between man and man and nation and nation will, during the next 2,000 years, slowly disappear.”   (The Unfinished Autobiography of Alice Bailey, 233/4)

Let us REFLECT upon modern world events in humanity today as we read the following:

“If the word "initiation" signifies the processes of "entering into," then it is indeed true today that humanity is undergoing a true initiation as it enters into the new age of Aquarius; it will then be subjected to those energies and forces which will break down the barriers of separation, and which will blend and fuse the consciousness of all men into that unity which is distinctive of the Christ consciousness.”   (Reappearance of the Christ (ROC), 81/2)

Confirm where we see “the barriers of separation” breaking down, giving place to Unity Consciousness. Our perception strengthens the underlying Unity that fundamentally exists.

On a higher turn of the spiral, the twelve disciples in the upper chamber symbolize Christ’s “contact with the Council Chamber of the Lord of the World at Shamballa”. (Metaphysical Bible Dictionary)

REFLECT. Perceive this greater chamber.


(Photo by JB - Montserrat, Spain)

(Photo by JB - Montserrat, Spain)

Cathedral Basilica — St. Louis, MO

Cathedral Basilica — St. Louis, MO

The Holy Spirit descends through the Substance that matter and form veils. The Holy Mother — Mother of the Worlds, is a manifesting power working today to perfect all forms for the fuller entry of spirit in matter.

In the ancient texts, when Christ appeared to Mary Magdalene “whom He loved” — this symbolized His love for Humanity. In loving “each the other”, the soul of Humanity rises. She, representing the Soul of Humanity, causes a rising unto new life. As Humanity evolves, it moves into wholeness.

“Totality emerges in completeness” manifesting the will of the Logos.


Last edited: 5/26/2023

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