Commissioned art by Finley Eversole - for Esoteric Advent
A Group Approach to Divinity
7-DAY Capricorn Solar Full Moon Ritual Process Begins: Jan 10, 2025 — Jan 16, 2025
January 13, 2025
UTC: 22:27; GMT 10:27 PM
2:27 pm PST; 5:27 pm EST
January 14, 2025
9:27am AEDT
Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne
For the exact Full Moon moment in most major global cities, copy or paste the following URL into your browser:
Sun's Entry into Aquarius: For all dates and times, see chart at top of page titled “Dates and Times for New and Full Moons 2022-2025
"The entire "vault of heaven" is the phenomenal appearance of that entity."
"The Ancient Wisdom teaches that "space is an entity". It is with the life of this entity and with the forces and energies, the impulses and the rhythms, the cycles and the times and seasons that esoteric astrology deals". (Esoteric Astrology, 7/8)
“The heavens, the constellations, signs and planets mean one thing to the Hierarchy and another thing to the astronomers and still another thing to the astrologers, whilst they are simply bewildering galaxies of light to the average citizen. I feel the need to remind you of this and to point out to you that astronomical facts are only relative as regards the true and factual nature of that about which scientific pronouncement is made; they are declarative of life and potency but not as science and the average man understand them. From the standpoint of esoteric truth, they are simply embodied Lives and the expression of the life, the quality, the purpose and the intent of the Beings Who have brought them into manifestation.” (EA, 257) The Heavenly Man (at the top of the page) turns the zodiacal wheel from SAGITTARIUS to CAPRICORN.
“The entire theme of the zodiac can be approached from the angle of light and its unfolding and increasing radiance and of the gradual demonstration in what I have called elsewhere "the glory of the One." The mode of the development of this inner light and of its externalization must remain—from the standpoint of its cosmic effects—one of the secrets of initiation and this for a long time to come. It will, however, not be out of place if I were to give symbolically certain phrases and sentences which will indicate (for each sign) this "growth of light in light," as it is esoterically called, bearing in mind that we are attempting to express conditions connected with the soul whose essential nature is light”.
“This soul-light affects the form as evolution proceeds and produces sequentially the revelation of that form, and of the nature of space-time as well as of the goal.” ... "A study of the above thoughts will reveal the symbolic story of the irradiation of matter, of the growth of the light body within the macrocosm and the microcosm, and finally make clear the purpose of the Logos." (EA, 328/9)
As Above, So Below. The great Zodiacal Being Who ensouls all twelve constellations is One Life energy, twelve-faceted in nature. The Life of this great BEING corresponds with the twelve energies of the 12-petaled Heart in the Crown of every human being, activated and registered by every Initiate upon the path of Initiation walking the Lighted Way.
“Capricorn—The Light of Initiation”
“This is the light which clears the way to the mountain top, and produces transfiguration, thus revealing the rising sun.”
Keyword of the Soul ~
"Lost am I in light supernal,
yet on that light I turn my back"
SCROLL DOWN past the leaping Unicorn to find links for our 7 Day Group Approach to Divinity
(Click on shaded areas — “LIVE LINKS”)
What Is Alignment? What Is Alignment?
Mantram - Sacred Word OM, Breath of Life
THE GREAT INVOCATION - The Great Invocation: A World Prayer for Humanity
Mantram of Unification
Affirmation of the Disciple
SOUL STAR The Soul Star Group - Image
The 7-DAY Full Moon ritual process begins 3 days before the ACTUAL DAY OF THE FULL MOON and ends 3 days after in your time zone: To determine Day One in your time zone, find the day of the Full Moon in your area and count back three days. If Monday is Full Moon Day in your time zone, then Friday is your Day One.
To access the daily Rituals, scroll down below the image of the seven moons, and click on the live link in the shaded area for the appropriate day. This is a self-disciplined process; simply show up daily to participate in the group ritual prepared for us for daily meditations and Diamond Soul Practices.
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NOTE: If you are new to the 7-Day Full Moon group rituals found in “Esoteric Advent”, this is a guided, but self-disciplined process. With practice, the meditations will become deeper, fuller, richer and more potent. Attuning with the energy of the constellation with the Group Soul named the Soul Star Group, is key to successfully experiencing the Group Approach to Divinity.
The Meditations, Contemplations, and Diamond Soul Practices are greatly enhanced when accompanied by the meditation music of Harold Moses. The “notes” presented here correspond with the constellations and ray energies as esoterically understood (to the best of our current knowledge).
Click on appropriate Day below
Days 1 — 3 are Days of Preparation; Day 4 is Full Moon Day; Days 5 — 7 are Days of Distribution. (they will be uploaded when ready - refresh/reload your browser daily to see all updates and additions).
The “Days” are our portal of entry into the sacred — meeting “Companions upon the Way”.
► Day One — CLICK HERE — Capricorn 2025
► Day Two — CLICK HERE — Capricorn 2025
► Day Three — CLICK HERE — Capricorn 2025
► DAY FOUR: FULL MOON DAY — January 13
No PDF is provided FOR FULL MOON DAY - GO DIRECTLY to 2025 CAPRICORN FULL MOON to participate in the Ceremonial ritual, begin a minimum of one hour before the exact time.
► Day Five — CLICK HERE — Capricorn 2025 — V2, Edited
► Day Six — CLICK HERE — Capricorn 2025 — V2, Edited
► Day Seven — CLICK HERE — Capricorn 2025
(Image by Greg Felter)
Let us extend Gratitude to the Lord of the World Whose Will we aspire to Know, to the Lord of Love embodying the Universal principle of Love, to the Great Ones working with the Christ leading Humanity to fulfill its destiny, and to the expanding Soul Star Group organism and Participating Souls. We are Souls on a sacred Journey focused together in simultaneous group meditation, invocation and evocation for “group Approach to Divinity” — for the benefit of the evolving Soul of Humanity, Peace on Earth and Goodwill to All.
Music by HAROLD G. MOSES can be ordered by contacting
HG Moses, PhDE • 602-751-8352
Director: The Institute of Harmonic Science - a 501c3
ALL OTHER MUSIC played on this website can be purchased on-line or in music stores to add to your music library for your enjoyment and in support of the artists who created them.
Fair use OF IMAGES for educational purposes:
Leaping Unicorn - commissioned art by Finley Eversole for “The Creative Age” and Esoteric Advent —\
Path of Light leading to the Rising Sun - unknown artist; in use by Esoteric Advent during Capricorn and Christmas Advent
Five-pointed Soul Star Group - rendering by Simon Bialobroda inspired for
Image of cross with light - “the Supernal Light” and “Christ Light” — by Greg Felter
Other Images - from internet are by unknown artists.
All other images are my own
Deepest gratitude to musicians whose music invokes the higher spheres. All music included here can be purchased on-line or in music stores to add to your music library in support of the creative artists who composed or created them.
HG Moses, PhDE • 602-751-8352
Director: The Institute of Harmonic Science - a 501c3
Composer • Performing Artist • Intuitive Musical Readings
All Writing not in quotes, prose and Invocation to the Hierarchy written under inspiration by HBH
In deepest gratitude to Lucis Trust for publishing the works of Alice A. Bailey and to the Roerich Foundation for the works of Nicholas Roerich and the writings of Helena Roerich. Content and teachings are primarily sourced from the "Blue Books" authored by Master Djwhal Khul (MDK) through Alice A. Bailey. The Blue Books can be purchased through the publisher, Lucis Trust: - the word "Lucis is a form of the Latin word, lux, and means ‘Light’"
The majority of quotations are from the Blue Books of Alice A. Bailey (see book references). All other writing not in quotes is by Halina Bak-Hughes, written under inspiration. Halina is the creator, writer and administrator of this website.
To contact Halina Bak-Hughes or Sheldon Hughes, write: