ON SUNDAY, April 13 — we go to a new tab, ESOTERIC EASTER (that will be uploaded soon) for Easter Holy Week. Thence, we proceed with the days throughout the week.
Coinciding with SUNDAY — March 24 — Entry into “Jerusalem” — an etheric “City of Peace” signifying Shambhala, is “Morya Remembrance Day” celebrating Master M as head of all Esoteric Schools, and preceding the Solar Full Moon of Aries with an Eclipse that occurs at 12 pm Midnight on the west coast. Much is spiritually conspiring upon the Way of Hierarchy.
Easter Holy Week is an immersion in the teachings of the Christ presented to humanity during the Piscean Age. It begins with the Entry into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday). A full week of Easter Holy Week symbolically understood is a preparation for Christ’s disciples to embody the consciousness and energy state of each Initiation. During this week, our practices will look into the deep meaning and purpose of the events of the Christ to reinforce them in our own lives and understand them as a flowering in the future of the Aquarian Age. The enactments during Easter Holy Week are the fruit of Christ’s teachings, empowering the Initiate Jesus and Apostles of the Christ to lead all disciples of the Christ into the future. When esoterically understood, we walk the Way with Them.
This year, offered in parallel, will be Contemplations for each of these Days coinciding with these Initiations.
(Refresh/reload your browser daily for every tab you have open on your computer to see possible edits or changes. If you receive an error message, this is because you need to refresh/reload the URL in your browser).
We now enter through the portal — Entry into Jerusalem, The City of Peace. Let us avail ourselves of this spiritual opportunity by entering deeper into the Reality of the Hierarchy where the Love of God is known and Shambhala where the Will of God is known.