Esoteric Advent

SOL INVICTUS UNIVERSALIS: Contemplative Diamond Soul Practices and Spiritual Rituals for the Heart of the Christ and the Soul of Humanity

week of March 16




As our thought life is purified — seeing and thinking truth, beautified and free, darkness recedes from Light. The “heaven” we create in the unwavering road of high thinking is reflected outwardly, oft in the smallest and sweetest of ways and symbols, and part of the grandest manifestations. These disciplines do not require re-opening doors to give space to the past, thus drawing darkness back in. Rather, they widen and make more space for what wants to move through us now.

Last week, we affirmed and practiced the Discipline of Joy and achievement. The rainbow soul expressions of humanity are a reflection of joy and achievement. It is only a matter of new revelation before we step onto the higher Disciplines of the Sun.



We begin our days with Meditation III - the ACME OF ALIGNMENT (found at the top of Esoteric Lent - Part I, II, III). It can be as brief as 5 minutes or longer as desired.


Engaging in “disciplines of spirit” — what can also be rightly termed “disciplines of soul”, can tend to be experienced by the personality as an imposition, whereas when on the path of discipleship such disciplines are heartily welcomed. Whatever comes into the field of the personality is dealt with, without delay. We ACHIEVE — steadily we move, making more rapid progress on the path of light and achieve hallmarks — through higher alignment and Identification as the Self. As higher vibrations flow through us, we become a “relaying channel” for these energies. The experience of flow states become more common. Spiritual discipline facilitates this flow. Doors open increasing the probability of the Soul’s take-over.

We do not know in advance what “soul achievements” will be gained, but we can be certain that something wonderful will come of it. Soul gifts and strengths emerge over time, for service and release into the world. What we focus on grows and expands until we break the boundary of a former ring-pass-not, entering new spiritual territory.

Spiritual disciplines necessitate periodic rest and recalibration after applications of steady pressure. We do not want to over-stress the instrument, yet we do not want to lessen the spiritual tension that allows for movement forward. Therefore a balance must be maintained every step of the way, likened to the rhythm of inbreathing and outbreathing. In the effort to hold (strive to hold) ‘the highest point possible all the time’ — the discipline of spirit, we are attempting to produce a steady state — steady as she goes, says the Captain of the Soul, even if imperfectly at times, thereby sustaining Soul movement and momentum. Where the personality resists or is thrown off by distractions, progress is temporarily delayed.

Spirit and its vehicle, the True Soul, are “causal” sources of higher energy. Our Personality is “at effect” when it responds as an aligned vehicle. Both are needed in this holy relationship. The Spiritual Triad — the True Soul, is a ‘high-dimensional reality’ and source of pure unqualified energy pouring in from Spirit. As we aspire to embody these higher energies, a radiatory aura is created. Discipline, prayer, meditation, “invocation and evocation” are “causal” methods for creating pathways, and portal openings, to these higher dimensions.

In our upward / inward-striving disciplines, the personality must surrender to a higher Source to be rendered receptive. A negative or receptive polarity creates a chalice or receptacle for higher Soul / Spirit energy (the positive polarity) to act upon it. The higher energy flows through the receiving flow form to meet, blend and merge, to lift and rise.

Higher Devotion is closely allied with surrender. Devotion to spirit, not to a person but to a higher ideal — such as a virtue to be attained, a higher Value or devotion to a high principle or greater common Good — we surrender to the “ideal”. Flow is the balance between the two - active and passive. Having done all we can, we surrender.

BRIEFLY summarizing the main themes in Lent thus far ~

Ash Wednesday began “upon our knees” as we surrendered in true Humility to the higher power and Presence of Spirit flowing through the Triune Soul — conveying pure Love, luminous Light and purpose-filled Will that is embedded in the One Self (the Monad).

Said another way, the spiritually deepening process of Esoteric Lent that began in deep surrender brings about purification and a quietening of the lower self, giving way to the strong powers and qualities of the True Soul Self. Through discipline and surrender, the way is made clear to know more of the Presence and the energy of spiritual Will. Bending our fibers in its magnetic direction, we rise as it were, upon the vibrational Wings of the Holy Spirit. We enter a new sphere of living vibration. We experience its flow. Ad infinitum.

Meditation III and the “Disciplines of Spirit”, prayer and fasting, cultivate living in a higher vibratory reality “all the time” — in real Soul time, influencing the world’s time. The virtues of the Soul come into radiatory activity through “right living, high thinking and loving activity”. The energies of the Spiritual Triad flow into the receptive, purified personality.

Lent leads to Easter. As these living energies are entered into, they are unfolding our Christ nature coming into Being. The “tomb of matter” is increasingly left behind — the esoteric meaning of “resurrection”. We rise. “Revelation” then reveals the risen Christ through the form. The purified substance of Mother matter reveals the rising Christ in ‘Heaven and upon the Earth’ (spirit/soul and personality).




◊ “A conscious consideration of the force of one’s own radiations can produce considerable saturation. A spirit striving for conscious application of its radiations must intensify the manifested power of the heart, for this sun-like source can reveal all paths.

Conscious affirmation of radiations is indeed applicable when all higher fiery energies of the heart are kindled. On the path of the Fiery World let us affirm a conscious attitude toward the radiations of the heart.

Consciously affirm and apply the fire of the Heart, remembering also that this fire radiates Truth.


“Perfection of life is the perfection of Love. For Love is the life of the Soul.”

St. Francis de Sales ~



Hierarchy, 287 - 291. “Let us turn to devotion. This concept is also subject to many distortions. Devotion does not resemble a windmill or a hired singer of praises. Rather, it resembles a firm tower upon a summit, which the enemies avoid in awe, but in whose chambers a shelter is ever prepared for a friend. Devotion is the opposite of doubt, which is nothing but ignorance. It means that devotion rests upon enlightenment. Thus, validity of learning is akin to devotion, it is not credulity, not levity, but firmness and steadfastness. Truly, the tower of devotion is not constructed by haphazard toil or by petty decisiveness; and devotion can be violated only by perfidy [faithlessness and weakness], which is the same as betrayal. But valuable are the works of devotion! Such ashrams, like magnets, attract powerful hearts; they are nurseries of spirituality. Even material nature is transformed in the proximity of these towers.”


◊ “Victory is always brought into life by the law of striving and invincibility of the spirit. Thus, the predestined will be fulfilled.”

◊ “The Highest Will intensifies each energy in accordance with the Cosmic Magnet. There is no affirmation that would not be fulfilled if sent by the Highest Will. There is no striving that would not be acknowledged if sent by the Highest Will. Therefore, humanity must strive only to Hierarchy. Verily, in this cosmic concept are contained all possibilities of constructiveness.“

◊ We “Build upon the Chain of Hierarchy, which leads to the summit of manifest Beauty. “



HIERARCHY: 290. A physician usually says to his patient, “When summer comes you will go to the country, into the sun. You will be regenerated by the mountain wind or the sea breeze.” Even an earthly physician cures by projecting into the future. Karma is the sickness of the past. Its cure lies in the future. Precisely, he who wishes to be liberated from the past should strive into the future. Striving with one’s entire being protects one from downfalls; take for example the moving heavenly bodies. Thus, remember that I have pointed out how to walk upon the water, but I have never said that one can stand upon it. Karma can be changed by an irresistible striving.

◊ REFLECT: “Who wishes to be liberated from the past should strive into the future. Striving with one’s entire being protects one from downfalls … Therefore, “walk upon the water — master the emotional plane, and do not “stand upon it” — give love and keep moving. Look ahead. “Karma can be changed by an irresistible striving.”


◊ 291. Motion into the future is similar to the movement of a flame. It is amazing how the fire, at times visibly and at times invisibly, lives, while vibrating and preserving the balance of the world. Thus let us strive into the future, because sustained by the fiery element we shall not fail. But the fire can be invoked only by an action of the spirit. Thus, let us apply the higher laws to the earthly plane. One may even change karma, which means that one can change all earthly conditions by striving into the future. Apply My Command to life. The particles of precious energies adhere only to him who strives.”

REFLECT: “One can change all earthly conditions by striving into the future…” What karma would you change by striving into the future?

What “earthly conditions” would you change by “striving into the future”?

Apply the Master’s commands to life; see how “precious energy” will adhere to you as you strive forward toward greater goals! Striving into the future can be likened to “Ascension” - rising upon the subtle planes.


“Striving with power” — “Identification With” and “Identification As” — “Spiritual Devotion” — are synonymous terms, expressing through different Ray energies.




“Meditation is a technique of the mind which eventually produces correct, unimpeded relationship; this is another name for alignment.  It is therefore the establishment of a direct channel, not only between the one source, the monad, and its expression, the purified and controlled personality, but also between the seven centres in the human etheric vehicle. “

Stephanie Gulu on the etheric centers.

Stephanie Gulu on the etheric centers.

The true results (as divine and as esoterically desirable) are correct alignment, right relationship, and clear channels for the seven energies in the microcosmic system, thereby bringing about eventually a full expression of divinity.  All the seven centres in the etheric vehicle of the Christ were rightly adjusted, correctly aligned, truly awakened and functioning, and properly receptive of all the seven streams of energy coming from the seven planetary centres; these put Him en rapport, therefore, and in full realised contact, with the One in Whom He lived and moved and had His being.  The physiological result of this complete "esoteric surrender of the seven" (as it is sometimes called) to the incoming spiritual energies, in their right order and rhythm, was the appearance in the Christ of a perfect endocrine system. All His glands (both major and minor) were functioning correctly; this produced a "perfect man"—physically perfect, emotionally stable and mentally controlled.”  He lived the higher virtues while on earth, able to live at the highest point possible all the time.

“In modern terms, the "pattern of the behavior" of the Christ—due to the perfection of His glandular system, as an effect of correctly awakened and energised centres—made Him an expression of divine perfection to the entire world; He was the first of our humanity to arrive at this point in evolution, and "the Eldest in a great family of brothers," as St. Paul expresses it.  The current pictures of the Christ testify to their own complete inaccuracy, for they bear no witness to any glandular perfection; they are full of weakness and sweetness, but show little strength, alert power and aliveness.  And the promise has gone forth that as He is, so may we be in this world. 

This is a promise which lies behind the right understanding of the science of the centres; the factual reality of the centres will be proven to all men when the centres are gradually brought under control of the soul, are correctly and scientifically energised and brought to a condition of true "livingness," and begin to condition the entire area of the body in which a centre is found, and—between them—bringing every part of the human body under their radiatory and magnetic influence.” (Esoteric Healing, 620/22) Hence our emphasis in meditation upon connecting with the Solar Angel who is a divine mathematician of the centers as a skilled esoteric scientist.

◊ CONTEMPLATE the above. Notice these high thoughts re-organizing the mind and taking root in the heart — widening the divine flow … opening the door to higher sense activity.

(Meditation-III and the 7-Day FM processes offer opportunity for the Solar Angel to do its perfecting vibratory work).

◊ Let us attempt to recognize the enormity of spiritual achievement made by the Christ as “The Light of the World” — achieving a pure wide channel for universal Love and repository for the Will of the Father — the first of our Earth humanity to do so (following the achievement of enlightenment by the Buddha as the Light of the World). The esoteric meaning of “I am the Way and the Light” becomes clear to the soft-line ray devotee, mystic and artist, and hard-line ray thinker, scientist and ritualist. The way of the Heart and the way of the Head are both necessary to achieve the full spectrum of our Potential.

There is no way forward but through the Christ as Head of the 5th Kingdom and the World Teacher for the Aquarian Age— Teacher alike of Angels and Human. To move forward upon the Way, all will move through the auric field of the Christ — the Spiritual Hierarchy of Souls Who point the Way forward to yet another higher, refined and more inclusive sphere of spiritual living.

As He is, so may we Be in this world” is a profound aspiration and commitment.

Let us therefore affirm the spiritual promise through disciplines given by the Hierarchy of Souls Who have ‘achieved the Promise’ ~

“Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”

This is not perfection as understood by the personality, but the perfection resulting from complete Identification with Spirit — That which is the most Real — where immortality rules over death — the perfect pattern and archetype for spiritual achievement.

Center White Pink Rose by Halina - resized.jpg

To be perfect is to live and express the divine pattern encoded within us — the highest point possible in all manner of living and Being. This is the promise and the guarantee. It is the Way. Step by step, shift by shift, leap by leap, vibration by vibration — we vibrationally ascend — until “It Is” flowing through us unimpeded in profound radiatory beauty and whole (holy) power.

The Ageless Wisdom conveys the needed light — the light of knowledge that in-forms the centers of every vehicle, showing the way for perfecting love — solar fire demonstrating the Law of Love on all planes — and the Life of electric fire animating the etheric form.

We continue our studies, meditations, and conscious applications as we attempt to live and work with these high teachings leading us to the living energies of the solar system that can be known in the microcosm of every human being striving to express the Real in real time.



wednesDAY Through FRIday

practice discipline / CONTEMPLATION

“Christhood is the blossoming of a man of the earth into the man of the heavens, crowned.”




This week our intention is to practice what we learned last week to live our lives in accord with “right living, high thinking and loving activity” that this bring us into a higher sphere of daily living and which will naturally open the centers and expands the spiritual aura into a vibratory radiation of healing and service. This week, our practice is to live it, to imprint it so deeply that we arrive at a deeper understanding and lived experience.



◊ Spend one CONCENTRATED DAY APPLYING the discipline of “Right Living”

What rhythmic practices or ways of living bring you into sanctified living — into “the sanctity of life” — One example could be: — Have the suite of rhythmic practices found in Esoteric Advent become such a discipline for “Right Living” in your life? Are there others?

Reflecting upon the life of the Soul, we are brought into a higher, deeper and fuller experience of Universal Well-Being.

“For God, the beginning of creation and the end of the universe happen together, in the present. If you sanctify the present moment of your life through love, you will realize the mystery of eternity.”

“Sanctify time, sanctify your life through love, sanctify every moment of your life.”

~ Love is a Radiant Light ~

St. Charbel



◊ Spend another day in the discipline of “High Thinking”

“HIGH THINKING” has us see “as God sees”. God sees all parts related as one whole, one great synthesis — in service of the Good for All Life.

The Will of God is the Highest Thought we can aspire to. Aligning our will with His Will to fulfil His Intention is an action towards High Thinking.

High Thinking swings us into a hierarchical sphere of “Spirit” that pervades the life in a way hitherto unknown. Devotion to high thinking will transform our life.

What High Thoughts inspire you? What Thoughts move you upon the Lighted Way?



◊ Spend another day in the discipline of “Loving Activity”

What “loving activity” engages the release of spiritual energy in you, or in a group for a greater Good, or an Activity such that the “saving force” is flowing into the world through Humanity? This practice can be done and supported vicariously through empathic engagement or imaginative participation. After all, we are One Soul — One Humanity in Service.

By the third day, notice the holographic nature of this practice whereby doing one, the others are touched and stimulated through vibrational relationship.

INTENTION: Let these days ‘set upon us’ a deepening imprint to magnify our “living as a SOUL” in the world of form, thereby affirming our “days are well spent” and “well lived.” The “blossoming of a man of the earth into a man of the heavens, crowned in Christhood” is both the gift and the goal.




(A potent magical spiritual practice)

This practice can be done daily in the remaining Esoteric Lenten period – just before sleep, or as part of your morning disciplines (setting the field for the day) and/or throughout the day (as contemplative mystics do).

Use a MaLa of 108 beads, serving as beads of Light — the sacred number corresponding with 108 Kumaras encircling the Earth. They are mysteriously connected with the Lord of the World Whose name is Sanat Kumara. The Mala itself, when used in this way, will become a talisman of beautiful radiation, protective power and transformative light in the environment in which it lives. Treat it as a sacred spiritual object, and guard it well.

In this Diamond spiritual practice, we are attuning with the energy of 108 Angels of the Lord, or Angelic Intelligences. We are organizing a sphere of “ordered Light, higher Love and higher Will” — “As above, so Below” in the microcosm of our world. These are not mantric phrases to build a shell around us. Rather, they serve as a means of alignment with and invocation of higher energy states, bringing an indelible impression upon us — in the heart—mind of the Soul and personality as we invoke and merge with them. We build an etheric MaLa carrying higher living Truths and the spiritual power behind these phrases — moving us toward attaining soul achievement.

We begin with “spiritual reading” attuning to the source and meaning of the living Idea behind the word phrase.  With this deep intention in mind, sound your selected phrase 108 times (with heart, mentally or in a whisper). These word phrases are “words of power”. They are a subtle invocation to the high energy state behind the mantra, and when done correctly will create a carrier wave of radiation in our environment — and for miles around. At minimum, one will experience a heightened soul vibration through the subtle body.

Before beginning, take a moment to bring Christ into your Heart, and also attune with the Soul Star Group.

◊ “As He Is, So May We Be in this World” (or creatively interchange the pronoun “we” with “I”) — “As He Is, So May I Be in this World” — or, “As Christ Is, So Am I in this World”.

◊ “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect” — (or interchange the pronoun to “I”) — “I am perfect even as my Father in heaven is perfect” (confirming one’s Identity as the Monad, in relationship to the True Soul and the personality on the ground).

"We shall be like Him for we shall see Him as He is" — (Imitation of the Christ).


I am as God Created Me”.

◊ “As Christ Is, so may I be in the world”

“Wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?”

“I must go up to Jerusalem” — the “place of serene determination and of poised, quiescent will.”

“Father, not My will but Thine be done.”

“Lo, I am with you all the days, even unto the end of the age.”

“I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men (souls) unto Me.”

◊ I and My Father are One

◊ Oh Lord of Life and Love, Be with me Now

◊ I draw unto you as you draw unto Me ◊ As you draw unto Me, I draw unto you.

◊ I God, I Matter Am (two aspects of Divinity)

◊ Reverence the Feminine principle, the “giving principle” that bestows the life of Beauty and the Heart. [Hierarchy, S 194] — ‘I am giving the Life of Beauty and Heart’.

◊ Create your own: …

In all true humility and devotion, we serve the greater whole through true Devotion (directing our life intention and energies to a higher principle and goal). Soul Ideas and their living energy are brought into the heart, thence stream through humanity as a living prayer. — “The Soul of Humanity” will inevitably come forth in greater strength and measure.

The Will of God is in the Plan of God. The Plan, supervised by the Christ and spiritual Hierarchy, is implemented by humanity when in “cooperation deep”.

Working with these practices, we discover an etheric network of Angelic Intelligences stimulating the phrases into a living beacon of light and potency.

INTENTION: There is the possibility for service if we set an intention for our MaLa practice. One would begin by bringing a creative intention for the Mala practice to join the mantric phrase to something larger than ourselves — to assist a community or a global issue or world problem, or to support a service project. Placing an intention in the center, we then invoke the assistance of 108 Angels to build a field for resolution.

CLICK HERE for a PDF to print the Esoteric Lent Mala Meditation Practice

Saturday (SATURN’s DAY)


The lower self must breathe out to receive the higher Breath flowing in

New energy has entered our microcosmic system through our disciplines of prayer, meditation and higher alignments, through our ‘effort to hold a high note all the time, through our studies, and through our application of the Teaching by “right living, high thinking and loving activity”.

~ Let us R E-C A L I B R A T E ~

Whilst Holding the “I” in the Center







R E C A L “I” B R A T E






~ Give yourself the gift of Sacred Silence within which to Breathe and Be in the Sacred Space of SILENCE ~

Closing your eyes ~ see a vertical line of Light in perfect balance with a horizontal line of Light ~

See yourself standing in the Center of that Light as the recalibrating “I” — “Eye” standing in the center.

I Am the Stillness ~ I Am the Silence

I Am Emptiness

I Am Purity ~ Perfection ~ Beauty

In this Simplicity of Being

I Am Whole




Buddha Hands mudrabMMnn.jpg

Silence is not inaction.

Silence resounds with the Might of Spirit.

“Merging into the waves of the Infinite, we may be compared to flowers torn away by a storm. How shall we find ourselves transfigured in the ocean of the Infinite?

It would be unwise to send out a boat without a rudder. But the Pilot is predestined and the creation of the heart will not be precipitated into the abyss. Like milestones on a luminous path, the Brothers [Lights] of Humanity, ever alert, are standing on guard, ready to lead the traveler into the chain of ascent.

Hierarchy is … the law of the Universe. It is … the call of the heart and a fiery admonition directing toward the General Good.

Thus let us cognize the Hierarchy of Light.”


“How to transmute the most bitter into the most sweet?

Naught save Hierarchy will transform life into a higher consciousness.

Imagine a bridge into the Infinite …

Hierarchy … brings one to the shore of Light.

And imagine the entire effulgence that the eyes behold!

And understand the Song of Light.”



◊ On Sunday ~ with Joy, let us review and reflect.

Spiritual practices and Disciplines upon the Lighted Way should lead to a continuous gradual shift in Consciousness and expanding Awareness. While it may not be evident, it can be expected.

Recognize what is now known, seen or experienced ~ what is true and more real to you now?

Place your attention upon your Identity of Being emerging as a lawful Soul take—over.

Visualize, imagine yourself living and expressing from this higher state of Being.

Be Conscious of the necessity for silence and recalibration for the Soul to take fuller hold of the form.

On Monday, go to Part V

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