Esoteric Advent

SOL INVICTUS UNIVERSALIS: Contemplative Diamond Soul Practices and Spiritual Rituals for the Heart of the Christ and the Soul of Humanity


~ Early Beginnings ~


The PLEIADES: Seven Sisters, Brooding Mothers, Seven Doves

The PLEIADES: Seven Sisters, Brooding Mothers, Seven Doves

“If the Stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore; and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God which had been shown!

But every night come out these envoys of beauty,

and light the universe with their … smile.”

(Ralph Waldo Emerson: Nature)


◊ Holding the Mind steady in the Light, we make our alignments whilst sounding the Sacred Word OM … moving into the Peaceful Presence of the Soul pouring through the Crown Center and the etheric spine centers … we pause briefly in the Ajna Center — aligning with World Servers and World Serving Groups … on the next breath of life, Soul Presence flows through the Throat center as we pause briefly to align with the Soul of Humanity … the breath of life and Soul Presence continues to flow and pour through the heart center — as we pause to align with the Consciousness of the spiritual Hierarchy … Soul Presence continues flowing through the etheric centers along the spinal column stimulating each center with the heightening powers of the Soul … thence into the earth blessing the earth whereon we walk. OM

◊ Let us open ourselves now to the PRESENCE of the HOLY SPIRIT — the ever-Presence of the Divine Feminine Who pervades every-thing, all-things — with the fullness of ‘the substance of Divine Intelligent Love’. ◊ OM

◊ Let us now attune to the vibrational signature of the Soul Star Group ... in which the purity and potency of the Christ Star is known … whilst sounding the sacred Word, OM (silently or softly aloud).

Expanding our awareness, we find ourselves moving in vibrational resonance with (inside) a still more radiant, life and power-filled Group Heart that is the Presence of the Christ and His Ashram — the spiritual Hierarchy — “the great potency of the inner groups… ◊ OM

EXT, 604: “Christ is the World Healer and Saviour. He works because He is the embodied soul of all Reality. He works today, as he worked in Palestine two thousand years ago, through groups. There He worked through the three beloved disciples, through the twelve apostles, through the chosen seventy, and the interested five hundred.... Now He works through His Masters and Their groups, and thereby greatly intensifies His efforts. He can and will work through all groups just in so far as they fit themselves for planned service, for the distribution of love, and come into conscious alignment with the great potency of the inner groups”.

Be in this field now — making a deeper resonant alignment and connection. Send a ray of Love and Light to the Heart of the Christ— expecting a return response, filling full your chalice and the Chalice of the Group Heart.

◊ Let us now impress our Consciousness with this realizing thought:

"The true Church of Christ is the assembly of all who live through the life of Christ, and whose life is one with His." (FBTC, 163)


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“The fact of the resurrection will be demonstrated during the next few centuries, and the Living Christ will walk among men and lead them onward towards the Mount of Ascension. The Pentecost will become truth. All men will come under the tide of inspiration from on high, and though they may speak with many tongues, they will all understand each other”.       (EOH, 471) “Many tongues” refers to all the peoples of the earth, speaking a multitude of languages, coming from diverse ethnic backgrounds - all will understand each other in the language of the Heart of Christ consciousness and the loving Will of God (Sanat Kumara - the Lord of the World).

◊ Let us conctemplate the "Living Christ" impressing humanity and "Pentecost becoming truth" ... increasingly sense the reality of the "Tide of Inspiration from on High" sweeping through Humanity.   

In the biblical phrase of humanity speaking many tongues understanding each other, would this not also suggest shifting onto a higher sub-plane — the plane of Unity Consciousness, where differences fall away and love is the rule in all relations and actions.  Reflect.

◊ Visualize yourself and the groups of which you are a part coming into Unity consciousness — where all understand each other perfectly, where human relations are harmonized, where conditions on earth reflect the rule of love, where beauty abounds and the tide of inspiration is ever-present, felt, experienced and leading into higher expressions of daily living.

Imagine such "Days Be With Us" now — in some realized measure in the continuity of your life, and in the life of Humanity. 

In so doing, we impress and strengthen the field of Humanity. The Devic/Angelic builders work with and through us in our sphere of daily living in accord with what we think about, actively engage with, imagine or visualize, and invoke.

◊ TODAY and throughout the Esoteric Pentecost period, let us give five minutes every hour (and whenever we remember) to the work of the Holy Spirit:

“The Holy Spirit will be glad to take five minutes of each hour from your hands, and carry them around this aching world where pain and misery appear to rule. Not overlooking one open mind that will accept the healing gifts they bring, the Holy Spirit lays them everywhere they are welcome. And they will increase in healing power each time someone accepts them as his thoughts, and uses them to heal.”  (ACIM, Lesson 97)


(Sealing in the new vibration)



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We begin with the end in mind.

“Say ye not, “There are yet four months and then cometh the harvest?  Behold! I say unto you that the harvest is come already.” 

"Was it not so even in the days of Christ?  If the words were spoken by the Master, there must have been a very real meaning in them.  And if He meant that the spiritual harvest had already come when the results of His Life and Teachings should be gathered in, then we ought to be able to find these results.  It is quite true that we are pointed to the day of Pentecost for them, as recorded in the Acts of Apostles.

The awakening of the Intuition and the great Joy of the coming “harvest” — the full enlightenment of divine vision … of men and women clothed in the white garments of purity seeking to see and hear the Divine within the sanctuary of the Soul and the consciousness of the Divine Estate.

We are in the days of “the harvest” now – for all who are able to drink of the Waters of Divine Life.

The fields are whitening unto harvest.  Christhood is being restored as the Redeemed Life is being made manifest.  The Divine One had spoken and continues to speak… the harvest is come when the glorious results are making themselves manifest in the awakening of Souls all over the world. They seek the divine meaning of life, some arrive at the true vision of Christhood, and others enter into the realization of that most blessed Estate. …

The Will of the Father is the Redemption of all Souls, even those who have gone away into the “far country” beyond the land of spiritual consciousness.  Redemption must include all Souls – that not one should perish but all should find their way back Home ..." 

"O Mystery of Mysteries.  O Love Divine and Triumphant! "

(The Master: His Life and Teachings, J. Todd Ferrier, 522/7)


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“They were all together in one place”

MORE CONTEMPLATIONS (from Metaphysical Dictionary)

"To the one who is awakened to spiritual reality, the “day of Pentecost” signifies the degree of mind action that brings to consciousness the presence of Spirit as substance."

"When we fill our mind with true ideas about God and man, and gather our thoughts to one point or “place”,  that point or place is: “I am that which I conceive myself to be in Spirit.”  If we proceed … there will be an inrush of spiritual force from the higher realms of consciousness that will fill the whole body (described in Acts 2:2)." 

“They were all together in one place” is the concentration of all the faculties and activities of mind and body in acknowledgement and praise of Spirit.  The result of this concentration is that the ordinary thinking mind (conscious mind) and the superconscious mind (perfect Christ mind) blend and there is a descent of spiritual energies into the body – “it filled all the house.”

“The day of Pentecost” signifies a gathering of spiritual powers for the purpose of harvesting the fruits of Spirit; otherwise, a dedicating of these new forces of Spirit to unselfish service in the vineyard of the Lord.


Tomorrow, we begin Pentecost Thursday

Above quotes from Metaphysical Bible Dictionary by Charles Fillmore - on the Metaphysical Meaning of Pentecost - CLICK HERE (PDF) to read remaining document.

∆  Pentecost References of Interest: The Number 5; the PLEIADES, the HOLY SPIRIT, CHRIST and the DOVE;  Pentecost in the Churches — CLICK HERE (PDF) Make note especially of page 3/4 referencing TWM, 198/200 for the significance of the Number 5 for perfected Man in relation to the number of petals in the lower Centers and the Ajna, linking previous study on the Udana with the Harvest of Pentecost.

A Compilation on the Holy Spirit (by J. Becerra) — CLICK HERE (PDF)

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