Esoteric Advent

SOL INVICTUS UNIVERSALIS: Contemplative Diamond Soul Practices and Spiritual Rituals for the Heart of the Christ and the Soul of Humanity

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The daily meditations and spiritual practice rituals are a Self-directed, self-disciplined process.  The Christ works through all groups dedicated to the distribution of Love through Humanity and the outworking of the Plan.  BEING in the Peaceful Presence of the Soul, linking with the Soul Star Group and Masters of Love Wisdom with Christ at the Center, we place ourselves inside a great living field — “the great potency of the inner groups”.  The cooperative attendance of Angels working on behalf of the evolution of Humanity and the Spiritual Hierarchy are ever with us, at our side and all around.

Sincere in our Meditative work, let us engage in at least one Diamond Soul Practice or Contemplation daily (time constraints understandably prevent us from doing them all).  More important than time spent is “soul-mind-brain intensity" and rhythmic regularity placing ourselves “en rapport” (in alignment and resonance) with living energy flows. "Desired contacts" and eventual internal 'translation' into "higher livingness" is what we are all moving toward, known or not.  Resonant Soul waves lead into the Heart of the Ashram — a living Center of Light, Love and Power and great abiding Beauty, Presence and Treasures from on “High". 

Below, what follows after the text readings is a sacred Holy Communion Ritual (Part II).  This is best ritually done, not in pieces but as a whole, and only when properly prepared to receive it.  It is being offered on a Thursday as the day dedicated to the Reappearance of the Christ in esoteric teachings.  It would be better to postpone this ritual for a time when you are "ready" rather than rush through it.  Read through it first and decide.  You also have the choice to have "wine and bread" ready (or water and bread) for the transubstantiation to enter into the form, or if you prefer receive only the 'energy' invoked to enter “your form”.

With these thoughts in mind, we begin Pentecost Thursday.

a ritual of divine approach for pentecost

"Ascending to the "Upper Chamber" 

"Pentecost is the universal dissemination of the Christ consciousness

throughout all time in the heart of every human being..."

"Lo, I am with you all the days, even until the end of the world"

(EOH, 356)

Draw near to Me and I will draw near to you



Orienting Thoughts

The gates of Pentecost swing wide open with grace and magnificence to all who inwardly prepare and for all who thirst to receive the blessings of the Holy Spirit Mystery.  

Pentecost corresponds with the number 5, the perfected man.  Pentecost is celebrated on the 50th day or seven Sundays after Easter, almost always in the sign of Gemini esoterically ruled by Venus (radiating 5th Ray energy) and in close proximity to the Gemini Full Moon closest to the Christ and Humanity. It is the last of three primary Hierarchical Festivals of the year celebrating the three Divine aspects of Life. Easter in Aries is a celebration of the Life energies of Love lifting and leading to Revelation, Resurrection and eventual Ascension; Wesak during the Taurus Full Moon transmits the Life aspect of Divine Will and Illumination conveyed through the Buddha to the Christ; and the Festival of the Christ and Humanity during the Gemini Full Moon Festival infusing Humanity with the energy of the Christ helping Humanity take its next steps forward.  Pentecost augments this final Festival as we reap the spiritual Harvest (described on the Wednesday ritual) — Pentecost is a "spiritual harvest" of all preceding spiritual work, reaching a final disseminating high point in and through Gemini.

Let us recognize and deepen the opportunity before us and the opportune time we live in.  As we consciously participate in the potent energies of Pentecost recognized and practiced by millions of church goers, a higher correspondence joins the former based on the foundations of esoteric knowledge, deep spiritual practices, wisdom and contacts — and thus we serve.

As a harvest, Pentecost culminates a series of inner unions and communions that are reflected outwardly in the world of form.  The seeds of the Festival of Pentecost were sown in the birth and rebirth of the Christ Mind in the consciousness of man (and eventually the whole of humanity) during Esoteric Christmas Advent and the "Full Moon Festival of Capricorn". Nurtured and brought into group livingness and communion during Esoteric Easter Advent — the Resurrected Life contacted during the Festival of Aries strengthens a higher identification with Soul and Spirit, group “Brotherhood”, and the Way of return.  During the Wesak Festival and the annual return of the Buddha uniting East and West with His Brother, the Christ, a blessing from Shambhala further unites the Center of Will with Humanity and its flowering for the family of Nations to demonstrate a true Pentecost celebration by Humanity through "right human relations".   The Soul of Humanity shall sing a vibrational hymn of Joy when during the Festival of the Christ and Humanity, the fourth Kingdom of nature is brought nearer to the Christ and His Ashram. Through the leadership of the universal Christ as world Teacher, the Soul of Humanity attains its destiny. — He is leading us into the new Age.


Remembering the Essence of the past, present and future

“The Festival of Easter and the Feast of Pentecost will be the two outstanding days of the religious year.  Pentecost is, as you must well know, the symbol of right human relations in which all men and nations will understand each other and, though speaking in many and diverse languages, will know only one spiritual speech.”  

First is "the story of the upper chamber to which the man carrying the water pot and typifying Aquarius led the disciples, and in which the first communion service was held, participated in by all and foretelling that great relationship which will distinguish humanity in the coming age, after the tests of the Piscean Age.  Such a communion service has never yet been held, but the New Age will see it take place.

Second is “the story of the upper chamber in which the disciples met and arrived at a true recognition of the Risen Christ and at a perfect and complete understanding of each other in spite of the symbolic diversity of tongues.  They had a touch of prevision, of prophetic insight, and foresaw a little of the wonder of the Aquarian Age.

... At the center of each of these pictures is to be found the Christ."

(Destiny of the Nations, 151/2 – last page of book)

Let us Be in these energies now …

Pentecost is an event that "signifies the universal dissemination of the Christ consciousness throughout all time in the heart of every human being; to this the words and promise, "Lo, I am with you all the days, even until the end of the world," bear witness.”     (EOH, 356)

Let us Pause to take in theses words … and the next.

A universal Holy Communion is a meeting place in the 'holy chamber' of the Lord - the great Heart field of Christ Whose Consciousness includes and transcends our personal universe.  As His waves of inspiration and redemptive energy reach us, our minds are filled with true ideas about God and Man.  Gathered in one place in the upper chamber, we come to know the true Identity within ourselves … and Humanity as a Center in the body of the Planetary Logos. 

The group that met in times of old “were all together in one place” signifying the concentration of all their faculties and activities of body, mind and soul.  They were met by the perfected risen Christ, blending the invoking disciples and the Holy Spirit's descent “filling all the house”.  (Metaphysical Bible Dictionary)

One-pointed and expectant with invocative intensity, lifted through communion born of Buddhic common unity, an inrush of Spirit swept through them filling their house with new life … With this new life came potentials of prophetic vision and the flaming power of Spirit.  

"When God immanent in every human heart is awakened and functioning (even if only in a small degree), the potency ... as an act of invocative approach to God will prove amazing and miraculous in its results.  A response beyond man's deepest hopes will be evoked from Christ and His group of workers."   (POH, 160)

Let us REFLECT upon these truths and potentials … sensing the energy of God Immanent in every human heart pouring through our lives. As the potency of these truths flow through us, and through all life — it changes everything … leading to a higher order of living and God-like expression! Life will flower as God intended. We can see expressions of this even now … let us see them and know them for what they are and what more is to come.

Pentecost is a culmination of a series of inner and outer unions and communions. 




ʘ Bringing your awareness into the 12-Petaled Heart of the Crown Center (the thousand petaled lotus), and sound the sacred Word, OM … with concentrated thought allow Cosmic Christ energy flowing through Gemini to pour through you now — all your subtle bodies and their centers — cleansing, purging, and releasing mis-qualified energy … thence heightening and raising your vibration to be in synchrony with the peaceful Presence of the Soul. OM

ʘ  Sounding the sacred Word, OM, … with a Breath of Life (through high aspiration), we raise our energy unto the “True Soul-Self” — the Triune Soul expressing as a Trinity of the One Life, One Heart and One Universal Mind of God — that Christhood opens and Is.

ʘ  Holding our hands in a gesture of open reception allow the energies thus contacted to flow through the Crown … penetrating and gaining deeper entry … opening more fully to the sacred fire of Spirit that flows through the True Soul to us — the ‘man — woman’ on the ground of daily living’

ʘ  Expanding our awareness now, we step into the consecrated Soul Star Group — a Sphere of living Light and Love, sensing we “Who have here gathered in unified Group Approach to Divinity” … prepared to experience the sacred mystery of “the Universal Dissemination of Christ Consciousness”.  


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ʘ  Visualize each Soul standing in the radiance of the Christ Circle, blending now in One magnanimous whole — a Sphere of radiant Light … living Love … and Holy Will — giving Love … the field thence expanding beyond the boundaries and confines of time and space.


Sense the living field of the Spiritual Hierarchy … gathered in the Holy Presence of the Divine Mother and the Lord of Life and Love, … Their attending Angels ..., and the great Presence of Shambhala That is the Center where the Will of God is known. 


With Divine intention in mind, bring into Group Mind the Soul of Humanity serving the Plan of God … confirming its role in the Great Chain of Being.


Together with the Christ and Spiritual Hierarchy, we sound the the last line of the Great Invocation (a World Prayer Invocation) with focused intention and power:




(Words to the full GI can be found below at the end of Part II) 

Part II

“All we know at this time is that the Christ will fuse and blend within Himself three principles of divinity; when He appears "the light that always has been will be seen; the love that never ceases will be realised, and the radiance, deep concealed, will break forth into Being." We shall then have a new world—one which will express the light, the love and the knowledge of God in a crescendo of revelation.

The beauty of this synthesis which Christ will manifest, and the wonder of the presented opportunity, must surely be apparent to all of us. Great Forces, under potent spiritual Leadership, are standing ready to precipitate themselves into this world of chaos, of confusion, of aspiration, of hope and of bewilderment. These groups of energies are ready for focussing and distribution by the Hierarchy and that Hierarchy, under its Great Leader, the Christ, is closer to mankind than ever before in human history. “ ROC, 94/5

Holy Thursday Communion

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In times of old, Holy Communion was with The Christ and His Disciples.

Today, consecrated Soul Groups gather in Holy Relationship with the Christ and Spiritual Hierarchy.

Together we Meet, we Pray, we Meditate, we Contemplate ~ to Be Flowed through from On High serving as consecrated channels for the unfolding Plan of God




"Love, too, would set a feast before you,

on a table covered with a spotless cloth,

set in a quiet garden where no sound but singing and

a softly joyous whispering is ever heard."

"This is a feast that honors your holy relationships

in which everyone is welcomed as an honored guest ..."

"In a holy instant, 

Grace is said by everyone together

as they join in gentleness before the table of communion."

"And I will join you there, as long ago I promised and promise still.  

For in your new relationship am I made welcome.  

And where I am made welcome, there I am."

(ACIM, 411)

ʘ  Let us now invite the Christ into our Heart ... reverently coming into vibratory COMMUNION with His Holy vibration (the sacred Word, OM, sounding forth in wholeness) ~



Having entered the Holy Chamber, Hear the Words writ in the Christ Field of sacred Communion: 

'I NOW GIVE YOU THE “BREAD OF LIFE” — of Divine Universal Substance sub-standing all forms, nourishing the Divinity within you.

‘Come — Partake, Receive the Bread of Life … penetrating all forms with new life and Purposeful living.  ‘Do this in Remembrance of Me — the Living Christ Presence’.

OM (sounded silently or softly aloud)

As we partake, sense new life energy coursing through us — through the substance of our holy body ... nourishing, replenishing, uplifting, vivifying — transubstantiating — REVEALING What Is — Father Mother God — Life and Holy Matter united — nourishing the universal Christ Spirit in Us now.


'I NOW GIVE YOU THE “WATERS OF LIFE” — the sweet Wine of Life Eternal … the Universal Waters that course through all the Universe. 

‘Come — Partake, Receive, Drink Deep of the Waters of Life Eternal … coursing through all sentient Life … through you, through us now.  ‘Do this in Remembrance of Me” — “the Living Christ Presence.’

OM (sounded silently or softly aloud)

Drinking deep, sense new life energy coursing through us now — as living water through our holy bodies ... nourishing, replenishing, clarifying, purifying, restoring, renewing, uplifting, vivifying.

Remember Christ’s words:


ʘ Let us Be in the Sacred Silence of the Holy Place — the altar chamber of the Chalice of the Heart/Mind — as we

Listen intently now (to Christ “speaking”) through you, through us, now … expect the message to be plainly spoken and simple — a pure word impression, a visual sight impression, an energetic state or expansion of light — leading to a deepening love … a fire of will … a flowing vibration in the spine and its centers … it will be unique to you.




ʘ  Re-align with the Soul Star (Group) — and come into conscious resonance with the “great Potency of the Inner Groups” (the energetic presence of the Ashrams of the Masters of Love-Wisdom).  

◊ Together As One, imagine the Group extending a ray of “Will to Love” in one continuous vibration to the Heart of Christ.

ʘ  Visualize the Soul Star Group receiving a group response of return flow pouring through It — and all consecrated Groups meeting in Holy Communion (during these consecrated Days) … In turn, visualize the Groups giving Blessings of Good Will to Humanity, the Earth, places in the World in special need, to specific Groups in your circle of “giving” and to “our relations” for which we have taken responsibility.

◊ “Listen” intently for impression pouring through the Soul Star Group.

ʘ When our ritual communion is sensed to be complete, imagine The Christ and Spiritual Hierarchy leading all assembled in the sounding of the Great Invocation.

 (The Great Invocation below has words in brackets for the alternate version if desired)


 From the point of Light within the Mind of God,

Let light stream forth into the minds of men [into human minds],

Let Light descend on Earth.


From the point of Love within the Heart of God,

Let love stream forth into the hearts of men [into human hearts],

May Christ [the Coming One] return [appear on] to Earth.


From the center where the Will of God is known,

Let purpose guide the little wills of men—[guide all ‘human will’],

The purpose which the Masters know and serve.


From the center which we call the race of men [the human race],

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out,

And may it seal the door where evil dwells.


Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.


Sound a Sacred Om (embodying the Light of God)

Sound a Sacred Om (embodying the Love of God)

Sound a Sacred Om (embodying the Will of God) 


Let us "Be In" the living energies coursing through us, the Soul Group and Humanity on this Day.


"The great Invocation or Prayer does not belong to any person or group but to all Humanity. The beauty and the strength of this Invocation lies in its simplicity, and in its expression of certain central truths which all [humanity], innately and normally, accept—the truth of the existence of a basic Intelligence to Whom we vaguely give the name of God; the truth that behind all outer seeming, the motivating power of the universe is Love; the truth that a great Individuality came to earth, called by Christians, the Christ, and embodied that love so that we could understand; the truth that both love and intelligence are effects of what is called the Will of God; and finally the self-evident truth that only through humanity itself can the Divine Plan work out."            

POH, 165/6

HOLY THURSDAY COMMUNION — Can be a Weekly Ritual throughout the Year


“That we may all go forward into greater light and understanding, and that the light may shine upon the vertical Way of the disciple is my prayer and aspiration for you.” GWP, 25

(Angel's Trumpet — grown in Belvedere, CA — by HBH)

(Angel's Trumpet — grown in Belvedere, CA — by HBH)

Tomorrow, please go to "Pentecost Friday" for the next day's ritual of "Divine Approach to Pentecost"





For the coming New World Religion

Educational Contemplative Diamond Soul Practices; Meditations; Sacred Readings; Living Rituals for Individual and Group Invocation & Evocation in Spiritual Approach to Divinity


References from the "Blue Books" authored by the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul (DK) and communicated through Alice A. Bailey, can be purchased through Lucis Trust:

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Images or Music purchased or found on the internet are for educational purposes under Commons Public Domain. 

Music by HAROLD G. MOSES can be ordered through Nimbit Music:

HGMoses - Harmonic Sounds Tracks:

HG Moses, PhDE • 602-751-8352

Director: The Institute of Harmonic Science - a 501c3
Composer • Performing Artist • Intuitive Musical Readings

Music by Michael Robbins - The Great Invocation can be ordered through

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