For the final two weeks of Esoteric Lent leading to Easter, we shall immerse ourselves in the story of the “Three Temptations of the Christ” where Christ met and overcame evil — and the Sermon on the Mount (to be added here this year). Some of the best writings on this subject are found in Alice Bailey’s book, From Bethlehem To Calvary that written by her and not the Master DK. While one can sense the qualitative difference between her writings and that of the Master DK, her deep insights, understanding and knowledge are beyond the ordinary (see below).
Come back to this page periodically to see if anything new has been added.
Blessings to One and All who have been walking this conscious journey of the Soul Star Group daily attuning and aligning, and participating in the Diamond Soul Practice disciplines that make study real. We are filling full the sacred chalice of the Group heart-mind, and as well our own individual Chalices. Through this rhythmic annual ritual and ceremony, we serve to bring forth the renewing energies of higher light, refining love and vital life power. The mysteries of Initiation that Christ enacted for Humanity will become increasingly real for us.
As we deepen our inner contact through “retreat”, we stimulate the archetype of the Master within.
◊ Intuit, know, feel the Blessedness of the work that lays before us and your part in it.
Signs of Christ - Nicholas Roerich (painter)
"O how AUM shall penetrate into the human consciousness! Here I have drawn a pistil and above it an arc, and have set the foundation in four directions. When by human feet and human hands the Temple will be built wherein will blossom the pistil laid by Me, then let the Builders pass by My Way. Why should We await the way when it is before Us?” [In this sloka, we understood this to be the Christ speaking to Master Morya] — Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.5 ◊
A - The Father
U - Christ Consciousness
M - Mother Matter
As we CONTEMPLATE, we imprint the divine on earth.
In the context and realities of daily living, we serve to bring Heaven on earth. As more and more people come to know and presence their Soul, a coherent wave of God’s Love passes through the Soul of Humanity.
Our intention now is to be immersed in the higher radiatory energy that poured through the Christ when facing the Three Temptations before He entered Jerusalem, esoterically called The City of Peace. This refers not to a tangible city on earth but to a high inner world named Shambhala.
The relevant section has been copied and inserted into a PDF here for you to read.
Long version: CLICK HERE for the PDF of the Three Temptations of the Christ
(Book is available from
An Abbreviated focused reading of the above main document that includes specific Contemplations and Mala practices with “Words of Power” is found here:
CLICK HERE — for the new Abbreviated and focused study
Esoteric Lent Diamond Soul practices are a “call to discipline” for the Soul to curate a spiritual process for the personality (and its vehicles) leading to transfiguration and higher Initiation. In the processes of Renunciation, we renounce the unreal to come under the full control of the Soul to express and be a channel for Essential Divinity.
The three temptations of the Christ, such as experienced from the higher levels of the 5th degree Master and 6th degree Chohan, the frequency of higher Harmlessness and beneficence which renders all evil harmless, stimulates the same within us.
In this more condensed form, we are reviewing the writings on these subjects to link, live in and/or experience (to what degree we can) the Three Temptations in relationship to Harmlessness at the level of aspirant, disciple and soul which the Initiate Jesus had gone through, and on a higher turn of the spiral, what Christ went through at His stage of unfoldment as the Perfect One moving through the 6th Degree and preparation for the 7th.
We must remember Christ is with us today beaming forth What and Who He Is as an expression of Divinity — still leading Humanity into the new Age of Aquarius and waters of Life more abundant.
In the context of the Three Temptations, the three primary practices of harmlessness — perfect poise, a completed point of view and divine understanding — demonstrate and affirm our Essential Divinity. They can only be experienced, not ‘reasoned into’ from the level of the concrete mind, yet the mind must play its role through right orientation and holding the mind steady in the light of the Soul. In the work of Esoteric Advent, this is descriptive of the Mind of Christ (the Heart Mind) evolving to — “let this Mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus” (Paul in Philippians - 2:5)
“Let the mind of the master be the master of your mind”.
“The mind of Christ is a phrase conveying the concept of the rule of divine intelligent love, which stimulates the rule of the soul within all forms, and brings in the reign of the Spirit.” — EP-I, 95 — Be Impressed with this idea and CONTEMPLATE.
The concrete mind when turned downward can be lost in detail and endless analysis becoming a prison for the soul and unable to receive higher light. When the mind is trained in discrimination, the next steps are discernment and contemplation. When the mind is turned upward contemplating the lesser and higher expressions of harmlessness, a door opens into illumination and inspiration, allowing for touches, a taste and finally a full living experience. When drawn in to a deeper and fuller experience of the freedom of perfect poise, a completed point of view that knows the whole, and loving divine understanding, — the Perfect One — is thought to express through us in some measure. ◊ CONTEMPLATE
This is subtle work. It works by “surrendering unto” … leading to being taken over, overtaken by the Soul. It happens to us as the vibratory vehicles are sufficiently raised … allowing virgin spontaneity. … And then it happens, and keeps happening … until this becoming is a state of Being …
~ Our true natural state,
The Signature of God —
In the Flesh ~
From LOM — Let us remember the subjective goal of all manifested life in this solar system.
“What I seek to bring out here are the three clear lines whereby a man may mount to the Logos and find union with the self of the Solar System. He can mount by the line of the Manu, he can attain through the line of the Bodhisattva, or he can reach his goal via the path of the Mahachohan. But specially note, that on this planet the Lord of Love and Power, the first Kumara, is the focal point for all three departments. He is the One Initiator, and whether a man works on the line of power [Manu], or on the line of love [Bodhisattva], or on the line of intelligence [Mahachohan], he must finally find his goal on the synthetic Ray of Love and Wisdom [the Second Ray of this solar system]. He must be love, and manifest it forth, but it may be love working through power. It may be love in harmony, or love working through knowledge, through ceremonial or devotion, or it may be just pure love and wisdom, blending all the others. Love was the source, love is the goal, and love the method of attainment.” (LOM, 167/8)
EA, 116/17
“In the first cycle of experience upon the wheel, the soul itself is in captivity to substance; it has [we have] come down into the prison house of matter and linked itself [ourselves] to form. Hence the symbol of Pisces, of the two fishes linked together by a band. One fish stands for the soul and the other for the personality or form nature, and between them is to be found the "thread or sutratma," the silver cord which keeps them bound to each other throughout the cycle of manifested life. Later on, upon the reversed wheel, the personality is brought into captivity by the soul, but for long aeons the situation is reversed and the soul is the prisoner of the personality. This dual bondage is brought to an end by what is called the final death, when the complete release of the life aspect from the life of form takes place. It should be borne in mind also that the soul itself is of the nature of form from the standpoint of the Monad, though it is a form far subtler than any that we know in the three worlds of human evolution.
“There is also a dual renunciation referred to in these key words, for first of all the soul renounces the life and light of the Monad, its source (symbolized by the words "the Father's home"), and descends into the ocean of matter; then, reversing itself, the soul renounces the life of form, the personality centre. The soul detaches itself (in consciousness) from the Monad, the One, and functions from its own centre, making its own new and material attachments. Then, upon the reversal of the wheel, it proceeds to detach itself from the personality and re-attach itself in consciousness to the One Who sent it forth. Such is the climaxing story of Pisces.
“The Lords of Will and Sacrifice come down into manifestation, sacrificing their high position and opportunities upon the higher planes of manifestation in order to redeem matter and raise the lives by which it is informed (the lower Creative Hierarchies) to the status of Themselves in so far as They constitute the fourth Creative Hierarchy. This is the subjective purpose, underlying the sacrifice of these divine Lives Who are ourselves essentially, Who are qualified by knowledge, love and will, and animated by ceaseless persevering devotion. They seek to bring about the death of the form in its occult significance and the consequent release of the indwelling lives into a higher state of consciousness.
“Of this process, all the world Saviours—past, present and to come—are the manifested symbols and the eternal guarantees. It is in such recognitions as these that the mainspring to the life of service must be sought. People born in this sign are frequently to be found serving the race and ministering to its needs upon some level of consciousness. Thus they are prepared for the final sacrifice in Pisces which "absorbs them back into their originating Motive," as the Old Commentary expresses it. It is for this reason that [embracing] the life of service and the directed intention to serve constitute a scientific mode of achieving release. In Aquarius, the sign of world service, the lesson is finally learned which produces the world Saviour in Pisces. Hence my constant emphasis upon service.”
CONTEMPLATE. LET US affirm our Lenten journey as a seasonal practice of Renunciation — renouncing and relinquishing that which is not Real — as we relinquish the unreal, we reattach to that which is Real:
“Lead me from the unreal to the Real, from death to Immortality”.
Once on the reversed wheel (all here), our spiritual journey becomes a great renunciation and relinquishment whilst in service of lifting all indwelling lives to a higher state of consciousness (through the many ways and forms this is done).
Renunciation is the journey of Humanity — every human Monad is a Lord of Will and Sacrifice and ceaseless persevering devotion, achieving our full potential individually and collectively as the fourth Kingdom of Nature. Having done so, Humanity will merge with the Fifth Kingdom — the Kingdom of Souls, for manifesting the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth — the purpose of the Lord of the World, Sanat Kumara Who is on “the synthetic Ray of Love and Wisdom”.
The Episodes of Easter Holy Week are a reenactment of the Five Initiations the Master Jesus and The Christ on His own level progressed through — restoring the Mysteries of Initiation for Humanity. Moving with them and in them is as much for our edification as it is for all of humanity as we impress our consciousness with these progressive stages, making them ever more real as we attune ourselves to a higher turn upon the spiral of Essential Divinity.
During Easter Holy Week and throughout the period of the three major Festivals of the Spiritual Hierarchy running from Aries to Taurus and Gemini, we recommend reading The Reappearance of the Christ (ROC) written by Master DK through AAB. It’s content carries a very high energy vibration and is an esoteric tool and classic for periodic immersion, stimulating the radiation of the Heart into the thought field and Plan for humanity for the coming forth of the Soul of Humanity.