We begin our days with Meditation III - the ACME OF ALIGNMENT (found at the top of Esoteric Lent - Part I, II, III). It can be as brief as 5 minutes or longer as desired.
“God is Love" — “our planetary keynote.”
(R&I, 726)
In our Esoteric Lenten process, we have renewed our “call to discipline” by our “constant effort to live at the highest possible point all the time”.
As we approximate the “high point” a great alignment takes place. As it stabilizes and integrates, renewing energy flows through us. We are re-made “in the essence” of high-fire alignment.
Of utmost importance is the discipline of THOUGHT and conscious choice when aspiring to stand in conscious RESONANCE with the higher planes of living.
The Great Ones that form the Ashram of the CHRIST create an energy field of tremendous potency. There is no penetrating that Aura before one is rendered ready.
Upon the high altar of a purified Mind, the potency of Spirit finds “a way” to enter through the form and sphere of daily living. As we discipline to live at the Highest Point possible, we are taken into the Great Chain of Being. This holy Chain joins higher Love, Truth, Beauty, Goodness … and is a bestower of spiritual Achievement.
We take a breath in the recognition that we are standing in the the Light of the World and the LIGHT of Life Itself … of Holy Love … and Holy Will — a triplicity that constellates through all the SIGNS with nuanced ray energies and flavors.
Visualize the Light of Life pouring through the Heart of the Sun — “the Son of Divine Love” … through the Solar System and to the Earth and Her Centers: Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity … thence through all the Kingdoms of Nature … the Soul Star Group … and each of us through the Chalice of the Crown and all our Centers … Blessing the Earth, Humanity and the Field in which we walk and serve with the Saving Force.
— Heavenly Father/Mother God, may we receive your daily Blessings and may Christ’s Love ~ a pure Light in the World ~ be with us ALL in “the fullness of Time” upon this sacred journey of serving the Plan from ‘the Highest Point Possible’.
How will the quality of thought so needed for the future life be developed?
HIERARCHY — 204. “Into the base of an affirmed orbit there is always set a single will, which binds all manifestations. Therefore, the focus is the radiating source that imbues all with fiery creativeness. Beautiful is the will that imbues with creativeness and impels each energy of the spirit into the higher spheres. Hence, the orbit that is built by the manifested will is expanded by the Spatial Fire through assimilation of the saturated fires and by its correlation with higher spheres. Thus, a great thought brings the spirit to great attraction, and the Will that radiates the highest fire attracts the spirit into the highest orbit. Thus, wondrous it is to be attuned with the Higher Will. Verily, only thus are revealed the orbits of the Infinite.”
Sutra 35. “In the presence of him who has perfected harmlessness, all enmity ceases.”
“This sutra demonstrates to us the working out of a great law. In Book IV. Sutra 17, Patanjali tells us that the perception of a characteristic, of a quality and of an objective form is dependent upon the fact that in the perceiver similar characteristics, qualities and objective capacity are to be found. This similarity is the basis of perception. The same truth is hinted at in the first Epistle of St. John where the words are found "We shall be like Him for we shall see Him as He is." Only that can be contacted which is already present or partially present in the perceiver's consciousness. If enmity and hatred are therefore to be found by the perceiver, it is because in him the seeds of enmity and hatred are present. When they are absent naught but unity and harmony exists. This is the first stage of universal love, the practical endeavor on the part of the aspirant to be at one with all beings. He begins with himself and sees to it that the seeds of harmfulness in his own nature are eradicated. He deals, therefore, with the cause which produces enmity towards him and others. The natural result is that he is at peace and others are at peace with him. In his presence even wild beasts are rendered impotent and this by the condition of the mind-state of the aspirant or ‘yogin.'“ [The Light of the Soul, 194/5]
LAW IX (Esoteric Healing, 295) — “Perfection calls imperfection to the surface. Good drives evil always from the form of man in time and space. The method used by the Perfect One and that employed by Good is harmlessness. This is not negative [passive] but perfect poise, a completed point of view and divine understanding.”
AGNI Yoga: Vs 264 “… And likewise said the Blessed One, “Distinguish between those who understand and those who agree. He who understands the Teaching will not delay in applying it in life. He who agrees will simply nod and extol the Teaching as remarkable wisdom, but will not apply this wisdom in life. There are many who have agreed, but like a withered forest they are fruitless and without shade. Only decay awaits them. Those who understand are few, but like a sponge they absorb the priceless knowledge and are ready to clean away the evils of the world with this precious liquid. He who understands cannot help but apply the Teaching, for, realizing goal-fitness, he accepts it as a solution to the problems of life. … ”
TWM, 488 “There are three main penalties which attach to the wrong use of thought substance, and from these the aspirant must learn to save himself, and to avoid those activities; eventually this will make the process of salvation unnecessary.” ….
CLICK HERE to read more about the three penalties (the dangers of enmity, wrong thinking and karmic consequences)
“How shall a man guard himself from these dangers? How shall he rightly build? How shall he preserve that balance which will enable him to see truth, judge rightly, and so preserve his mental contact with his soul and with the souls of his fellow men?
First and foremost, by the constant practice of Harmlessness. This involves harmlessness in speech and also in thought and consequently in action. It is a positive harmlessness, involving constant activity and watchfulness; it is not a negative and fluidic tolerance.
Secondly, by a daily guarding of the doors of thought, and a supervision of the thought life. Certain lines of thought will not be permitted; certain old thought habits will be offset by the institution of constructive creative thinking; certain preconceived ideas (note the esoteric value of that phrase), will be relegated to the background so that the new horizons will be visioned and the new ideas can enter. This will entail a daily, hourly watchfulness, but only until ancient habits have been overcome and the new rhythm established. Then the aspirant will discover that the mind is so focussed on the new spiritual ideas that the old thought-forms will fail to arrest the attention; they will die of inanition. There is encouragement in this thought. The first three years' work will be the hardest. After that the mind will be engrossed by the ideas and not by the thought-form.
Thirdly, by refusing to live in one's own thought world and by entering the world of ideas and the stream of human thought currents. The world of ideas is the world of the soul, and of the higher mind. The stream of human thoughts and of opinions is that of the public consciousness and of the lower mind. The aspirant must function free in both worlds. Note this with care. The thought is not that he must function freely, which involves more the idea of facility but that he must function as a free agent in both worlds. Through constant daily meditation he does the first. Through wide reading and sympathetic interest and understanding he accomplishes the second.
Fourthly, he must learn to detach himself from his own thought creations, and leave them free to accomplish the purpose for which he intelligently sent them forth. This fourth process falls into two parts:
1. By the use of a mystic phrase he severs the link which holds an embodied idea in his thought-aura.
2. By detaching his mind from the idea, once he has sent it on its mission, he learns the lesson of the Bhagavad Gita and "works without attachment".
These two points will vary according to the growth and status of the aspirant. Each has, for himself, to formulate his own "severing phrase", and each has for himself, alone and unaided, to learn to look away from the three worlds wherein he works in his effort to push his idea of the work to be done. He has to teach himself to withdraw his attention from the thought-form he has built, wherein that idea is embodied, knowing that as he lives as a soul, and as spiritual energy pours through him so his thought-form will express the spiritual idea and accomplish its work. It is held together by the life of the soul, and not by personality desire. The tangible results are ever dependent upon the strength of the spiritual impulse animating his idea, which is embodied in his thought-form. His work lies in the world of ideas and not in physical effects. Automatically the physical aspects will respond to the spiritual impulse.”
“Perfect poise, a completed point of view and divine understanding”
(Esoteric Healing, 670)
“What shall I say concerning harmlessness? It is not easy for me to show or prove to you the effectiveness of the higher aspect, spiral or phase of harmlessness as employed by the Hierarchy, under the direction of the Perfect One, the Christ. The harmlessness with which I have earlier dealt has relation to the imperfections with which humanity is wrestling, and is difficult for you to apply in and under all circumstances, as well you know. The harmlessness to which I refer in connection with you is not negative [receptive, passive], or sweet or kindly activity, as so many believe; it is a state of mind and one which in no way negates firm or even drastic action; it concerns motive and involves the determination that the motive behind all activity is goodwill. That motive might lead to positive and sometimes disagreeable action or speech, but as harmlessness and goodwill condition the mental approach, nothing can eventuate but good.”
CONTEMPLATE the above. Affix this fuller understanding of harmlessness firmly in mind.
“On a higher turn of the spiral, the Hierarchy also employs harmlessness, but it is related to the will-to-good and involves the use of dynamic, electric energy under intuitive direction; this type of energy is never brought into activity by man; it is energy which he cannot yet handle. This type of harmlessness is based on complete self-sacrifice, wherein the will-to-sacrifice, the will-to-good and the will-to-power (three phases of the will aspect, as expressed through the Spiritual Triad) are all fused into one dynamic energy of a deeply spiritual nature. This energy is the epitome of complete or perfect harmlessness, where humanity and the subsidiary kingdoms in nature are concerned, but it is expulsive in its effect and dynamic in its annihilating impact, where the Forces of Evil are concerned.”
“A close but esoteric study of the three temptations of the Christ will reveal three major occasions when the Perfect One, expressing this higher harmlessness, forced the exponent of evil to retreat. This triple episode is symbolically related, but is factual in nature. Little thought has ever been given to what would have been the worldwide effect down the centuries if the Christ had not reacted as He did; speculation is of little use, but it might be stated that the entire course of history and of the evolutionary progress of humanity would have been altered, and in a dire and awful manner. But the dynamic harmlessness, the expression of the will-to-good and the demonstration of the will-to-power (forcing evil to leave Him) marked a most important crisis in the life of the Christ. The Gospel story (with its resume of the five initiations) concerns the progress and triumph of the Master Jesus; the story of the three temptations indicated the taking of a still higher initiation, the sixth, by the Christ; this conferred on Him complete mastery over evil, and not mastery over imperfection; it was because He was the "Perfect One" that He could take this initiation.”
NOTE: See addendum on the “three temptations of the Christ” in the book From Bethlehem To Calvary for deeper study and immersion during this time of Lent preceding the climaxing energies of Easter Holy Week.
“I have given you much for mature consideration and thrown some light upon an initiation of which little, naturally, can be known. I would call your attention also to the three fundamental requirements for a successful approach to this initiation: perfect poise, a completed point of view and divine understanding. You would find it of interest to see how these three qualities work out in relation to the three temptations; in so doing much light would be thrown on the life, nature and character of the Christ.”
CLICK HERE to read more of the three basic requirements of perfect poise, a completed point of view and divine understanding.
DNA-I, 299 “Part of the great temptation of our Master, the Christ, in the wilderness was based upon the three aspects of the world glamour—illusion, glamour and maya. These all threatened to bewilder Him and He met each of them in turn with the enunciation of a clear-cut principle, and not with the wordy arguments of an analytical brain. From that field of victory, He went forth to love, to teach and to heal. In these days of world pain, let love and joy equally be the keynotes of your life—as a group and as individuals—for they carry the healing vibration of the Hierarchy.”
CONTEMPLATE: As with the Christ, we too can be victorious by drawing upon “clear-cut principles” that will bring us into a living field of “victory” — personally and collectively.
AFFIRM: “Let love and joy equally be the keynotes of your life—as a group and as individuals—for they carry the healing vibration of the Hierarchy.”
AFFIRM the Feminine Principle to which the great Arhats bow.
Hierarchy, Vs. 193 — “The fundamentals of Life can be affirmed through resurrection of the spirit. Purification of the foundations must be affirmed, for without this it is impossible to manifest the New World. … “
Vs. 194 — “ … the foundations of Existence would retain that basis which manifests the beauty of life. Cosmic Right brings understanding of the fact that a one-sided administration of the planet is plunging it into an abyss. Cosmic Right offers to humanity that Principle which can pierce the darkness. Cosmic Right reveals to the planet the unity of Principles which guides the entire Universe. Cosmic Right reveals the Feminine Principle as a manifested power. Cosmic Right reveals the greatness of the Feminine principle, which manifests self-renunciation, and before which verily the great Arhats bow themselves. Verily, we reverence the great Feminine Principle . Verily, we reverence the giving Principle which bestows the life of Beauty and of the Heart.”
“Perfect Poise indicates complete control of the astral body, so that emotional upheavals are overcome, or at least are greatly minimised in the life of the disciple. It indicates also, on the higher turn of the spiral, an ability to function freely on buddhic levels, owing to complete liberation (and consequent poise) from all the influences and impulses which are motived from the three worlds. This type or quality of poise connotes-if you will think deeply-an abstract state of mind; nothing which is regarded as non-perfection can create disturbance. You can realise surely that, if you were entirely free from all emotional reactions, your clarity of mind and your ability to think clearly would be enormously increased, with all that that involves
Naturally, the perfect poise of an initiated disciple and that of the initiated Master are different, for one concerns the effect of the three worlds or their non-effect, and the other concerns adaptability to the rhythm of the Spiritual Triad; nevertheless, the earlier type of poise must precede the later achievement, hence my consideration of the subject. This perfect poise (which is a possible achievement for you who read) is arrived at by ruling out the pulls, the urges, impulses and attractions of the astral or emotional nature, and also by the practice of what I have earlier mentioned: Divine Indifference.” (Esoteric Healing, 673)
◊ On this day, let us practice perfect poise in concert with the “Discipline of the constant effort to live at the highest possible point all the time”. When life brings us challenges opposing poise, let us Be The Observer — Be in the Mind of Christ to practice response in the three worlds.
Be consciously engaged in “ruling out the pulls, the urges, impulses and attractions of the astral or emotional nature”.
Practice Divine Indifference.
Where does this leave you?
“A Completed Point of View. This necessarily and primarily refers to the universal outlook of the Monad, and therefore to an initiate of the higher degrees. It can, however, be interpreted on a lower rung of the ladder of evolution and refers to the function of the soul as an Observer in the three worlds and the completed all-round picture such an observer gradually attains. This is brought about by the development of the two qualities of detachment and discrimination. These two qualities, when expressed on the Way to the Higher Evolution, become Abstraction and the Will-to-good.
A completed point of view-as experienced on soul levels—indicates the removal of all barriers and the freedom of the disciple from the great heresy of separateness; he has therefore created an unclogged channel for the inflow of pure love. Perfect poise, viewed from the same level, has removed all impediments and those emotional factors which have hitherto blocked the channel, thus preparing the way for the Observer to see truly; the disciple then functions as a clear channel for love.” (Esoteric Healing, 674)
◊ REFLECT and THINK — this is so important: Consider now what barriers you have released, and what still remain in you — and by extension the groups to which you belong, and in humanity — that are set in conditions of “the great heresy of separateness”. Barriers include misperceptions, prejudices, fears and projections devoid of light and understanding, stories and viewpoints that refuse to change, etc. ◊ Then consider their opposite. Bring to mind how it would end. ◊ Recall a perception, or experience that had the effect of non-separation, in action. Recognize this action as an influence of the Soul. Once we change separative perceptions to soul perceptions, we feel lighter and experience the freedom of the soul.
A completed all-round view is attained by developing discrimination and detachment in life. We see truly and experience life truly.
◊ Our practice ground to ‘remove any and all barriers resulting in separation’ begins with us, in us — and extends to all our relationships in groups — to how we are in groups, thence to humanity’s relationship with the earth itself. To notice the separative, non-loving mind, or imperfect poise, resulting in separative conditions, is the first step. As we hold the high note, as we see the big picture, we remove internal impediments and conditions change. We “see truly”. And life magically and supportively responds.
◊ Consider the Law of Love and the effect this Law has upon separation. Give energy to the Law of Love working through you and all your Relations … knitting Unity. ◊ Let today be an experience of functioning as a clear channel for the inflow of Love.
An Angel will be with you today as you do.
“Divine Understanding must also be studied from two points of view. As a soul quality, it indicates a mind which can be held steady in the light, and can therefore reflect the pure reason (pure love) which qualifies the reflections of the Son of Mind, the soul on its own plane. On the higher Way of the Master, it relates to that identification which supersedes the individualistic consciousness; all barriers have gone, and the initiate sees things as they are; he knows the causes of which all phenomena are the ephemeral effects. This, consequently, enables Him to understand the Purpose, as it emanates from Shamballa, just as the lesser initiate understands the Plan as it is formulated by the Hierarchy.” (Esoteric Healing, 674)
CONTEMPLATE — divine Understanding arises from a mind which is held steady in the light (of the Soul) … and therefore reflects pure reason (from the Buddhic Planes) / pure love.
◊ Recall times when the mind was held steady in the light regarding given circumstances. What occurred, what was revealed? And the outcome? We Know pure Love (and its coherent effects) flowing through the mind create understanding.
◊ By way of contrast, reflect what arises in and through a mind that is not held steady in the light of the Soul.
◊ Reflect upon some times when personal consciousness (triggered by emotion or negative judgement - yours or someone else’s) was superseded by soul consciousness in the realm of cause (causation) — where a fuller, truer understanding by the soul sees through things and understands “things as they are” — we know the truer, deeper cause behind what is at play — because Love is rising.
◊ Are there times when you see or have seen things as they are, or when you know or have known the Cause behind happenings on the ground of daily living? This seeing and knowing is “divine understanding”. REFLECT
◊ Have there been times when “divine understanding” of the Plan, or the Purpose of God, dawned upon your consciousness? This potentiality exists within all of us.
CONTEMPLATE: (enter into) —
“Pure Love” rising … as the Mind of Christ that is in You is rising.
The Mind of Christ is a Love-Mind — containing inherently unique powers
A loving mind is a coherent mind that sees whole, understands, knits together disparate parts, and creates conditions for transformational Love to flow.
Tree of Time, River of Life — (J Wall)
Harmlessness and the Right Use of Energy
CLICK HERE to read the document in PDF
Ancient Book of Rules
Formulas for the Manifestation of Harmlessness
RULE I Enter thy brother’s heart and see his woe. Then speak. Let the words spoken convey to him the potent force he needs to loose his chains. Yet loose them not thyself. Thine is the Work to Speak with Understanding. The force received by him will aid him in his work.
RULE II Enter thy brother’s mind and read his thoughts, but only when thy thoughts are pure. Then Think. Let the thoughts thus created enter thy brother’s mind and blend with his. Yet keep detached thyself, for none have the right to sway a brother’s mind. The only right there is, will make him say: “He loves. He standeth by. He knows. He thinks with me and I am strong to do the right.” Learn thus to Speak. Learn thus to Think.
RULE III Blend with thy brother’s soul and know him as he is. Only upon the plane of soul can this be done. Elsewhere the blending feeds the fuel of his lower life. Then focus on the Plan. Thus will he see the part that he and you and all men play. Thus will he enter into life and know the work accomplished.
Appendage: “These three energies—of speech, of thought, and of purpose—when wielded with understanding by the chela and blended with the awakening forces of his brother whom he seeks to aid, are the three energies with which all Adepts work.” TWM, 320
“We must remember that every aspirant is a focal point of energy and should be, in his place, a conscious focal point. In the midst of the whirl and storm he should make his presence felt. The Law of action and re-action works here, and often the Great Ones (foreseeing the need of just such points of inner contact in periods of world unrest, such as the present) gather into certain localities those who are aspirants to service. They act as a balance and aid the general plan, and at the same time they themselves learn much needed lessons.
“The effort on the part of all aspirants should not be to resist and repel the pressure or to fight and ward off. Such a method centres the attention upon the not-self and leads to added chaos. The effort should be along the lines of an endeavour to make contact with the higher self, and keep it stable and steady, and to be in such direct alignment that the force and power of the soul may be poured upon and through the lower threefold nature. This pouring through will bring about a steady radiation which will affect the surroundings exactly in proportion to the extent of the inner contact, and in direct relation to the clarity of the channel linking the [Page 323] physical brain to the causal body. The aspirant should also strive after that self-forgetfulness which merges itself in the good of those contacted. This self-forgetfulness refers to the lower self. Self-recollectedness and self-forgetfulness should be companions.”
TWM, 322
“Students need to remember that devotion to the Path or to the Master is not enough. The Great Ones are looking for intelligent cooperators and workers more than They are looking for devotion to Their Personalities, and a student who is walking independently in the light of his own soul is regarded by Them as a more dependable instrument than a devoted fanatic. The light of his soul will reveal to the earnest aspirant the unity underlying all groups, and enable him to eliminate the poison of intolerance which taints and hinders so many; it will cause him to recognise the spiritual fundamentals which guide the steps of humanity; it will force him to overlook the intolerance and the fanaticism and separativeness which characterise the small mind and the beginner upon the Path, and help him so to love them that they will begin to see more truly and enlarge their horizon; it will enable him to estimate truly the esoteric value of service and teach him above all to practise that harmlessness which is the outstanding quality of every son of God. A harmlessness that speaks no word that can damage another person, that thinks no thought which could poison or produce misunderstanding, and which does no action which could hurt the least of his brethren—this is the main virtue which will enable the esoteric student to tread with safety the difficult path of development. Where the emphasis is laid upon service to one's fellowmen and the trend of the life force is outward to the world, then there is freedom from danger and the aspirant can safely meditate and aspire and work. His motive is pure, and he is seeking to decentralise his personality and shift the focus of his attention away from himself to the group. Thus the life of the soul can pour through him, and express itself as love to all beings. He knows himself to be a part of a whole and the life of that whole can flow through him consciously, leading him to a realisation of brotherhood [one unified humanity] and of his oneness in relation to all manifested lives.” (EOH, 19/20)
◊ Today, and everyday, let us consciously link with the ONE SOUL expressing “Love to all beings” … leading to a more deeply realized Love and oneness with all manifested lives.
Conscious Participating Souls in all sanctified groups in service to the race are conscious channels for the “whole” — for the Heart of the Sun, for God’s Grace, for the “Will to Good” — to flow through into manifested life.
As we EXPERIENCE the “life of that whole” pouring through the SOUL and Soul Groups of which we are a part — expressing “love to all beings” — we affirm our oneness with all manifested life — in all cycles and seasons, and the rituals of greater Lives within which we live.
“There is no evading the process of ceremonial living. It is unconsciously recognised, blindly followed, and constitutes the great discipline of the rhythmic breathing of life itself. … Deity works with ritual and is subjected to the ceremonials of the universe. The seven rays come into activity and pass out again under the rhythmic and ritualistic impulse of the divine Life. Thus is the temple of the Lord built by the ceremonial of the Builders. Every kingdom in nature is subjected to ritualistic experience and to the ceremonials of cyclic expression. These only the initiate can comprehend. Every ant hill and every beehive is equally impelled by instinctive rituals and by rhythmic impulses. The new science of psychology could well be described as the science of the rituals and rhythms of the body, of the emotional nature and of the mental processes, or of those ceremonials (inherent, innate, or imposed by the self, by circumstances and by environment) which affect the mechanism through which the soul functions.” EP-I, 365/6
(Dragon’s Breath by Aaron Reed)
Invitation from MEDITATION MOUNT -
Dear Friend,
We would love for you to join us this Sunday, March 30 from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM PDT for this very special one-hour online meditation led by Halina Bak-Hughes, as we honor a rare and powerful astrological moment: Neptune’s transition from Pisces into Aries.
This cosmic shift occurs after the Spring Equinox and near the New and Full Moons of Aries and the Festival of Easter—marking a time of new beginnings, spiritual opportunity, and deep planetary alignment. As Neptune moves into Aries, it opens a channel for the radiant energy of love and compassion, often called the Cosmic Christ, to flow more directly into our world.
This gathering is part of a broader spiritual rhythm connected to the significant Centennial year of 2025—a time anticipated by many for profound insight and evolutionary change.
Together, we will engage in high thinking, meditation, invocation, and group transmission of energy—supporting real vision, renewed living, and the manifestation of Christ energy for Humanity and the Earth.
Whether you are a seasoned student of the esoteric teachings or simply feel called to participate in a moment of planetary peace and purpose, we welcome you with open hearts.
With presence and care,
The Meditation Mount Stewardship Team
“The sixth ray influence served to attract men's minds towards an ideal, such as that of individual sacrifice or service, and the mystical vision was the high water mark of the period; the numerous guiding mystics of the Occident and the Orient have appeared. The seventh ray influence will in time produce the magician, but in this age the magician will be predominantly in the class of white magic (not as in Atlantean days, when the predominance was on the side of selfish or black magic). The white magician works with the forces of nature and swings them back into control of advanced humanity. This can already be seen working out through the activity of the scientists which the latter end of the last century and twentieth century have produced. That much of their magical work has been turned into selfish channels by the tendency of this materialistic age, and that many of their wise and true discoveries in the realm of energy are today adapted to ends which serve man's hatred or love of self, is equally true. But this in no way militates against the wonder of their achievements. When the motive is transmuted from pure scientific interest [lower 5th Ray] to love of the divine revelation [higher 5th Ray], and when service to the race is the determining force, then we shall see the true white magic [and the true white magician]. Hence therefore the need to turn the mystic into the occultist [the white magician, practical mystic], and to train the modern aspirant in right motive, mind control and brotherly love, all of which must and will express themselves through harmlessness. The most potent force in the world today is harmlessness. I speak not of non-resistance, but of that positive attitude of mind which thinks no evil. He who thinks no evil and harms naught is a citizen of God's world.” (Esoteric Psychology (EP)-I, 358/9)
NOTE: words in brackets and italics are by the author of this website]
◊ REFLECT how right motive, mind control, and the confraternity of Love — sisterly brotherly love … leads to the service of the race, initiation into the mysteries … and ◊ becoming a perfected microcosm of the Perfect One.
◊ REFLECT upon Harmlessness as “beneficence” — that positive attitude of mind that emanates Soul thoughts and feelings, blending positive forces — as the most potent force in the world today.
◊ CONTEMPLATE the high calling of a “citizen of God’s world” … and the requirements sub-standing such citizenry. ◊ Imagine your-Self as a “citizen of God’s world”.
EXCERPT from Treatise on White Magic (TWM, 354)
“It is for this reason that each one of you needs to make a fresh dedication of himself to the work of the redemption. Personalities must be submerged. Aspirants must live harmlessly in thought and word and deed. In this way each one of you will provide a pure channel, will become an outpost for the consciousness of the Master and provide a centre of energy through which the Brotherhood can work.
The prime problem of the aspirant is to dominate the emotional nature. Then he stands victor on the field of Kurukshetra; the clouds have rolled away, and henceforth he can walk in the light. Let it here be remembered that this very freedom to walk in the light carries with it its own problems. You ask how this can be? Let me give one simple, yet (I think you will find) convincing argument.
When a man literally walks in the light of his soul and the clear light of the sun pours through him—revealing the Path,—it reveals at the same time the Plan. Simultaneously however, he becomes aware of the fact that the Plan is very far as yet from consummation. The dark becomes more truly apparent; the chaos and misery and failure of the world groups stand revealed; the filth and dust of the warring forces are noted, and the whole sorrow of the world bears down upon the astounded, yet illuminated, aspirant. Can he stand this pressure? Can he become indeed acquainted with grief and yet rejoice forever in the divine consciousness? Has he the ability to face what the light reveals and still go his way with serenity, sure of the ultimate triumph of good? Will he be overwhelmed by the surface evil and forget the heart of Love which beats behind all outer seeming? This situation should ever be remembered by the disciple, or he will be shattered by that which he has discovered.”
◊ Remember always “the Heart of Love beats behind all outer seeming.”
PART VI will be uploaded on a new page