Esoteric Advent

SOL INVICTUS UNIVERSALIS: Contemplative Diamond Soul Practices and Spiritual Rituals for the Heart of the Christ and the Soul of Humanity


Begins Wednesday, March 5, 2025

LETTER OF INVITATION - CLICK HERE (Revised after sending 3/3/2025)

NOTE: EDITING is in daily process. Please reload this page daily to see new content or edits, and communications from me! For example, what follows below for the first two days was edited in the wee hours of last night!

welcome to esoteric Advent ~ lent

spiritual RITUALs AND TEACHINGS for the new age


40 Days to Palm Sunday and Easter Holy Week


Daily Meditation Alignment - CLICK HERE (right Click to Open a New Tab). The Charts depicting the Spiritual Triad will also be found here. With practice, the two meditations (Acme of Alignment and Group Alignment) can be done in 10 minutes or less, or longer if you desire to put more time into them.

Contemplations — Diamond Soul Practices — Service in Daily Living. Scroll down below. Choose one or more. Have a Journal ready.

Spiritual Study — is interspersed with the Diamond Soul Practices, or a link is provided for more.

In the teachings of the Master (DK), “Mary” refers to Mother Matter or Earth. Some renditions of the “Ave Maria” are so pure that they immediately create an atmosphere of sacred space and open a portal into the realms of higher Angels. The quality of PURITY in the vibrational notes purifies and sanctifies the matter within us. We lift the matter within ourselves to a higher note, on High, purifying the substance of our cells — we are the Mother aspect preparing our vehicles of expression for an eventual descent of Spirit into a purified form.


Our orienting thought everyday through all the 40 days and Easter Holy Week shall be:


Let us remember that in the eyes of the Master, it is not accomplishment or perfection that is sought. Rather, it is constant, steady effort that will reap the results.Only the constant, steady, enduring effort of the will, functioning through the mind, will suffice to bring the aspirant out of darkness into light and to lead him from the condition of death into immortality.” Light of the Soul, 74

In these preparatory times for the “Appearing” of The Christ and the Great Ones coming closer to Humanity — we soulfully consecrate the Esoteric Lenten process. As we are renewed in the “call to discipline” through “the constant effort to live at the highest possible point all the time,” a great alignment takes place and a new current begins to flow through us.

As we engage in the spiritual practices that follow, we may be inspired to take on additional practices or points of focus beyond these pages, according to the higher will of the Soul. Let us be led and open. Of utmost importance is the discipline of obedience to the Soul Who opens the portal to Intuitive Perception.

Upon the altar of a purified Mind and Heart, we can expect new revelations of Love, Truth, Beauty and Goodness to expand into a fuller measure of Spirit awakening the continuity of life on a higher rung of the Great Chain of Being … thence transforming the sphere of daily living in its descent.

The Soul Star Group here gathered, “walking the Way” together, provides a protective circumference and power to stand in RESONANCE with the Great Ones and the AURA of the CHRIST in a profoundly new way. A very real possibility for new revelation follows.


Ritual of Self-Consecration.

The origin of Ash Wednesday in the tradition of the church came from burnt Palm branches from the previous year, that are rubbed on the forehead to visibly be reminded of one’s sins and failures, and to inspire humility, prompt self-reflection and repent — meaning, to turn around and do better. In the work of Esoteric Lent, we transform that ritual by recognizing our Essential Divinity and committing to self-purification thence the arduous disciplines of Discipleship found on the razor-edged path of the Soul, that leads to awakening the higher will aspect of Initiation and living as a Soul walking the planes of Earth.

Some may want to begin this week with a simple daily ritual. Have nearby some water from a sacred source, blessed water, or water you have blessed with a prayer intention. Also, you may want to add a special essential oil (EO) of your choosing, such as Rose Oil.

Cup your left hand (if right-handed or v.v.) and pour a few drops of water into the well of your hand. If you have a favorite EO, add one drop into the well of water in your hand. Dip the forefinger of your other hand into the well (water with EO) and anoint yourself by tracing a Cross of Light over the Ajna Center (middle of forehead) — and over the Throat center … whilst sounding the sacred Word OM (or A.U.M.). With the remaining water, anoint your hands and wrists until the liquid is gone. As you do this simple self-anointing ritual, be conscious that you are embarking upon a new phase of spiritual unfoldment through these disciplines, spiraling Higher (Deeper) on the Path of the Soul / Spirit, leading to renewed Life on Earth. You may do this little consecration ritual daily, or only once.



◊ FORMULATE a clear high statement of Intention for your journey through ESOTERIC LENT (whom will it serve, how will it serve, how do you want to stand and be in the world while in incarnation — during this period of time, an inflection point in the history of Humanity that will extend far into the future).


Heavenly Father/Mother God, IN THIS NEW BEGINNING, we open ourselves to receive your Blessings ~ May the Love and Light and Will of the higher World of Spirit that lives within us, be with us NOW in our willed intent to “live at the Highest Point Possible’ all the time”.

May we gain the wisdom and power to master the three worlds and in so doing come to know the Light and Love of Liberation. May a vaster experience of realization open before us. May we come to know ourselves as “Sons of God in manifestation”.

“Forgetting the things which are behind, we press forward” towards a higher goal. May we come to know what it truly means to ‘stand firm in true spiritual consciousness’. AMEN / OM [Light of the Soul, Book III, pp 359/361]

Contemplations, Diamond Soul Practices and Service in Daily Living

Some may prefer the note “G” — the Love note of the Universe — ever sounding forth by the Solar Logos.


“I call you to discipline … AND to the constant effort to live at the highest possible point all the time.”

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DAYS ONE and TWO (Wednesday and Thursday):

CONTEMPLATE: "This work," Christ said, "goeth not forth save by prayer and fasting."  I call you to prayer and to meditation for both are needed today, fusing as they do the emotional and mental bodies into one aspiring whole. I call you to discipline, for that is the meaning of fasting and to the constant effort to live at the highest possible point all the time; this is so often a dream but not often a fact. Today, in the hour of the world's need, aspirants and disciples who are willing to make at least consistent, persistent effort are needed by humanity and the Hierarchy.”    (EOH, 353)

From Alice Bailey: The Unfinished Autobiography:

“Personally, though I am recognised all over the world as a teacher of meditation I have at the same time never relinquished my habit of prayer. I believe that the true occultist uses prayer and meditation interchangeably according to need and that both are equally important in the spiritual life. The trouble with prayer has been that the average human being makes it entirely a selfish thing and a means of acquisition of things for the separated self. True prayer asks nothing for the separated self but it will always be used by those who seek to help others. Some people are too superior to pray and regard meditation as far more exalted and more fitted to their high point of development.

For me it has always been enough that Christ not only prayed but taught us the Lord's Prayer. To me, also, meditation is a mental process whereby one can acquire clear knowledge of divinity and awareness of the kingdom of souls, or the kingdom of God. It is the mode of the head and of the mind and is greatly needed by the unthinking people of the world. Prayer is of the emotional nature and of the heart and is universally used for the satisfaction of desire. Both should be used by the aspiring disciples of the world. Later I will touch upon Invocation which is the synthesis of the two.”

The Prayer of the Heart – The Foundational Spiritual Mystery at the Core of Christ” – Nottingham, 44

“Saint John Chrysostom interprets the injunction of Christ as an invitation to “a mental sobriety,” for it is this which we must accomplish, not merely the mouthing of a multitude of words or the repeating of prayers by rote … Christ teaches us a way of prayer and commands us … in making short and frequent prayers at small intervals. “In doing this, it will be easy for you to remain awake and you will say your prayers with great presence of spirit.”

The Mystery of Christ – The Liturgy as Spiritual Experience – Fr. Thomas Keating, 80

“Forgiveness … and the consequent restoration of Friendship with God is the great triumph … This is the true security that every human heart yearns for … freed from the separate-self sense and from the alienation that flows from it. This is the Peace which the world cannot give. The peace of Christ comes from the inner experience of resurrection and the realization of the union of our true Self with the Ultimate Reality.”  

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Reflecting upon fusing the emotional/mental body into “one aspiring whole” utilizing prayer and meditation, let us be open to new ways of prayer and meditation during this period.

Consider how ‘fusing into one aspiring whole’ the feeling and mental bodies can be a mechanism for what you want to manifest and Be through service.

In light of the above, what are your aspirations?

During this period, notice new aspirations rising in the light of your heart-mind.

DAILY, Be affirmed in the Master Teacher's counsel: 

‘I am called to discipline — the meaning of fasting, and to the constant effort to live at the highest possible point all the time.’

In these early days of fasting, what must we ‘fast from’ in order to so live?

What disciplines support your “constant effort to live at the highest possible point all the time”?




Contemplate the following in terms of the Lenten process. 

(FBTC), 97): “In an ancient treatise upon meditation, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, we find the teacher proclaiming, "Through purification comes also a quiet spirit ... and ability to see the Self." 10

“Purification is of many kinds and degrees. There is physical purity and moral purity, and there is also that magnetic purity which makes a man a channel for spiritual force. There is psychic purity, which is a rare thing to find, and mental purity.  The word "purity" comes from the Sanskrit word pur, which means freedom from alloy, from limitation and from the imprisoning of the spirit in the chains of matter. There can be no achievement without purification; there is no possibility of our seeing and manifesting divinity without passing through the waters that cleanse.”

◊ Consider Purity as the condition that remains after having passed through “the waters that cleanse” again and again, rendering us freed from limitation and the imprisoning chain of matter. What remains is ~

Physical purity

Moral Purity

Psychic purity

Mental purity

Magnetic purity which makes man a channel for spiritual force

◊ This constitutes Week One of the Lenten process.

Remembering “Purity is freedom from alloy,” let us Ask, and then observe, what the Soul “calls to discipline”.

As we consider the above “purities,” what calls our attention for greater refinement? Through the effort to live at the highest possible point, impurity will rise to surface.

Also notice the “purities” that now stand, or emerge, as a shining Sun — touched, stimulated, enhanced, and revealed.

◊ Throughout these days, notice a growing sense of freedom from alloy — from the limitations and imprisonment of matter. Notice the release. Notice freedom gained to soar higher in Spirit. Be witness, see evidence of the process at work. Have symbols come into your sphere to indicate this is so? Make note.

◊ Today, and in the days ahead, periodically pause to Contemplate: "Through purification comes also a quiet spirit.“

Reflect upon “quiet spirit.”



DAYS THREE AND FOUR (Friday and Saturday)

— Select one or more Diamond Soul Contemplations per Day —

◊ Pause to Contemplate: ‘Through purification comes the ability to see, to know the Self’. 

Freed from alloy, a heightened sense of Self is known and seen.

◊ Meditation (III) — The Acme of Alignment assists us to “live at the highest possible point all the time.”

True Alignment brings about the promised land — the ability to “see” and experience the True Self, Spirit

The Acme of Alignment creates the conditions for a “quiet spirit” — beyond the alloys of the personality.

True alignment widens the channel to God — to Spirit, the Monad.

The Antahkarana — the bridge — the channel is widened with every effort to “live at the highest possible point all the time.”

Heightened Discernment or Spiritual Perception is a Soul power indicating “God Immanent” is actively present in our Consciousness.

This too comes about by the disciplined effort to “live at the highest possible point all the time.”

As the veils between the inner worlds and the lower pulls of matter drop away, what stands revealed is the Triune Self and the Sun.

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TODAY and NEXT DAYS - Let us remember, let us make space for a ‘quiet spirit’ in all our days.

◊ In the Days ahead, we consider daily living:

“In the world today a great cleansing is going on. An "ascetic purification" and an enforced abstinence from much that has hitherto been deemed desirable, is going on in the world, and none of us can escape it. This is due to the breakdown of the economic system and the many other systems which are proving ineffectual in the modern world. Purification is being forced upon us, and as a consequence a truer sense of values must eventuate. A cleansing from wrong ideals, a racial purification from dishonest standards and undesirable objectives, is being powerfully applied at this time. Perhaps this means that many in the race today are going down to Jordan, to enter its purifying waters. A self-applied ascetic purification, and the recognition of its value by the pioneers of the human family, may succeed in leading them to the portal of initiation."    (FBTC), 97)

As we go about our days, aware of “the call to discipline and the constant effort to live at the highest possible point all the time” ~

We reinforce “The Self” as Observer. As Observer, we easily detach from desires and outcomes. As Observer, we easily see what is standing out for purification. As the warmly detached Observer, we know what must not escape the clearing, purifying fires of Purification.

Observe what comes into the Observer’s orbit during these days.

The Soul sends opportunities for purification. They rise in our awareness. Let us make note and not ignore them.

— “look into” — see what is wanting to be seen.

— is something harboring in the emotional and mental bodies?

— does something want to be lived through a purificatory fire?

— does anything need re-framing to eventuate a “truer sense of values”? If so, what is the higher ideal, or value?

◊ Bring the Soul Ideal into “the Presence of the Heart” for cultivation. When lived, it will continue to find fuller expression through you.

Soul Ideals present themselves in our lives as opportunities for cultivation. For a circumstance, or area of personal or social responsibility, clothe what comes to mind with an “ideal” word phrase.

Purification often has us see or experience an opposite to the ideal, that which is not. Irritation or annoyance that builds over nothing, asks for patience and detachment. Boredom that dulls the mind asks for alertness, aliveness and the play of life. Superiority that produces Inequality asks to see the soul.

These lead to group expressions. Cultivating what is good for all — economic sharing for the peoples of the earth, resources accessible to benefit whole societies, education leaving no one behind. True spiritual values governing politics and business close doors to corruption and selfishness. It takes a village to raise a child — it takes a village to care for our elders. Because we are human, mistakes are made and Restorative Justice brings dignity to growth. Forgiveness is a force that allows love to heal and elevate.

Cultivating these thoughts in ourselves spreads a leavening agent around the world.

Higher Values and Virtues are living Lights. When streaming through Humanity, they catch fire. All are preparatory to harmony, peace, fulfillment and the realization of a higher order of living.



“Once they have been dominated, all that remains is right orientation and polarization in the soul.”

As long as we identify ourselves with our emotions — our moods and feelings, reactions to desires — to that degree will we have “moments of despair, of darkness, of doubt, of dire distress, and of depression … all due to delusion, to the glamour of the astral plane, which distorts, reverses and deceives.  There is no need to dwell on this.  If there is one factor aspirants recognize, it is the need of freeing themselves from the Great Illusion.  Arjuna knew this, yet succumbed to despair.  Yet in his hour of need, Krishna failed him not, but laid down in the Gita the simple rules whereby depression and doubt can be overcome.  They may be briefly summarized as follows:”

◊ “Know thyself to be the undying One.”

“Control thy mind, for through that mind the undying One can be known.”

“Learn that the form is but the veil which hides the splendour of Divinity.”

“Realise that the One Life pervades all forms so that there is no death, no distress, no separation.”

◊ “Detach thyself therefore from the form side and come to Me, so dwelling in the place where Light and Life are found.  Thus illusion ends.”

TWM, 308

Choose one simple rule for today’s consideration. Steep yourself in it until its truth expands through you.

Oh magic tree, what have you to tell me?

“Don’t give up.”

On who or what?

“On your Self.“


Part II — Week Two


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"The "sphere of radiation" [aura] is a potent instrument in service, and its extent and purity of contact should be cultivated by the pledged disciple.  There is true [esoteric] teaching in the statement in The New Testament that "the shadow of Peter passing by healed." His aura was of such a nature that it had a beneficent effect wherever and whenever it touched or contacted those in his environment. The control of the Christ over His aura was such that "He knew when virtue had gone out of Him"—He knew, therefore, that healing energies had poured through one of His centres to a needy person or group of persons.“

It is the aura, and its potency of attraction, and its stability, which also holds a group together, which also keeps an audience listening, and which makes an individual of importance along some definite line of approach to his fellowmen. The "sphere of radiation" is easily determined by those who seek it out and who watch the effect of the radiation upon people in their community and environment. One highly emotional person, working through an overdeveloped and uncontrolled solar plexus centre, can wreck a home or an institution. I give this as an illustration. One radiant, creative life, consciously using the heart or the throat centres, can carry inspiration to hundreds. These are points well worth careful consideration."

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"You must, however, bear in mind that these centres are brought into activity by the cultivation of certain major virtues, and not by meditation or concentration upon the centres.  They [the centres] are brought automatically into the needed radiatory condition by right living, high thinking and loving activity. These virtues may seem to you dull and uninteresting, but they are most potent and scientifically effective in bringing the centres into the desired radiatory activity.  When the task is done, and when all the centres are living spheres of outgoing, radiatory activity, they swing into each others' orbit so that the initiate becomes a centre of living light and not a composite of seven radiant centres. Think on this." (Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, 174/5)


(Esoteric Healing, 577/8) “The East has ever emphasised magnetic purity but has totally ignored physical purity as the Occident understands it; the West has emphasised external physical purity but knows nothing about magnetic purity; this latter is largely based (somewhat erroneously though not entirely so) on the effect of the auric emanation and its purity or non-purity. …

1. Achieve magnetic purity through purity of life.

2. Attain a dispelling radiance through linking the centres in the head.

3. Establish a magnetic field through the utilisation of this magnetic field.



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LET US CONTEMPLATE VIRTUE.  During this Lenten season, building the bridge (antahkarana - Acme of Alignment) and cultivating “right living, high thinking and loving activity" — will in turn increase the "sphere of radiation". Ponder on this.

◊ Now consider what soul virtue(s) is calling to be a point of focus. What is being “called” to increase in your life in the context of “right living, high thinking and loving activity”.

CONFIRM — I place my life upon the altar ofright living, high thinking and loving activity".

CONFIRM — all that I have to give, first flows through my radiatory sphere.

◊ As we move deeper into the Holy Fire and Living Potency of the World Teacher Whose “sphere of radiation” radiates the Light of the World, expresses the potency of magnetic Love, and streams the living waters of Life ~

All are embraced by the Holy emanations and radiation of the Lord of Love Whose sphere of influence fans the flame of every pledged disciple towards higher livingness.

◊ Throughout these 40 Days, let us cultivate the power of Blessed Silence whilst cultivating the ‘aura of radiation’.


"The "sphere of radiation" is a potent instrument in service, and its extent and purity of contact should be cultivated by the pledged disciple.”

◊ In the Diamond Soul Practice of cultivating and envisioning ourselves as “spheres of radiation” … We ACT AS IF until It stands True and powerfully Revealed by Who and What we radiate in the world of becoming.

TODAY — review meaningful highlights from Week One — bring their energy and revelation into Week Two.




Let us remember that Esoteric Lent is not about “giving things up” or letting go of something desired by the personality or meeting a personality goal. Our work is much deeper and broader. We come closer to the real meaning and purpose of ESOTERIC LENT when we understand that we are cultivating a fuller and deeper contact with the True-Soul, cultivating Soul virtues and their expression in the world. To hold in one’s consciousness “the Good, the True, the Beautiful” is to enter a vibrational reality of “the highest point possible.”

In this sacred work, the “giving up of things” by the personality has been largely accomplished through the disciplines met on the probationary path, and if there is more to do, they drop away naturally — or by atrophy due to non-attention. When the trajectory of focus moves to grander vistas and wider concerns of the Soul in Service, the self-oriented, separated self drops below the threshold of our attention. We are about our Father’s business. As Souls, we care about the Plan — and the big picture it is attempting to fulfill. Yet, being in incarnation, we are grounded in particulars. The “universal to the particular” is the natural order of things.

In the Lenten “call to prayer and discipline” and “the constant effort to live at the highest possible point all the time”, we will find ourselves “fasting from” habitual responses with greater ease. Our beliefs and mental constructs are loosened to see things differently. We find we are not as strongly bound to our views or responses or whatever it is that held a vibrational response. Even the “enemy” is seen with new eyes, and understanding and compassion.

We are engaged in a process of removal and building. We remove what stands in the way of the True Soul. We remove what obstructs access to the Soul. Like a great weaver, we simultaneously build a conscious awareness of “God Imminent.” Cultivating soul attitudes, attributes, virtues, senses, pathways, reflexes … are the way for ultimately being alive as a Soul. Living in the world is extraordinarily difficult if we forget these disciplines, all of which require effort. Let us imagine that it is equally difficult for the Soul to live in a world foreign to Itself.

Aiming higher — “the highest point possible” — over a prolonged, steady period produces a habitual response that leads to a ‘steady state’ of identification with spirit. Naturally, life is dynamic — not static. There are constant course corrections along the way. When difficulties come into our experience, when the past assails us, let us say, of course I expected you to come visiting. We welcome them. They become the factor of redemption for our piece in the collective. We build spiritual muscle. In our discipline to bring all that arises into the light of the Soul for purification — we purify the pattern, the reaction, the ignorance, darkness once and for all. It is then finished.

As the unhealed past and unintegrated parts of ourselves that want unity come into our orbit of awareness, take heart, know they are not you — not the real you. They are working their way out, they are the resistance to build a new way of being. Expect this period dedicated to purification and discipline of holding the highest note possible, to show us many things. Ruminating on grievances, reliving grief, turning guilt upon ourselves over and over in the mind — are not the way. Rather, bringing our troubles into the heart-mind of the attitude of the Observer will bring ‘understanding, healing, righting and wholing’. The Alchemy of the Heart comes into play, magically changing “the vibe.”

The old way of working from the bottom up is finally reversed in True-Soul/Spirit Identification. As we live in the high altitude of the Soul, higher purpose fills the mind — always. Soul vision guides the way forward — always. Clarity is present. Desire becomes “devotion to the Real” working its way all the way through — into the present. The Soul takes-over.

As we “strive” for higher Contact, we are conditioned by these higher energies — the downward flow sanctifies the life.

These high disciplines are a privilege.

◊ ◊ ◊

“Within the fire of the mind, focused within the head's clear light, let the group stand.”

MONDAY - continued

As we begin a new week, let us be reminded, therefore consciously aware, of the purpose of Esoteric Lent — but this time, let us now think of the group approach:

"This work," Christ said, "goeth not forth save by prayer and fasting."  I call you to prayer and to meditation for both are needed today, fusing as they do the emotional and mental bodies into one aspiring whole.”

The World Prayer - The Great Invocation

“I call you to discipline, for that is the meaning of fasting and to the constant effort to live at the highest possible point all the time; this is so often a dream but not often a fact. Today, in the hour of the world's need, aspirants and disciples who are willing to make at least consistent, persistent effort are needed by humanity and the Hierarchy.”    (EOH, 353)

◊ ◊ ◊


“I have earlier cited the foundational truths upon which the new world religion will rest. I would suggest that the theme of the coming religion will be that of the great Approaches themselves; that it will emphasize anew God's love for man as evidenced in these divine Approaches, and also man's response to God as the word goes forth: "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you"; that it will—in its rites and ceremonies—be concerned with the invocative and evocative side of spiritual appeal. (EOH, 414)

“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” EOH, 414

Leaves of Morya’s Garden – Illumination (Book Two)

“One must manifest discipline of spirit; without it one cannot become free. To the slave, discipline of spirit will be a prison; to the liberated one it will be a wondrous healing garden. So long as the discipline of spirit is as fetters, the doors are closed, for in fetters one cannot ascend the steps.

One understands the discipline of spirit as wings.

Whosoever will comprehend the discipline of spirit as illumination of the future worlds is already prepared.

He who has envisioned evolution will approach it carefully, joyously brushing away the dust on the path. Most important, there will be no fear in him. And rejecting the unnecessary he will acquire simplicity. It is easy to understand that the realization of evolution is always beautiful.

Again they will ask: “Why at the beginning of the path is so much that is pleasant accorded and so much forgiven?” It is because in the beginning all fires are full blown and the called one walks as a torch. It is up to him to choose the quality of his fire. He who comprehends the discipline of spirit will understand the direction of the fire and will approach the cooperation for the General Good. The end of the path can be illumined by a thousand fires of the General Good. These thousand fires will light the rainbow of the aura. Therefore, the discipline of spirit [has] wings!


Select a line — a key thought or idea.  Enter into it to penetrate further ... allow its meaning to wash over you and through you, speak to you, penetrate you, and in due time, be given away

Suggested immersion. Take one Diamond Soul Practice for this day:

◊ The discipline of Spirit is a Healing Garden.  Entering the Garden, we are liberated, freed of the fetters of the lower worlds. Freed, I have wings. Enter your Garden often today.

◊ “He who has envisioned evolution will approach it carefully, joyously brushing away the dust on the path.” He who has envisioned Initiation will approach it joyously, moving fast upon the way with speed and directed purpose focused on the goal.

◊ Through the Discipline of Spirit, we joyously brush away the dust on the path and the dust in the eyes of our brother — for his joy is my joy coming forth in greater array.

With the virtue of “loving understanding”, I see through life.

As I consider the dust on my path … what must I relinquish, release, remove, let go of — to throw into the fire that burns all dross, thus raising myself unto a higher fire of livingness?

◊ Removing the unnecessary … simplicity is acquired.

Today, remove the “unnecessary” to reveal the beauty, purity and potency of Simplicity in the Discipline of Spirit.


Be immersed in one Diamond Soul Practice for this day “to be free.”

To be free (of the lower vibrations of our world) we must ‘vibrate to’ — ‘stand in — ‘be of’ the constancy of the stupendous Love of God emanating from the Source — the SUN — pouring through the Heart Center of the Universe — the “Son of Divine Love.”  

“Perfect Love casteth out all fear”

“How to transmute the most bitter into the most sweet? Naught save Hierarchy will transform life into a higher consciousness.

It is impossible to imagine a bridge into the Infinite, because a bridge is in need of abutments. But Hierarchy, like the abutments of a bridge, brings one to the shore of Light. And imagine the entire effulgence that the eyes behold! And understand the Song of Light.

Let us labor for Light and Hierarchy!”


The Perfect Love of the Monad (Spirit) casts out all fear born of original separation.

In those in whom the magnetic aura is strong — evil has been dispelled evil, the dross of the lower self has been redeemed and removed.

The dweller that binds us to the lower worlds cannot forever stand once in the presence of The Real, the True, the Source of God Imminent — to which we are returning. All that does not fit the perfect pattern of the archetype drops away — washed, burned, transmuted, transformed, transfigured and finally relinquished.

◊ Today, we step into the Revelation of the perfect Love of the Monad (Who We Are) — through the agency of the Christ.

How does one do this? Where does one begin?

We begin with the Truth — the high thought that “Love has no opposite.”

Fear does not abide with Love. Having no fear, obstacles are not created in the constancy of Love.

As we move deep inside the field of Love, we find the True Self.

◊ He who comprehends the discipline of spirit will understand the direction of fire and will approach in cooperation for the General Good.

The torches of Love, Living Light and Holy Will are known as living Fires cooperating with the general Good.

In cooperation deep, stand among the thousands of illuminating fires, lighting the rainbow aura of the general Good.  Affirmed in the discipline of Spirit, we stand — together illumining the present-future. 

◊ Through the "Discipline of Spirit" we are liberated, set free. We have the wings of freedom. 


WINGS OF SPIRIT — See to it that you have wings!

“The intent of the [Kingdom of Souls] is to increase men's capacity for freedom in order to function effectively with that "life more abundantly" which the Christ will bring and which demands that the spirit of man be free—free to approach divinity and free also to choose the Way of that approach.” TEV, 197 CONTEMPLATE


Let us remember the proven method of — Meditation, Study and Service — for Soul living and accelerating unfoldment. Immersing ourselves in deeper study fulfills one aspect of this triune formula that dovetails and further stimulates the others.

The depth and richness of study in the section that follows is garnered from the teachings of Master DK in the book TELEPATHY and the ETHERIC VEHICLE (TEV). As earnest student/disciples, we are deepening our understanding of the activation of the Centers. We are also building the bridge to Spirit / Monad through Meditation III.

As we continue, may we enter the depths of knowledge that border the intuition of the Soul, leading to deepening understanding and further expansions in consciousness.

It is valuable to study what follows as a reminder of the major conditioning precepts of an inner universe. If these ideas are new to us, they will stretch our subtle sense understanding and gently force new vistas of awareness. Unfamiliar terms can be daunting at first but become clearer and familiar in due time — as if ‘speaking‘ to us from beyond the surface mind.

If we are re-reading this text and ideas again, we soon come to realize the teachings are alive with fiery truths. They infiltrate the consciousness with new depth that expands spiritual perception. In due time, the mind comes en rapport with a greater, more inclusive universal Mind, a wordless, deep living intelligence — known by the Knowers as the omniscience of deity. Immersed in these themes as a Group, the group itself becomes one mind that penetrates the mysteries, together. We discover an ease of apprehension and understanding. Living truths open into a living universe. What is our service? We impress the field of humanity with awakening perception.

Soaking on the deeper meaning and significances revealed in these deeper fields of study is an aspect of “high thinking” that is oriented toward subtle planes of profound beauty not normally touched. Intentional practices and contemplations are their own reward. The vibration and understanding of the Master is antidote to our troubled world as we irradiate the human thought field with “high thinking.” Let us remember our goal — to be a “relaying channel in the divine flow”.

A “group endeavor” of ascent whilst learning, discovering and creatively serving is a collective walk through the purificatory fires, not only for ourselves but for humanity. In our group discipline of prayer and fasting, we build the body of “spiritual approach.” Magnetically conditioned and impressed by the Trans-Himalayan Love-Wisdom teachings, a magical process of accelerated unfoldment takes place. Our discipline takes on new meaning and import. Let us not underestimate the value of this technique of group progress.

◊ ◊ ◊

PLEASE NOTE: Tuesday begins Day One of the 7-day Solar Full Moon of Pisces ritual in Group Approach to Divinity.

OPTIONS: We have the option to proceed with the following Study below as described above, or take up the discipline of the 7-Day Full Moon process, or do Option Three — New for this year (see next section), or do some combination of all.

Revised Letter of Invitation for Pisces 7-Day FM — CLICK HERE

The 7-Day Solar Full Moon Ritual of Group Approach to Divinity (a guided but self-disciplined process) can be found on this website under the tab titled “7-Day Full Moon Ritual Approaches”.

If you wish to participate in the 7-Day FM Ritual but did not receive a Letter of Invitation (because you are new to Esoteric Advent/Lent and are not on the Master Mailing List), then PLEASE FILL OUT the RSVP tab which will place you into the Master list for future invitations to participate.



AT THE TOP OF EVERY DAY IS A SERIES OF CONTEMPLATIVE “FIERY” THOUGHTS from the book HIERARCHY 1931. THESE COULD SERVE AS YOUR SOLE DISCIPLINE FOR THE DAY ~ intended to be meditated upon and “lived” for the Day TO SUPPORT the CENTENNIAL CONCLAVE by building a closer connection with Hierarchy and hierarchical thought and to hold “the highest point possible all the time”.

For some among us, a fiery THOUGHT FOR THE DAY FROM HIERARCHY and MEDITATION III will be the only “Diamond Soul Discipline” for the DAYS in the week ahead — for the sake of SIMPLICITY — and POTENCY while we build our group energy for the 2025 Centennial Conclave — in the field of Humanity!



All who are consciously treading ‘the ways of Humanity whilst knowing the ways of God’ are supported and held by the Hierarchy “as we walk with Them”. The Heart of God and Angelic kingdoms are streaming a continuous outpouring to Humanity. Never alone, joyful striving and holding ourselves steady in the Light and Love of God places us inside a wholesome, potent energy field.

For some, the Full Moon process — the lengthy meditations and practice, may be more than one can do in a given day if other karmic responsibilities prevail. If so, please heed some experienced advice. Work intuitively and intelligently. The information found in the daily practices are meant to instruct and expand upon the Love-Wisdom Teachings for application in our lives, to understand what Humanity is undergoing, and to align more firmly and deeply with the Spiritual Hierarchy. Keep in mind that the meditation forms are meant to deepen and move us in the direction of living more fully as Souls, and in concert with the great Lives and energies informing our universe and our Earth humanity specifically.

The meditation “form” is meant to serve ASCENT whilst in incarnation. As we learn the structure (the main elements) by heart, we may move freely through them with ‘living facility.’ If time is short and we find it necessary to choose between doing the Meditation or the readings and Diamond Soul Practices that follow, choose Meditation. Meditation as given by the Master awakens the subtle currents of the higher Heart center and invokes the energy of Hierarchy for increased contact with Them.

During this Solar Full Moon of Pisces, let us be cognizant of the “saving force” released by the Christ into the world. Let us remember the role of being a “relaying channel” for the flow of high pure energy into the life of Humanity. Thus we serve.

Thus we Bless and are Blessed

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(study in lieu of or in addition to the 7-day Full Moon Process)

TEACHING FROM “TEV” FOR THIS WEEK …. 3 documents here for STUDY

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle (TEV) / by Alice A. Bailey communicated by the Master DK — three excerpted chapters for group study, immersion and alignment.

The following excerpts give the physics to “right living, high thinking and loving activity” producing the RADIATION in the centers of the etheric vehicle. These studies illuminate our understanding and beautifully correspond with “Med III” for building the bridge — the antahkarana, to the Monad — the ONE SELF.

(You may ‘right click’ to open a new tab and keep this page intact)




NOTE: The Diamond Soul / Contemplative practices for Wednesday through Sunday correlate to the third document, “The Planetary Life”.


TEV, Pg 148/59 (sections inserted for contemplation into each of the days)

“The use of the creative imagination is of value here. It may not give a true picture on all points, but it will convey one great reality. The reality to which I refer is that there is no possible separateness in our manifested planetary life—or elsewhere for that matter, even beyond our planetary ring-pass-not. The concept of separateness, of individual isolation, is an illusion of the unillumined human mind. Everything—every form, every organism within all forms, all aspects of manifested life in every kingdom in nature—is intimately related each to each through the planetary etheric body (of which all etheric bodies are integral parts) which substands all that is. Little as it may mean, and useless as it may appear, the table at which you write, the flower you hold in your hand, the horse on which you ride, the man to whom you talk, are sharing with you the vast circulatory life of the planet as it streams into, through and out of every aspect of the form nature. The only differences which exist are those in consciousness, and peculiarly so in the consciousness of man and of the Black Lodge. There is only the ONE LIFE, pouring through the mass of forms which, in their sum total, constitute our planet—as we know it.

All forms are related, inter-related and interdependent; the planetary etheric body holds them together so that a cohesive, coherent, expressive Whole is presented to the eye of man, or one great unfolding consciousness to the perception of the Hierarchy. Lines of light pass from form to form. Some are bright and some are dim; some move or circulate with rapidity, others are lethargic and slow in their [Page 149] interplay; some seem to circulate with facility in some particular kingdom in nature and some in another; some come from one direction and some from a different one, but all are in movement all the time; it is a constant circulation. All are passing on and into and through, and there is not one single atom in the body which is not the recipient of this living, moving energy; there is no single form that is not "kept in shape and livingness" by this determined inflow and outflow, and there is therefore no part of the body of manifestation (which is an integral part of the planetary vehicle of the Lord of the World) which is not in complex but complete touch with HIS divine intention—through the medium of HIS three major centres: Shamballa, the Hierarchy, and Humanity. In the multiplicity of the forms of which His great composite vehicle is composed, there is no need for Him to be in conscious touch. It is, however, possible, should He so desire it, but it would profit Him not, any more than it would profit you to be in conscious touch with some atom in some organ of your physical body. He works, however, through His three major centres: Shamballa, the planetary head centre; the Hierarchy, the planetary heart centre; and Humanity, the planetary throat centre. The play of the energies elsewhere (controlled from these three centres) is automatic. The objective of the circulating energies—as it appears to us when we seek to penetrate divine purpose—is to vivify all parts of His body, with the view of promoting the unfoldment of consciousness therein.

[open PDF document for more in the link above]



CONTEMPLATE: translate Materia Lucida to mean the Light of the World.

“3. The heart of an Arhat is like the Heart of Cosmos. The heart of an Arhat is like the fire of the sun. Eternity and the motion of Cosmos fill the heart of the Arhat. Maitreya is coming, radiant with all fires. His Heart is aflame with compassion for destitute humanity. His Heart is aflame with the affirmation of the new Covenants.

Among people there exists the concept of benumbed Arhats; and poor yogis feed the imaginations of men with their own images. But when humanity shall realize that the Arhat is the highest manifestation of Materia Lucida, it will understand that there is no difference between Materia Lucida which emits Light, and the Matter of Love enveloping all with Light. Humanity invests the Arhat with an austere image, but Materia Lucida radiates Love.

The sublime is bestowed upon the sublime; and the sublime dwells in the sublime; and the sublime will hold sway in the dimensions of the far-off worlds.”


LOVE PERFECTED through Relationship ~

“ … It is the theme of relationship therefore, which is the basic pattern in the evolutionary process of unfoldment in this, the second solar system (of three systems) which is [Page 194] that of the Son, wherein the quality of the second divine aspect, Love, is being perfected. In this perfecting process man participates unconsciously at first, during the long cycle of evolutionary unfoldment under the Law of Necessity; but when he becomes the aspirant and takes the first steps upon the path towards spiritual maturity, he begins to play a crucial role which he maintains until he attains spiritual liberation and himself becomes a member of the Hierarchy, of the fifth or spiritual kingdom, through perfected service in the fourth or the human kingdom.”

◊ Here, we are given a clear, major hint and a directing teaching: “relationship is the basic pattern in the evolutionary process of unfoldment” wherein “Love is being perfected.” — Now that we know this, does anything change for you? Do we see the importance and inescapability of relationship?

We play a “crucial role,” unconscious at first and then conscious, that is held paramount until we attain spiritual liberation. Ponder on this.

◊ As we consider our relationships, are they — and how are they — being perfected through Love? Sit with this thought, be with it as a living inquiry.

◊ Are there relationships in your sphere of influence, and relationship network, that need to be brought into the conscious perfecting process — thereby joining the divine inheritance of Love?

◊ In this latter question/inquiry, we must also reconsider our relationships with other kingdoms … the responsibility we have for them, and perfecting these relationships.

◊ Consider the “perfecting process” in your life bringing you closer to your goal of spiritual liberation. How is it working in your life?

◊ Is the perfecting process evident through your chosen line of service?

◊ Be clear in your mind about the necessity of the “perfecting process” distinguished from “perfectionism”.

◊ As you look out upon a world in conflict, do you see the Perfecting Process at play? Do we recognize it as an unconscious force, as well as a conscious force?



“16. The prayer uttered by Christ when leaving Earth was not heard by people. The prayer uttered by Buddha was not heard by people. The prayer that will be uttered by Maitreya knocks like lightning at the gates of the human spirit. Thus is Earth stratified and the consciousness of the spirit created.

When the dates approach, the work of creativeness may be entered upon. The creativeness of the Origins maintains a rhythm, neither retarding nor hastening.

Along with the planetary life there proceeds the construction for the higher spheres. The sweep of the constructiveness of the spirit completing its planetary life is so complex that one may truly call it a “dual constructiveness,” and the spirit is the guide in life. On the last step the spirit cannot affirm itself in the existing forms; a striving toward new forms to a very great extent fills the consciousness and the spirit.

The existing forms correspond very little to the beauty of the future. I testify that there are many mysteries in the life of an attained Arhat.”

55. The filling of the Chalice determines the quality of action. Each thought leading to the mighty understanding of Hierarchy uplifts the spirit. Therefore, as striving grows, the broadening of consciousness leads the spirit to the understanding of the Origins. Creativeness of the spirit can build a bridge to higher understanding only through the subtlest energies. Therefore, the accumulation in the Chalice gives the best possibilities and attainments. Man must strive to fill the Chalice and expand the consciousness. Thus, the subtlest energies are within reach of only the subtlest receptivity, and limitless striving opens the Gates to Beauty.


“The bond of relationship between the fourth and the fifth kingdoms (Humanity and Hierarchy) is increasing in strength, bringing new powers expressed as vital livingness in the more advanced members of the human family. The distribution of energies from the Hierarchy can be indicated briefly. As we know, the Hierarchy is a Heart Center in the body of the Planetary Logos — the Lord of the World. This Heart Center is comprised of 49 Ashrams that are overseen by the Lord of Love, the Christ. We also know that the inner Circle is comprised of Seven Ashrams each corresponding to one of Seven Rays, and overseen by a Chohan or high Master of Love-Wisdom; each of these Seven have seven subsidiary Ashrams making 49 in all.”

◊ The “bond of relationship between the fourth and fifth kingdoms (Humanity and Hierarchy) is increasing in strength …” — Do we have a growing sense of this? Does the fact that the Christ as head of the spiritual Hierarchy and His Disciples (the Masters of Love Wisdom) are drawing nearer to Humanity bear any influence in our experience of perception?

◊ Are there other perceptions born out as experiences “speaking to us” (individually, group and collective) in this growing awareness of relationship between Humanity and the Kingdom of Souls?




“8. Maitreya wishes to hasten all. Maitreya wishes that all should be successfully accomplished. Maitreya wishes you joy. Maitreya wishes to grant to humanity a gift through the fiery experience of Agni Yoga [fire yoga]. Maitreya wishes to transform life on Earth in the radiance of the Mother of the World. Yes, yes, yes! The beauty of life is limitless!

An Arhat sees with the eyes of the heart.

An Arhat sees with the eyes of the heart the beauty of reality.

An Arhat sees with the eyes of the heart, and the essence of the future calls Us.

Verily is that creativeness affirmed by Us.“


“An Ashram is an emanating source of hierarchical impression upon the world. Its "impulsive energies" and its inciting forces are directed toward the expansion of the human consciousness, through the magnetic lives of the group members as they carry on their duties, obligations and responsibilities in the outer world: it is aided also by the steady vibratory activity of the members of the Ashram who are not in physical incarnation and by the united clear thinking and convinced awareness of the entire Ashram. Beginners, such as are most aspirants (though not all), are usually engrossed with the fact of the Ashram. Trained disciples are engrossed with the work to be done, and the [Page 195] Ashram—as an Ashram—plays little part in their thinking; they are so preoccupied with the task ahead and with the need of humanity and of these to be served that they seldom think of the Ashram or of the Master at its centre. They are an integral part of the ashramic consciousness and their conscious occupation is called, in the ancient writings, "the emanating of that which flows through them, the teaching of the doctrine of the heart which is the force of truth itself, the radiating of the light of life, borne upon the stream to which the non-initiate gives the name, `the light of love'."

◊ In the awareness that group members whose service entails “duties, obligations and responsibilities in the outer world” are being directed and impressed by an Ashram for the purpose of expanding consciousness in humanity, suggests the importance of holding, supporting and wholesomely participating with such members and groups for the achievement of their purpose.

These groups are aided by “the steady vibratory activity” of the inner members of an Ashram not in incarnation, and by the “united clear thinking and convinced awareness of the entire Ashram”. REFLECT and absorb.

◊ REFLECT upon the ancient writing that “ashramic consciousness” is occupied with: "the emanating of that which flows through them, the teaching of the doctrine of the heart which is the force of truth itself, the radiating of the light of life, borne upon the stream to which the non-initiate gives the name, `the light of love'."

◊ What “consciousness” is emanating through you today? Is it Ashramic? Today, think “Ashram”.

◊ The “doctrine of the heart is the force of Truth itself”.

During these critical times in the life of Humanity, the “force of Truth — and the “doctrine of the Heart” need stimulation. The first Ray Life aspect of Divinity — and the Will of God (Sanat Kumara) are closely connected. — The Will is for Love to pervade the whole world — such that Humanity lives in unity and harmony upon the earth. It is the Will of the Solar Logos to manifest Love fully throughout the solar system, rendering it a Love system.

As the higher Will of Humanity aligns with the Will and Plan of God — the Way of the Father, we shall have Peace on earth.

◊ Today, let us channel the “light of life” borne upon the stream of love divine.




“15. Man-God advances as an evident aspiring Redeemer of Humanity. We guard this sacred truth about Man-God. I affirm that the Tara, carrying the flaming Chalice of aspirations for the redemption of humanity, can proclaim Our manifestation among [humanity].

The origin of the power of the Cosmic Magnet bestows striving toward the consummation. We Brothers of Humanity point out that the change will take place through the fiery principle. Verily, Our new step is so beautiful!

The currents of the higher spheres impel the currents toward the construction of Our Cosmic force. Great is the attraction! When striving hearts aspire toward consummation, the impetuosity increases [moving forcefully and rapidly], and the current of oneness is affirmed by the tension of the Cosmic Magnet. Thus the union resounds.”


“The members of the Ashram constitute a united channel for the new energies which are, at this time, entering the world; these energies pour dynamically through the Ashram out into the world of men; they stream with potency through the Master at the heart of the Ashram; they move with "luminous speed" throughout the inner circle; they are stepped down by those who constitute the outer circle, and this is right and good; they are delayed by the beginner and the new disciple from breaking forth into the world of men, and this is not so good. They are delayed because the new disciple has turned his back upon the world of men and his eyes are fastened upon the inner goal and not upon the outer service; they remain fixed upon the Master and His senior disciples and workers, and not upon the mass of human need.

◊ In the paragraph above and below, we are informed how new energy flows through an Ashram and out into the world to serve human need. The members themselves form a united channel for dynamic energy that either breaks forth into the world or is delayed due to wrong focus by the new disciple. REFLECT on what allows energy to flow with “luminous speed”? What does stepping it down look like?

◊ Here we see a lesson that can be expanded into other areas. An emphasis is placed on the metaphysics of focus. We know well the axiom, ‘what you focus on grows’. Here, the focus takes on a different emphasis. The Master is saying, take your focus off of Us because you are delaying the flow of energy from where it is intended to go. Here, right motive and intention must precede right focus, and, the correct use of the mind. ◊ A useful reflection for learning and shoring up effective service will ask — Was there a time when we, someone, or a situation delayed the energy — ask why? what was the specific cause? Think also of times when the energy flowed as intended — same question, why? ◊ Where else are we seeing energy and “good work” flowing freely as it should? Where are we seeing it obstructed through wrong or selfish focus? Is there a way to help?

◊ All the above can be a training for the death process and the afterlife. We are told that in the Tibetan Book of the Dead, there are three bardo states shortly after death, The second bardo state describes Purgatory. The mind, without the material constraints of the brain, is not easily able to modulate reality. Whatever way the thought goes, an image is created. Without the physical brain, the mind creates distraction. So then, we must train the mind with right focus based upon true motives. Reflect.

"It is essential that servers everywhere—the intelligent men and women of good will—get a grasp, fresh and clear, of the work to be done and that they become "relaying channels and not delaying points of selfish interest" in the divine flow. This takes vision and courage. It takes courage to adjust their lives—daily and in all relations—to the need of the hour and to the service of mankind; it takes courage to attack life problems on behalf of others and [Page 196] to obliterate one's own personal wishes in the emergency and need, and to do so consistently and persistently. However, there is much to encourage the server. Humanity has now reached a point in development where there is a definite grasp of the Plan of the Hierarchy—call it brotherhood, sharing, internationalism, unity or what you will. This is a growing and factual apprehension and is a general recognition by the thinkers and esotericists of the world, by the religious people of enlightenment, by broad minded statesmen, by industrialists and business men of inclusive vision and humanitarian insight, and even today by the man in the street. There is also a more definite recognition of emerging spiritual values and a greater readiness to relinquish hindrances to service. The plans of the Christ for humanity's release are more matured, for they had to wait until such time that the trend of human aspiration became more clearly emphatic; and the new era, with its latent possibilities can now be seen upon the horizon, stripped of the veils of glamour and wishful thinking … All of this is a challenge to the disciple. What is it that he must do?




“33. How can one come close to the Source? How will the higher understanding be affirmed?

Only by the law of Hierarchy.

The Guiding Hand is the Uplifting Hand.

The Indicating Hand is the Hand revealing the path to the Highest Law.

Thus is created the great step of the law of Hierarchy. Truly!”


“The disciple has to take himself as he is, at any time, with any given equipment, and under any given circumstances; he then proceeds to subordinate himself, his affairs and his time to the need of the hour—particularly during the phase of group, national or world crisis. When he does this within his own consciousness and is, therefore, thinking along lines of the true values, he will discover that his own private affairs are taken care of, his capacities are increased and his limitations are forgotten. He takes his place with those who perceive the needs of the coming cycle—a cycle wherein the new ideas and ideals must be stressed and for which a fight must be made, wherein the wider plans for the good of the whole must be understood, [Page 197] endorsed and preached, the new and clearer vision for human living must be grasped and finally brought into being, and a cycle wherein the effort of all members of the New Group of World Servers must be given to the lifting of humanity's load.

◊ Was there a time when your own private affairs were taken care of due to your absorption in a greater Good?

◊ As we take our place within the “new ideas and ideals [that] must be stressed …. ”, what comes to mind in light of the continuing conflict of Russia’s attack on Ukraine? As more and more nations come to assist Ukraine, the response by the majority of the world community is clear. Thinking in line with “true values” and “soul principles”, how is the “Law of Love” in play? Where is it being violated? Is Russia’s aggression in line with the wider Plan of manifesting the Good? Is Right Human Relations between nations expressed? The same thoughts can be expressed regarding Israel and Palestine.

What principles and vision for “right human relations” must be brought into action? Put your “Ideas” into words. Communicate your articulated thoughts to others throughout these days as part of your service.

"We are told in the New Testament that we must endeavor to let the Mind which was in Christ also be manifest in us. We are working towards the perfecting of the rule of Christ on earth; we are aiming at the development of the Christ consciousness and at the bringing in of the rule or law of Christ, which is Love.  This will come to fruition in the Aquarian Age, and we shall see brotherhood established on earth.  The rule of Christ is the dominance of the basic spiritual laws. The mind of Christ is a phrase conveying the concept of the rule of divine intelligent love, which stimulates the rule of the soul within all forms, and brings in the reign of the Spirit. (EP – I, 95) 

◊ Reflect on the revelatory power of the Christ growing in you, bringing joy and the strength of victory over the darkness of matter. Do you see evidence of it?

◊ Reflect on the same concerning humanity.


“There is a certain esoteric Mantram which embodies this attitude—the attitude of the disciple who is striving, in cooperative endeavour with others, to link hierarchical intent with human aspiration and thus bring humanity nearer to its goal. The intent of the Hierarchy is to increase men's capacity for freedom in order to function effectively with that "life more abundantly" which the Christ will bring and which demands that the spirit of man be free—free to approach divinity and free also to choose the Way of that approach. The Mantram bears the name, "The Affirmation of the Disciple." It involves certain inner recognitions and acceptances which are readily perceived by those whose intuition is sufficiently awake; but its meaning should not be beyond the ability of any sincere student and thinker to penetrate if it appeals to them as significant and warranting their effort.”

◊ Contemplate “The Mantram of the Disciple” in the light of increased capacity for freedom and to function more effectively with that “life more abundantly”; intuitively reflect upon those “inner recognitions and acceptances” which make this real. When sounding this esoteric Mantram, confirm its intent to link humanity with Hierarchy.

◊ ◊ ◊

“I am a point of light within a greater Light.

I am a strand of loving energy within the stream of Love divine.

I am a point of sacrificial Fire, focused within the fiery Will of God.

And thus I stand.

I am a way by which men may achieve.

I am a source of strength, enabling them to stand.

I am a beam of light, shining upon their way.

And thus I stand.

And standing thus, revolve

And tread this way the ways of men,

And know the ways of God.

And thus I stand.”

◊ ◊ ◊


REVIEW the week

Part III will be a review of Parts I and II for deepening and reflection:

Strengthen the Soul

Stand in the Light of Love


Radiate the Presence


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ESOTERIC EASTER: Easter Sunday is April 20, 2025 … “The date of Easter changes each year because it is based on the lunar cycle. Easter Sunday always falls on the Sunday after the first full moon following the Spring equinox in March.”

This year the Spring Equinox is on March 20. Aries NEW MOON is Marach 29 and the Aries FULL MOON follows on April 12.

For the week of March 17, go to LENT — PART IV.

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