the secret of the hidden glory
“The entire theme of the zodiac can be approached from the angle of light and its unfolding and increasing radiance and of the gradual demonstration in what I have called elsewhere, "the glory of the One." The mode of the development of this inner light and of its externalization must remain—from the standpoint of its cosmic effects—one of the secrets of initiation and this for a long time to come. It will, however, not be out of place if I were to give symbolically certain phrases and sentences which will indicate (for each sign) this "growth of light in light," as it is esoterically called, bearing in mind that we are attempting to express conditions connected with the soul whose essential nature is light. This soul-light affects the form as evolution proceeds and produces sequentially the revelation of that form, and of the nature of space-time as well as of the goal.” ... "A study of the above thoughts will reveal the symbolic story of the irradiation of matter, of the growth of the light body within the macrocosm and the microcosm [this refers to us], and finally make clear the purpose of the Logos." (EA, 328/9)
Transcending Ordinary Awareness
The first phase of our Contemplative Ritual Advent and esoteric Mountain approach to Divinity completed on Christmas Day. A second phase now begins with "The 12 Days of Christmas" (beginning Dec 26 up to Three Kings Day on January 6 also known as Epiphany on a traditional Church calendar).
The Hierarchical “Christ” energies we have invoked through the Soul Star Group for the Soul of Humanity and all Participating Souls — through our daily participation in the sacred cultural observances of Christmas around the world and esoteric contemplations, meditations, group alignments and conscious resonance with the “great potency of the inner groups” (the Spiritual Hierarchy) — will continue to flow, mature and unfold "in and through us". As Souls, the Christ has been “born anew” and the group life has been affirmed, expanded and strengthened. The field of the earth has been heightened "where on earth we live". And our relationship and contact with the 5th Kingdom — the Kingdom of Souls of the Christ and Masters of Love-Wisdom has been made more conscious and deeply strengthened. As we extend our spiritual gains (achievements) and ‘virtues’ into daily living and expression, we move more fully into “living discipleship” — beyond theory and concept, and toward a state of “spiritual livingness”.
TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS. In this next phase, we enter into a fractal experience of a much larger living Reality in the Heavens as we intentionally and consciously lay down an over-lighting, over-ruling pattern for the entire year during the next Twelve days. Working daily as we have been yields the greatest rewards for further unfolding and "accelerating the Mind of Christ in us” through the corresponding 12 Petals within the Heart in the Crown Center (of the 1000 petaled Lotus). With this next stage of the Twelve Days of Christmas, Soul 'potencies’ and Soul virtues are further stimulated, awakened and developed as we consciously immerse ourselves in the One Great LIGHT of LIFE (of the macrocosm) esoterically referred to as the "Glory of the ONE".
By the end of the 12th Day, we will have a CROWN of 12 LIGHTS consciously lit and supported from the inside out.
The Crown of Light is the Divine Pattern for our Universe reflecting As Above, So Below.
WE LIVE in an “entified” universe comprised of Angels or Devas — all the way up and all the way down, hence our conscious work with the Angelic Lives of each Sign.
In our Daily Rituals, we bring to life the "Day" with the corresponding Keynote and Word of the Soul, and a brief but potent Contemplation and Diamond Soul Practice (from which to choose).
To ritually and symbolically represent the recognition of these Lights, you may want to use a circle of little candles (like birthday candles) lighting them one by one for each new Day in a sand-filled bowl, or a 12 pointed candelabra, or simply one central candle that you light every day for all twelve Days. There is no right or wrong way to do this. Most important in sacred ritual is the 'rhythmic return' to the sacred whilst in the Presence of the Soul, bringing Soul energy into all we meditatively and intentionally do thereby participating in "living ritual". The angelic lives who are ever present — entifying the universe, are our joyous companions.
Let us enjoy this phase of our group process together!
Each 'of the 12 Days of Christmas' symbolically correspond with a Light — a Sign, of the zodiac and we begin with Aries for the First Day of Christmas. However, currently in the Heavens, the Sun is in the Sign of Capricorn — “This is the light which clears the way to the mountain top, and produces transfiguration, thus revealing the rising sun.” This 10th Light will umbrella or “over-light” all our work for the remainder of this month to Epiphany, January 6.
Every month, we also have the spiritual opportunity to participate in a Solar Full Moon ritual to consciously invoke and work with the living energies of the Signs and Constellations, thereby joining the work of the spiritual Hierarchy during these times. These ritualized Group Approaches to Divinity are foundational to the “New World” religion.
In the tab titled "The 12 Lights of Life" on the website, you can find more teachings, inspired thoughts, Contemplations and Diamond Soul Practices specifically designed to stimulate the corresponding "petal of the Heart in the Crown" during the Sun’s actual entrance and month long sojourn through every Sign. In so doing, we consciously participate bringing the Heavens to Earth.
DAILY meditation
Spiritual Choir Music - Ambient Choir — Right Click here on the URL or below in play button:
EVERY DAY, we begin by affirming: Christ in me, Christ in you, Christ in all — born anew, “the Hope of Glory". DAILY, Let us affirm (look for, see, experience, know) the Truth of this statement.
The 12-Faceted Heart THAT is the Heart-Mind of Christhood confers twelve Soul powers (Super Powers) — that through this magical daily process, we absorb and confirm a facet of the Glory Body of the One Self (the True Soul-Self). With recognition, conscious use and soul application of these Powers, they further unfold and grow the Mind of Christ in us for the revelation of the Crown of Glory ~ the One Life pouring through creation — from the universal to the particular.
DAILY MEDITATION ◊ In sacred time (only now) and sacred space (only here), step more fully into (open more fully to) the peaceful Presence of the Soul … coming into conscious alignment with the Life energies during this time of Capricorn — the “light which clears the way to the mountain top … revealing the rising sun” … flowing to and through the Heart of the Sun, the Son of Divine Love — to the Earth and all Her Centers: Shamballa — where the Will of God is Known … to and through the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Christ — where the Love of God is Known … to and through Humanity creatively expressing the Mind of God in service of the Plan — thence all the Kingdoms of Nature. ◊ Breathe the Breath of Life on the Mountain Top — the Light of Initiation — the Supernal Light pouring through all the Centers, whilst sounding the sacred Word, OM — affirming — Christ in me, Christ in you, Christ in all born anew, ‘in ever greater Glory’.
◊ We attune with the Soul Star Group … imagining it linked with “the Great Potency of the Inner Groups” — the Ashrams of the Christ and Masters of Love-Wisdom — with Christ in the Center. ◊ Let us light — extend — a Light unto the Christ … to merge our Light of Love with His Presence … to inspire and heighten our vibration upon our Way. (OM)
Some may want to ‘sound in love the names of We who have here gathered’ — or more simply "magnanimously hold in Love" the Soul Star Group as one whole ~ Christ’s Presence Blessing the Group — and all sanctified Groups working for the Plan.
◊ Sounding once again the sacred Word, OM …
and the world prayer, The Great Invocation — The Great Invocation — OR the Word Phrase of Power that summarizes the GI all in one: “LET LIGHT AND LOVE AND POWER RESTORE THE PLAN ON EARTH”.
Holding our hands in blessing allows the energies to actively pour through (the centers in the palms) as Christ does every morning beneath His sacred pine tree in the Himalayas blessing Humanity and all the Earth.
OR: The Master DK wrote: “To those of you who can appreciate and use the Great Invocation, I would suggest its renewed and earnest use. This alternative invocation might, however, be suggested and found useful” ~ (Externalization of the Hierarchy, 174)
"O Lord of Light and Love, come forth and rule the world.
May the Prince of Peace appear and end the warring of the nations.
May the reign of Light and Love and Justice *be made manifest [*begin].
Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with us."
[*’made manifest’ replaces the word “begun”]
1. Aries—The Light of Life Itself. This is the dim point of light found at the center of the cycle of manifestation, faint and flickering. It is the "searchlight of the Logos [GOD], seeking that which can be used" for divine expression.
Keynote: “I” come forth, and from the Plane of Mind “I” rule.
◊ Impress your mind with the Light of Aries—The Light of Life Itself. A fractal of this Light resides within us in the growing Mind of Christ.
CONTEMPLATE ◊ “Christ anchored on Earth “the Will of God in the matrix of love” (as it has been esoterically called).” A stream of His Will is brought to us in the matrix of Love. As this Higher Will grows in us, we become "living lights of Love" in the growing matrix of Love. Let us see ourselves as such on this first day after "Christ-Mass Day".
“The secret of the will lies in the recognition of the divine nature of man. Only this can evoke the true expression of the will. It has in fact to be evoked by the soul, as it dominates the human mind and controls the personality. This is not determination; it is not whipping up and stimulating desire so that it can be transmuted into will; it is not an implacable, unshakable, immovable focusing of all energies in the need to triumph…. or an iron fixation to stand steady … The secret of the will is … tied in with the recognition of the unconquerable nature of goodness and the inevitability of the ultimate triumph of good.” (EA, 581/2)
DIAMOND SOUL PRACTICES (select one, more or all for today)
Attune with the Solar Angelic Presence and the energy of the Petal governing this Sign on this Day.
◊ Identify with your Divine Nature within, recognizing it as ‘the unconquerable nature of goodness and the inevitable, ultimate triumph of Good’. This is the first step to Knowing our divine nature and making contact with its living energy through the Soul, as the Soul.
The Soul — the Christ nature in us — evokes this higher Will into increasing expression. When this happens, we fulfill our divine life purpose.
The CHRIST came in touch with the Will of the Father for the coming Age — His life purpose. The Soul has a corresponding life purpose.
“Abide in me as I abide in you” is the inner Christ speaking. Let us live this line of Truth on this day — every Day.
◊ See (visualize) the first Petal of the Crown “lit”. Be confident in your Divine Nature — "the unconquerable nature of goodness” and the ‘inevitable and ultimate triumph of good’ — when saying: “I” come forth, and from the Plane of Mind “I” rule. ◊ CONTEMPLATE — Let us impress this truth of the Soul into us as a living Light.
This is the first Gift or Power of the 12-petaled Crown.
Be connected with the Soul Star Group throughout this Day. Pour forth the living Light of this Day into the world of daily Soul living — through our thought life, feeling nature and actions. Aries initiates (all Cardinal signs initiate). Recognize the power of the ‘unconquerable nature and the ultimate triumph of the Good’ flowing through us today, on this Day, and in the world.
By this days end, review and affirm highlights from this DAY in our evening review before sleep.
2. Taurus—The penetrating Light of the Path. This is a beam of light, streaming forth from the point in Aries, and revealing the area of light control. (EA, 328)
Keynote: “I SEE, and when the eye is opened, all is illumined”.
In the light of Taurus, the Disciple ‘sees’ the vision that demands those simple ways, universally voiced, to better “human conditions that may be more truly enlightened for the benefit of the whole”. “Through the constant attempt to comprehend and interpret the divine Plan for humanity, … an enlightened fusion of individual will with the great, divine Will for the great good of the whole” will produce an understanding cooperation with it, “subordinating all to the innate divine urge for beauty, synthesis and the free expression of the hidden mystery which is to be found at the heart of all forms.” (EA, 372) ◊ CONTEMPLATE — let us impress this truth of the Soul into our memory as a living Light.
DIAMOND SOUL PRACTICES (select one, more or all for today)
◊ Let us attune with our Solar Angelic Presence, and the energy of the 2nd Petal governing this Sign (of the 12-petaled Heart in the Crown Center).
Be impressed by (meditate on) the Key Word of the SOUL — “I see, and when the eye is opened, all is illumined.”
Allow for revelation.
◊ What do you intuit / see / hear by the Soul of Humanity “today” that reflects those simple ways “universally voiced" to “better human conditions” — that are more truly enlightened for the benefit of the whole?
◊ Now with the Mind of Christ inwardly focused in the penetrating Light of the Path, what do you see calling for simplification and essentialization in your life "subordinating all to the innate divine urge for beauty, synthesis and the free expression of the hidden mystery which is to be found at the heart of all forms”?
◊ By exercising the power of “illumined seeing”, illumination further unfolds, opening the eye of vision. Letting go of hindrances, and fanning the fires of Hope and positive possibility for the greater Good of All, enables us to serve as “Beams of Light shining upon their way” — and Humanity’s way. Let it be done.
◊ See (visualize) the Second Petal of the Crown “lit” - with the words: “I SEE, and when the eye is opened, all is illumined”. ◊ CONTEMPLATE — impress this truth of the Soul into you as a living Light.
Illumined seeing, beauty, synthesis and the free expression of the hidden mystery — is the second Gift of Power in the 12-petaled Crown.
Throughout this day Be in the Soul Star Group pouring forth blessings for humanity through our lives “where on Earth we Live”. Let us hold the Soul Star Group in generous and noble spirit with the Christ presence radiating through it.
◊ By this days end, review and affirm highlights from this DAY in your evening review before sleep.
3. The Light of Interplay. This is a line of light beams, revealing that which opposes or the basic duality of manifestation, the relationship of spirit and of form. It is the conscious light of that relationship.
Keynote: ‘I’ [the soul] recognize my other self [lower self] and in the waning of that self ‘I’ grow and glow.
“This sign is sometimes called the "constellation of the resolution of duality into a fluid synthesis." Governing as it does all the pairs of opposites in the zodiac, it preserves the magnetic interplay between them, keeping them fluid in their relations, in order eventually to facilitate their transmutation into unity, for the two must finally become the One.” This is the energy that “relates” everything – it creates relationship, overcoming separation.
“Because the Ray of Love-Wisdom, the second ray, pours through Gemini it becomes apparent how true is the teaching that Love underlies the entire universe. God is Love, we are assured, and this statement is both an exoteric and an esoteric truth. This underlying love of Deity reaches our solar system primarily through Gemini, which forms, with the constellation of the Great Bear and the Pleiades, a cosmic triangle. This is the triangle of the cosmic Christ and is the esoteric symbol lying behind the cosmic Cross. There is ever the eternal triangle to be found behind the fourfold phenomenal appearance. Speaking symbolically and in the words of the Old Commentary:
"Upon the golden triangle, the Cosmic Christ appeared; His head in Gemini; one foot upon the field of the Seven Fathers and the other planted in the field of the Seven Mothers (these two constellations are sometimes called the Seven Brothers and the Seven Sisters. A.A.B.). Thus for aeons, the Great One stood, His consciousness in-turned, aware of three but not of four. Intent, with suddenness, He heard a sound go forth.... Arousing to that cry, He stretched Himself, reached forth both arms in understanding Love, and, lo, the Cross was formed.”
In the living relationship between Gemini and its opposite sign, Sagittarius, we are told of a great promise. Due to this constellational relationship — the way God has set things up for our Earth, “soul development” is guaranteed in all beings. An unfoldment of the great “Good” will take place on our sorrowful little planet engendering “all the Sons of God [to] rejoice” in due time and process!
“The cosmic line of force from Gemini to Sagittarius and the reverse is subjectively and esoterically related to our Earth, thus guaranteeing its soul development, the unfoldment of form as an expression of that soul, and leading our sorrowful humanity upon this woeful planet inevitably to the very gate of initiation in Capricorn.”
“In this statement and in the fact of the pain and sorrow which are distinguishing qualities of our planetary life lies hid a secret mystery.”
“Through this relationship and through the medium of the potencies pouring into our planet, a situation is set up which I might express in the words of the Old Commentary:
"When the dual forces of the cosmic brothers (Gemini) become the energy of the one who rides towards the light (Sagittarius) then the fourth becomes the fifth. Humanity, the link, becomes the Hierarchy, the bestower of all good. Then all the Sons of God rejoice."
EA, 356
DIAMOND SOUL PRACTICES (select one, more or all for today)
Attune with our Solar Angelic Presence, and the energy of the Petal governing this Sign on this Day.
◊ Contemplate the underlying Love of all the Universe. Consider the Angel of this petal saying to you (to all): ‘You are the Christ energy of Love pouring through all creation ... relating all opposites, uniting, overcoming duality, healing all separation’. BE this today.
◊ See (visualize) the Third Petal of the Crown “lit”. Today’s third Gift is the “underlying Love of all the Universe”. Allow this LOVE to flow through you on this Day and through all relationships great and small. ◊ ‘I’ [the soul] recognize my other self [lower self] and in the waning of that self ‘I’ grow and glow. CONTEMPLATE — impress this truth of the Soul into you as a living Light.
Throughout this day Be in the Soul Star Group pouring forth blessings for humanity through our lives “where on Earth we Live”. Let us hold the Soul Star Group in generous and noble spirit with the Christ presence radiating through it.
◊ By the days end, review and affirm highlights from this DAY in your evening review before sleep.
fourth (LIGHT) day of christmas - cancer
4. Cancer—The Light within the form. This is the diffused light of substance itself, the "dark light" of matter, referred to in The Secret Doctrine. It is the light awaiting the stimulation coming from the soul light [the Christ light in you].
Keynote: “In the Words given for this sign, the Word of the Soul indicates the objective of the Cancer experience and the purpose for which incarnation has been taken: "I build a lighted house and therein dwell." For the Disciple / Initiate: “The Whole is Seen as One.”
“This sign can carry deep meaning to all. You are in process of incarnation; you are following your chosen way. Is the house you are building yet lit [is your personality as a whole and its vehicles lit? Are your creations lit with Soul light]? Is it a lighted house, or is it a dark prison? If it is a lighted house, you will attract to its light and warmth all who are around you and the magnetic pull of your soul, whose nature is light and love, will save many.” If it is a dark prison, “isolation, loneliness and separation in the dark night” will be experienced. Yet, this is “all part of the Great Illusion”. It is, however, an illusion into which the whole of humanity is now precipitated in preparation for unity, freedom and release. Some are lost in the illusion and know not what is reality and truth. Others walk free ‘in the world of illusion’ for the purposes of saving and lifting their brothers, and if you cannot do this, you will have to learn so to walk.” (EA, 343)
“With the advent of soul light, forms become “a perfect expression of the Soul”. “In the sign Cancer, “God breathed into man's nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul”. In these words, you have established the relation which exists in the mind of God between spirit (the breath of life), the soul (consciousness), and man (the form). (EA, 313/4) CONTEMPLATE
DIAMOND SOUL PRACTICES (select one, more or all for today)
Attune with our Solar Angelic Presence, and the energy of the Petal governing this Sign on this Day.
◊ The Mind of Christ reveals houses, dark or lit. Soul Light stimulates the building of lighted houses first within ourselves — in our lives and all our relations, and in the world. REFLECT. See (with Illumined Seeing) ‘what is’, and what must “ideally be” (Neptune 6th/2nd rays on Earth 3rd ray).
◊ What will I GIVE LIFE TO — what will I manifest?
“The Breath of Life”: God gives man the ‘Life Breath’ pouring through all the Centers” to bring new Life into the form to build ideal and worthy forms .
◊ See (visualize or imagine) the Fourth Petal of the Crown “lit”. Today’s Gift is the knowledge and learning to walk free in the world of illusion, and perfectly express the Soul …. to fulfill the purpose for which incarnation has been taken — to build lighted houses and therein dwell for the purpose of saving and lifting. “With the advent of soul light, forms become “a perfect expression of the Soul”. Look for expressions of Lighted Houses in humanity, in society, and in your life.
◊ "I build a lighted house and therein dwell." For the Disciple / Initiate: “The Whole is Seen as One.” CONTEMPLATE — impress this truth of the Soul into you as a living Light and memory.
Throughout this day Be in the Soul Star Group pouring forth blessings for humanity, and through our lives “where on Earth we Live”. "Magnanimously hold in Love" the Soul Star Group with the Christ Presence radiating from its Center.
◊ By the days end, review and affirm highlights from this DAY in your evening review before sleep.
An example of Building a Lighted House in society. CLICK HERE Article titled “Where is the Forgiveness and Grace in Cancel Culture” by Vanderbilt University professor Michael Eric Dyson.
the fifth (LIGHT) day of christmas - leo
5. Leo — The Light of the Soul. A reflected point of Light Logoic, or Divine. The light diffused in Cancer focusses and reveals eventually a point." (EA, 328/9)
Word of the Soul: “I am That and That Am I”. “I am” is the word of the self-conscious, selfish, individual. “I Am That” is the Word of the [the soul-infusing personality] who is rapidly gaining higher consciousness. “I Am That and That Am I” is the fully realized Self. (EA, 311)
“The Keynotes of this sign are exceedingly well known. They sound out the note of individuality and of true Self-consciousness. …the only truly Self-conscious person is the man who is aware of purpose, of a self-directed life and of a developed and definite life plan and program…” (EA, 288)
In Leo — "The self-centered man becomes eventually the soul in life expression and focused on the achievement of the spiritual goal of selflessness ... the Lion who seeks his prey, the personality becomes the captive of the soul." (EA, 143) REFLECT upon the achievement of the spiritual goal of selflessness — manifesting as Soul-Fullness.
Attune with our Solar Angelic Presence, and the energy of the Petal governing this Sign on this Day.
◊ In the Light of Leo, the Light of the Soul, place yourself in the Soul-unfolding process of “I Am”, “I Am That”, and, “That Am I”. Place your awareness in the whole of this continuum … sense the flow of the continuum and your place in it. Move deeper into the Reality of this continuum … where the great Heart of the Universe abides — the Heart of the Sun, the Son of Divine Love.
◊ The powers latent in “the Mind of Christ (of the triune Soul-Self)” unfold as we exercise them. The light of Leo reveals opportunities for achieving the spiritual goal of selflessness and evolving true Self-consciousness. What must be captured … and then — what must we seize for the ‘evolvement’ of the “Mind of Christ” to take firmer hold moving us swifter along the Way?
◊ Lastly, are there “goods” that would be best left behind, surrendered, let go of, forgotten … that in so doing would allow for a greater good to take place — a new, expanded Awareness of “God Consciousness” — leading, Guiding the way? Some would call this “sacrifice” the power of which is magnetic — drawing unto you what is needed.
◊ See (visualize or imagine) the Fifth Petal of the Crown “lit”. “I am That and That Am I”. CONTEMPLATE — impress this truth of the Soul into you as a living light, and in memory.
Today’s Gift is remembering What and Who I am in the Continuum … Aware of life purpose, leading a self-directed life and (developing) program for a Greater Good … once firmly in place, the bridge is made for moment by moment Guidance of a higher Will.
Throughout this day Be in the Soul Star Group pouring forth blessings for humanity, and through our lives “where on Earth we Live”. "Magnanimously hold in Love" the Soul Star Group with the Christ Presence radiating from its Center.
◊ By days end into night, review and affirm highlights from this DAY in your evening review before sleep.
NEW — AN ANSWER TO A QUESTION: Question # 161 — “There are so many festivals and holidays that are celebrated in the name of love. Do the Wisdom Teachers have a favorite, or one that helps them reach us?”
Sixth (LIGHT) Day of Christmas - Virgo
6. Virgo—The blended dual Light. Two lights are seen—bright and strong, the light of form; one faint and dim, the light of God. This light is distinguished by a waxing of one and the waning of the other. … (EA, 329)
Word of the Soul: “I Am the Mother and the Child; I God - I Matter, Am”.
Keynote embodying the truth of the mission of Virgo most is "Christ in you, the hope of glory". (EA, 251/2)
VIRGO, THE VIRGIN – “This sign is one of the most significant in the zodiac. Its symbology concerns the whole goal of the evolutionary process which is to shield, nurture and finally reveal the hidden spiritual reality. This every form veils, but the human form is equipped and fitted to manifest it in a manner different to any other expression of divinity and so make tangible and objective that for which the whole creative process was intended”. Ponder on this.
Attune with our Solar Angelic Presence, and the energy of the Petal governing this Sign on this Day.
◊ Working with the Virgin Mother—the pure substance of the Mother aspect of Deity, “see”– recognize how you shield — the beneficial effects of shielding; the ways in which you are nurturing — the beneficial effects of nurturing; recognize the revelation of the unfolding “spiritual reality” (the Godly Presence in You) — manifesting through the form of the personality. Recognize Spirit and Matter synthesizing — the effects of which bring forth the Christ In You as a “synthesized Identity” (the supernal triad of Holy Light, Holy Love and Holy Will radiating through matter).
◊ Working consciously with these 12 Lights, a stabilized Awareness (Consciousness) is increasingly unfolding through the form. Reflect upon this Awareness working through your form.
◊ See (visualize or imagine) the Sixth Petal of the Crown “lit”. Today’s Gift is the presence of the Holy Mother in you shielding, nurturing and increasingly revealing the Christ in you, day by day, into greater living fullness this year— an evolutionary goal as fractals of “the Glory of the One” (the ONE BEING WHO embodies all 12 Constellations; each Petal a Soul Power).
Be aware of the effect in you as you shield, nurture and reveal (express).
Allow Virgo’s Holy Power to work beneficently with you this day … and throughout these remaining “Days” recognizing the energy that shields, nurtures and reveals a new “synthesized Identity”.
Throughout this day Be in the Soul Star Group pouring forth blessings for humanity, and through our lives “where on Earth we Live”. "Magnanimously hold in Love" the Soul Star Group with the Christ Presence radiating from its Center.
If nothing else, sense the Beauty of your Soul on this Day, and your role in the Divine Plan.
◊ By days end into night, review and affirm a highlight from this DAY in your evening review before sleep.
SHARING WITH YOU AN EXPERIENCE of THE PRESENCE OF THE GREAT MOTHER during the Second Day of the CHRISTMAS 12 Day process (from a previous year), appropriate to revisit here again, on this DAY. CLICK HERE
Seventh Day (LIGHT) of Christmas - Libra
Libra — The Light that moves to rest. This is the light that oscillates until a point of balance is achieved. It is the light which is distinguished by a moving up and down. (EA, 330)
Keyword from the Soul: “I choose the way which leads between the two great lines of force.” (EA, 251)
For the Disciple/Initiate: “Balance attained, divine love, and understanding.” (EA, 333) When the powers of the Libran petal are fully unfolded, there follows deep balance, divine love and understanding.
“This constellation…connotes the point of balance in the long relationship and interplay between the pairs of opposites. It indicates the will-to-express—in perfected proportion and harmony—both the life of the spirit and the potency of matter.” (EA, 632)
Attune with the Angelic Presence, the energy, of the Petal governing this Sign for this Day.
◊ When opposition arises, recognize it as an oscillation between two points. Bring the higher will to bear upon the swinging opposites ... setting into motion an interplay. Look for, be sensitive to, a perfecting proportion and harmony. The law is — as we invoke the higher will, its searing clarity and power to make things right moves obstructions asunder.
◊ The Libran Light of this petal strengthens the power to “choose as the Soul would choose”.
Think upon meaningful or significant choices and decisions you have been called to make in your life. Think of the quality of energy that accompanied the inner decision (choice) and where it led. Confirm the directing Hand in your life as the “will to express in perfected proportion and harmony both the life of spirit and the potency of matter”.
Reflect upon a choice or decision calling to be made—now or in the next cycle ahead. Call in the life determining “will of the Soul” to be involved. Call in the “will to Love” to be involved. Assure the personality “all shall be well” — to trust the outcome. Be strengthened by these soul thoughts. Know that when the time comes for movement or change or necessity to act, you are not alone — the Christ within is “with you”, the “group” is with you, the Plan of God is “with you”, working through you.
Pre-Living a Decision. Prior to when the time arrives to act upon a decision, align and be infused with the Libran energy of “balance attained” and “divine love and understanding”. Project this energy into the future state or condition. Do this whilst standing in the center of the Libran cross — the Christ within strongly present — and an achieved point of balance (the pairs of opposites are still). ◊ From this Center (under the “dome” of the glyph of Libra), know that the right soul decision has been made. Now, summon the will of the soul to follow-through … allow the "will to express" a newly “perfected proportion and harmony” of “both the life of the spirit and the potency of matter” to work out on the physical plane.
◊ See (visualize or imagine) the Seventh Petal of the Crown “lit”. Today’s Gift is the living Center where balance, divine love and understanding rule.
Throughout this day Be in the Soul Star Group pouring forth blessings for humanity and through our lives “where on earth we live”. "Magnanimously hold in Love" the Soul Star Group with the Christ Presence radiating from its Center.
◊ By days end into night, review and affirm highlights from this DAY in your evening review before sleep.
8. Scorpio—The Light of Day. This is the place where three lights meet—the light of form, the light of the soul, and the light of life. They meet; they blend; they rise.
Keynote: After testing, trials and triumph, the Word of the Soul is “Warrior am I and from the Battle I emerge Triumphant.”
Once the disciple has made the firm decision in Libra to move forward on the path of accelerated evolution, s/he faces the tests and trials of Scorpio to develop and prove the fitness of the three vehicles (physical/etheric, astral and mental bodies of the personality). This is necessary so that the Personality can receive, withstand and integrate the higher energies of the Soul – for becoming a Beam of Light in Sagittarius for the outworking of the Plan.
The tests of Scorpio are necessarily three in nature as they concern intimately the readiness of the threefold personality: 1) to reorient itself to the life of the soul, and later, 2) to evidence readiness for Initiation [the next major step on the Path], and 3) to demonstrate sensitivity to the Plan thus becoming the one-pointed disciple in Sagittarius.”
Attune with our Solar Angelic Presence and the Angelic energy of the Petal governing this Sign on this Day.
◊ As rising Souls, we intentionally test ourselves. We take on the mantle of the Spiritual Warrior and place ourselves on trial – habits, emotional responses and reactions to life and relationships, thoughts and beliefs about reality. We are cleared of false beliefs and untruths — standing clear in the light of Day.
Purified and healed, having met karma, “setting things right with the Soul”, we forward move ‘lightened’ from the heavy burdens of accumulations and past mis-creations (no longer carried). We forward move in right relationship with the Soul of all things and our environment. "These two results are the goal of all tests in Scorpio.” (EA, 206).
This year, let us hold a vision of ourselves and all group relations having done the “heavy lifting” work of Scorpio, free now to move forward with God-speed and the Soul in charge. A vision held long enough will come to pass.
“With the advent of the Light, he becomes aware of a new form of energy.” “When a man literally walks in the light of his Soul and the clear light of the Sun pours through him, revealing the Path, it reveals at the same time the Plan.” Can you withstand, stand with, what you see without losing heart? Can you face "what the light reveals and still go [your] way with serenity, sure of the ultimate triumph of good?" (Treatise on White Magic, 355) REFLECT
In Scorpio, three lights unite — the light of form, the light of the Soul and the Light of Life Itself — “they meet, they blend, they rise” … producing the true Disciple. Scorpio is the Sign of the Disciple.
◊ See (visualize or imagine) the Eighth Petal of the Crown “lit”. The Gift of Scorpio after purification of the form (personality) and its testing, is victory for the Soul — the Self over the self. As the three lights meet, blend and rise, a new, fuller light emerges on the Path of return of the clear light of the Sun. Freedom reigns.
Throughout this day, the Soul Star Group moves closer in resonance with the “great potency of the inner Groups” — and the Christ presence radiating from its magnetic Center pouring forth blessings to and through humanity, hence our lives.
◊ By days end into night, review and affirm highlights from this DAY in your evening review before sleep.
◊ ◊ ◊
“Scorpio is under the influence or inflowing energy of Sirius. This is the great star of initiation because our Hierarchy (an expression of the second aspect of divinity) is under the supervision or spiritual magnetic control of the Hierarchy of Sirius. These are the major controlling influences whereby the cosmic Christ works upon the Christ principle in the solar system, in the planet, in man and in the lower forms of life expression. It is esoterically called the "brilliant star of sensitivity." (EA, 197)
9. Sagittarius—A beam of directed, focused Light. In this the point of light becomes the beam, revealing a greater light ahead and illumining the way to the center of the light.
Key Word of the Soul: “I see the Goal. I reach that goal and then I see another.” May the words of this final injunction to the disciple carry meaning to the heart and mind.” (EA, 193) ◊For some, this soul-directed goal will be achieving 'initiate consciousness'.
“In studying Sagittarius, it becomes obvious that one of the major underlying themes is that of Direction. The Archer is guiding his horse towards some one specific objective; he is sending or directing his arrow towards a desired point; he is aiming at some specific goal. This sense of direction or guidance is characteristic of the enlightened man, of the aspirant and disciple, and this is a growing recognition; when this faculty of sensitive direction is rightly developed it becomes…an effort to identify all soul and personality activity with *God's Plan, and this is, in the last analysis, the ordered direction of God's thought. There is no true direction apart from thought, and I would have you remember that thought is power.”
*God’s Plan — and if it’s not, don’t do it!
Attune with our Solar Angelic Presence and the energy governing the Ninth Petal governing this Sign on this Day.
Let us remember “there is no true direction apart from thought” and “thought is power”.
◊ See (visualize or imagine) the Ninth Petal of the Crown “lit”. Today’s gift in the Mind of Christ is ‘the faculty of sensitive direction’ — becoming the “ordered direction of God’s thought”.
Throughout this period, the Soul Star Group moves into closer resonance with the Hierarchy — the “great potency of the inner Groups” and with the Christ — the magnetic Center, pouring forth blessings to and through aspiring humanity and all Groups and Disciples consecrated in service of the Plan, hence our lives.
◊ By days end into night, review and affirm highlights from this DAY in your evening review before sleep.
Play your choice of music here — creating sacred space.
10. Capricorn — “The Light of Initiation. This is the light which clears the way to the mountain top, and produces transfiguration, thus revealing the rising sun.”
Keyword: "Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back" — down from the Mountain Top We Come.
Capricorn is the “Gate of the Gods” completing the long cycle of incarnations begun in Cancer through the “Gate of Men”. Capricorn, the 10th sign, is the number of completion and perfection. Capricorn is the first major initiation into the spiritual kingdom (Hierarchy) and the culmination of the purely human stage of evolution. The Unicorn symbolizes the bridge between the lower and higher worlds, built by us with each higher alignment, allowing for passage of energy from “on high” to flow into the form, and for making contact as we aspire and strive vibrationally upwards into Reality. Eventually, the unicorn’s horn penetrates the inner world of empowered spiritual livingness made possible through concentrated one-pointedness.
Attune with our Solar Angelic Presence and the Angelic energy of the Petal governing this Sign on this Day.
“In Capricorn the Christ life and consciousness come to full fruition.” “In Capricorn, the initiate learns to realize the meaning of the growing light which greets his progress as he climbs upward to the mountain top. The flashes of intuition with which he is becoming familiar change into the blazing and constant light of the soul, irradiating the mind and providing that point of fusion which must ever be the "fusion of the two lights, the greater and the lesser light"... showing the way forward.
In the spiritual attitude of humility the “heart and life is offered to the soul and to human service… [service to humanity serves all the lower kingdoms]” “Only on ones knees in true humility…in spirit and in truth, is one ready for the initiatory process upon the mountain top…” “This permits one to pass through the door of initiation and be entrusted with the secrets of life”.
“Gradually … spiritual ambition and a desire for liberation take the place of worldly ambition, and become an impelling impulse, until finally the moment arrives when a true sense of reality supersedes both earthly and spiritual ambition. The man can then say with truth "Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back." “For him there remains now no goal but service.” (EA, 173/4)
"Down from the mountain top I come, bringing the light of love, the love of God.
Into the chalice of all forms I meet, I pour this love which light confers, this love which life sustains.
I see the love of life divine pour through the form, my own and others. It heals and soothes.
Thus is the task performed.
Thus is a man of earth transformed into a Son of God." (DNA-I, 559)
Venus in Capricorn
“When Love and Mind and Will meet on the Mount of Transfiguration, they “reveal the secret of the hidden glory”.
“In Capricorn, the Christ life and consciousness come to full fruition.”
“Christ was born in Capricorn, fulfilled the law under Saturn, initiated the era of intelligent brotherhood under Venus and is the perfect example of the Capricornian initiate ...." (EA, 167)
◊ See (visualize or imagine) the Tenth Petal of the Crown “lit”. Today’s Gift is the perfect example of the influences of Capricorn — the presence of Saturnian Law by which all Disciples gladly live, and Venusian solar Love and higher Mind in all relationships — perfecting the balance of head and heart. Thence, down from the mountain top we come …. bringing “the light of love, the love of God” poured into all the forms that we meet.
Venus is the Hierarchical transmitter (ruler) of Capricorn. Saturn is the Exoteric and Esoteric transmitter (ruler) of Capricorn. Following the disciplines of Saturn and Venus, the light upon the mountain top is revealed.
Throughout this period, the Soul Star Group moves into closer resonance with the spiritual Hierarchy — the “great potency of the inner Groups” and the Christ — the magnetic Center pouring forth blessings to and through aspiring humanity and all Groups consecrated to the Plan, hence our lives dedicated and consecrated to the work of the spiritual Hierarchy.
◊ By days end into night, review and affirm highlights from this DAY in your evening review before sleep.
11. Aquarius— "The Light that shines on Earth, across the sea. This is the light which ever shines within the dark and cleansing with its healing rays that which must be purified until the dark has gone". (EA, 330)
The Word of the Soul: “Waters of Life am I poured forth for thirsty Men [Humanity].”
Attune with our Solar Angelic Presence and the Angelic energy of the Petal governing this Sign on this Day.
“The Love of God had expressed itself through the Christ creating true communion and brotherhood. In Aquarius, Christ put His disciples in touch with the "man, bearing a pitcher of water," Aquarius, and in the upper room introduced them to union and unity under the symbolism of the communion feast. For that feast, humanity is today preparing…" (EA, 167/8).
“Pisces has seen, during two thousand years, the spreading light … Aquarius will see the Rising Light, and of both of these the Christ is the eternal symbol.”
Groups of Souls sensitive to the needs of Humanity are drawing upon the living stream of Aquarian universal love and life pouring forth ‘life more abundant’ from Aquarius through the Chalice of the Heart of Christ, thence Humanity and “every one”. These groups are giving Love “in service of humanity”. Sensitive to the rising Light of Aquarius, they are learning the experience of true communion — ‘coming into union’ with life more abundant of which Christ spoke in the upper room.
“In Aquarius, the man awakens to the beauty of group life, group interest and his individual responsibility towards the group and begins to live his life and to spend himself in the service of humanity.” (EA, 145) ◊ Let us consider the trend of our lives in the light of Aquarian “group consciousness”. Let us reflect: to what degree have we “awakened to the beauty of group life, group interest, and group responsibility”?
See every new or increased awakening as the “new light rising” in Aquarius.
“The message of the birth of Christ rings ever new … The emphasis during the Aquarian Age, the age into which we are fast entering, will shift away from Bethlehem to Jerusalem, and from the infant Saviour to the Risen Christ.” “The ancient story of the Birth will become universalized and be seen as the story of every disciple and initiate who … becomes a server and a light-bearer. ◊ Pause to reflect.
“In the Aquarian Age two momentous developments will take place:
1. The Birth Initiation will condition human thinking and aspiration everywhere.
2. The religion of the Risen Christ, and not of the newly born Christ or of the crucified Christ, will be the distinctive keynote."
◊ Through the portal of the comprehensive Esoteric Advent process, let us reflect how this is so. As we survey the flow and themes of our life … and our current life experiences, do we recognize what is birthing and rising in and through us … and through groups across the globe through new initiatives as ‘humanity rises’. ◊ Let us also recognize what has been rising (in the growing light of Aquarius) — expansions in consciousness … comprehensive awareness … increased sensitivity to inner Contact and to the Plan … new energy flowing through heightened forms ... fuller and more refined expressions of service ... loving relationships ‘also known as’ (aka) brotherhood/sisterhood … unexpected manifestations of the 'miraculous' ... light and more light, love and more love, life and more life — all expressions of the rising light of the Mind of Christ — the Risen Christ of Aquarius. In this awareness, let us link these inner and outer movements to the “religion of the Risen Christ” — in ourselves and in Rising Humanity. REFLECT
◊ See (visualize or imagine) the Eleventh Petal of the Crown “lit”. Today’s Gift is an expanded awareness of the Rising Light of Aquarian Christ Consciousness encompassing the whole of Humanity and the Earth.
Throughout this period, the Soul Star Group has been moving in closer vibratory resonance with the spiritual Hierarchy — the “great potency of the inner Groups” and the Christ — the magnetic Center pouring forth blessings to and through aspiring humanity and all Groups consecrated to the Plan, hence our lives dedicated and consecrated to the work of the spiritual Hierarchy.
◊ ◊ ◊
Let us be attuned to hearing what the Angels (and we with them) sing during this season:
Glory, Glory, Glory.
Good Tidings to All.
Good Will and
True Peace on Earth.
What "song" vibrations are rising in the new light of Aquarius?
Lux aeterna: O nata lux
Chorale: Give Good Gifts One To Another
CLICK here for Lyrics to “Give Good Gifts”
Throughout this day, “Give Good Gifts one to another” … ‘Bless and be blessed in the Law of Love’
May this “rising Light” bless all our group endeavors … cleansing, healing, lifting humanity “where on earth we live” through inclusive wholeness.
◊ By days end into night, review and affirm some elements from this DAY in your evening review before sleep.
AMAZING GRACE: Rendition by Amira Willighagen
12. Pisces — "The Light of the World. This is the light revealing the Light of Life itself. It forever ends the darkness of matter". (EA, 330)
The Word of the Soul in Pisces: “I leave the Father’s Home and turning back, I save.”
“Christ was born in Capricorn, fulfilled the law under Saturn, initiated the era of intelligent brotherhood under Venus and is the perfect example of the Capricornian initiate who becomes the world Server in Aquarius, and the world Saviour in Pisces, thus completing the round of the zodiac and able to say triumphantly in Pisces "It is finished.” (EA, 167/8)
“The love of God, focused in the Christ, seeks to express itself in some act of … useful service to humanity. This service has taken different forms down through the ages, but it has always expressed itself through two episodes: One of them, the first, reveals the Christ in His capacity of the God-Saviour, sacrificing [giving of] Himself through pure love for His fellowmen… The saving principle of pure love finds its expression at the hour of humanity's greatest need in the work of a World Saviour and "for the salvation of His people, He comes forth." He thus meets the need, and at the same time strengthens the link which relates the Hierarchy to Humanity.
Attune with our Solar Angelic Presence and the Angelic energy of the Petal governing this Sign on this Day.
In the due course of time, man traverses the zodiac, embodies its powers and potentials, and becomes a God-Man. This twelfth Day concludes our journey around the zodiac, nurturing and unfolding the New Mind (a Heart-Will Mind) of Christ within. Through conscious, accelerated evolution, the earlier necessity for time is greatly reduced and eventually negated. Whether through slow evolution or conscious acceleration, what is achieved and then revealed is a consummating Glory, a Crowned Light of abundant overflowing Life – that by its nature is a salvation for the world.
◊ Let us each envision a Crown of Lights — 12 flames, petals or spheres of light — lit from the inside out. Sense its current reality.
A Crown of Glory (on the Logoic 'God-plane') already exists — and is “becoming” fact in the world of form through our labors … growing in Awareness in successive stages of spiritual achievement.
In due time we become "THAT" from the inside out ... “THAT AM I” ◊ CONTEMPLATE this Mystery and Truth — as the world of “becoming” gives way to What Is … “THAT AM I” reveals our true Identity.
◊ See now (visualize or imagine) the Twelfth Petal of the Crown “lit”. Today’s Gift is the consummating Crown of all 12 Lights — the Crown of Glory, increased in brilliance and power, lit from the inside out. Be assured this is so.
As we “live” what we have learned and contacted, and expand it, you, and we as a Group, are a gift for the Soul of Humanity, for the “saving” and upliftment of the world.
All 12 Powers unfolding, activating through our instruments and through Us as a Group — serve as a ‘saving force’ “where on Earth We Live and serve”.
Throughout this period, the Soul Star Group has been moving in closer vibratory resonance with the spiritual Hierarchy — the “great potency of the inner Groups” and the Christ — the magnetic Center pouring forth blessings to and through aspiring humanity and all Groups consecrated to the Plan, hence our lives dedicated and consecrated to the work of the spiritual Hierarchy.
◊ By days end, review some element from this DAY in your evening review before sleep. As you fall asleep, think of the 12 spheres of Light as one consummating Light — a synthesized Crown of Glory — vital in you now in some new way.
Think of these 12 Lights within as growing ‘super powers’ to be used in service of the Divine Plan.
After Pisces, we begin anew, consciously sojourning (moving and accelerating through) the Great Cycle at the appointed times and seasons, rhythmically spiraling higher (deeper), encompassing the “Reality That Is” pouring through our expanding Consciousness with each new passage and cycle.
With every passage, we stand upon a truer foundation of God Immanent — expressing as the Soul, the Christ In Us — fulfilling the Crown of Glory in service of the Plan of God — on Earth as it is in Heaven.
The Mountains of Ascent are “steep” — and can be strenuous to meet and hold the energies contacted. The work of Discipleship and the path of Initiation is demanding to hold "the point of tension" no matter what else is happening in the life. In other words, to consciously live the pattern of the Heavens and "Hold the Christic Field" — from Aries through Pisces throughout the Twelve Days of Christmas culminating in an Epiphany of “synthesized Identity” — is for the Soul in form and for the Group Soul — an ‘activating blueprint and imprint’ for the coming 12 months that follow. We take another step on the vibrational ladder of Identity.
Let us Be Inspired (fired) by the Will of the Soul and encouraged by the fiery Heart of the Logos!
~ For the Kingdom of God and His Glory - For the Glory of God ~
We Live and Love and Be —
Let us Be and Do Our Part.
January 6
PLEASE NOTE - NO ZOOM WEBINAR will be held to close out the 12 Days of Christmas. There is a ritual for the close of Epiphany that all are welcome to do individually in the aura of the group field.
Go to the next tab titled Epiphany — Three Kings Day — or CLICK HERE