“May the Holy Ones, Whose pupils we aspire to become, show us the light we seek; give us the strong aid of Their compassion and Their wisdom.
There is a peace that passeth understanding; it abides in the hearts of those who live in the Eternal.
There is a power that maketh all things new; it lives and moves in those who know the Self as one.
May that peace brood over us, that power uplift us, till we stand where the One Initiator is invoked, til we see His Star shine forth.
May the peace and blessing of the Holy Ones pour forth over the worlds.“
(Discipleship in the New Age—I (DNA-I), 536/7)
JANUARY 4, 2025
Upon waking this morning inside a “dream”, a profound awareness came to soul-mind. Today (in the northern hemisphere) we are waking to Day 10 of the Twelve Days of Christmas. Capricorn is the 10th Sign and we are in Capricorn now, with the solar full moon of Capricorn still ahead of us.
What I saw or sensed as a soul was these 12 Days of Christmas Ritual being meditated upon by soul-participants in this group process, blanketing an entire region “where on Earth we live”. I sensed a wide area, perhaps a mile or more, that was being blessed and blanketed by an over-lighting Angel and a group of angels, anchoring the high thoughts we meditate upon every day into the area where each participant lives, re-ordering and lifting it into some kind of relative perfection - with peace and serenity, with the higher energies of the Soul we are meditating into being.
The next awareness that came was Meditation Mount! This year, we’ve had many participants from Ojai and Ventura sign up for this process. And from Meditation Mount — soul participants who are most directly connected to Meditation Mount (Board members and staff and visitors) who love the Mount. I saw a powerful field of blessing blanketing and issuing from Meditation Mount, spreading across the entire valley and out into the surrounding cities.
All this is to say, we are doing something real and significant. We are co-operating with the Angelic realms and with each other as Souls through our one-pointed focus and group endeavor. We are raising the level of vibration “where on Earth we live”.
This dream awareness is especially significant for today on this 10th Day because in our journey, Capricorn lifts us up the Mountain and in the high energy we contact, it then flows back down to Earth blessing one and all — and the entire environment in which we live.
Blessings Dear Friends.
JANUARY 3, 2025
A very blessed New Year to one and all walking the Journey of these pages ~ unfolding the inner Christ principle in us into a fuller measure of living expression of Reality.
“Epiphany — Three Kings Day” is now open for us to begin reading, thereby more deeply entering into the Journey of the Three Wise Ones (Men) Who are Us in truth.
The stars visible in the heavens at night are constant reminders of the living Universe. We are the living fractals of these divine Expressions and Truths of Reality. As we commune with Them, They grow in us … as Beauty and Purity rare .. as inherent powers of the One Life.
In three days time our Journey Homeward bound will end … thence begin anew on a higher turn of the spiral as we integrate all that we have been through, walked through, experienced, perceived, intuited, enjoyed, shared, expressed and become!
Joy is a living vibration. Let us find it again and again. Let us make space for Joy. Let us be stabilized in Joy. Let us be lifted by Joy. Let us lift others through our living field of Joy Awareness.
May Joy Be With You. May the Force Be With You. May the Christ Principle Be With You … With Us, In Us, Through Us.
~ We are Living Lights ~
The Order of the White Rose Is With Us. The Order of the Blue Diamond Is With Us.
Let us Meditate to discover the esoteric meaning of and in these Words.
The Solar FULL MOON of Capricorn: Monday, January 13, 2025
The NEW MOON in Capricorn: Monday, December 30, 2024
DECEMBER 26, 2024
THE TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS NOW BEGIN — continuing the self-initiated mountain heights of achievement in Capricorn. The 12 Days convey a potent reinforcing imprint upon the Soul.
As we Walk the Way of the 12 Lights, let us also think of ourselves as the Three Wise Men on a journey following the Light of the Christ in the Heavens. The three stars in the belt of Orion correspond with the Three Wise Men, ever in contact with the Star Sirius — the stupendous Guiding Light of the Cosmic Christ.
We Continue to Walk the Way Together as a Group!
December 25, 2024 — THE FIFTH LIGHT — Spiritual Attainment
(Above altar image was taken after the invocation ritual: “A Pure Christmas Ritual Invocation to the Christ blessing the Earth and the Rising Soul of Humanity ~ Christmas Eve Midnight Through Christmas Morning …”)
THE FOLLOWING PHOTO WAS TAKEN at the end. Do you see the PURPLE aura around the flames? This color became visible toward the very end of the ritual. As I focused my camera to take a photo, I scarcely believed my eyes. Later, I came to realize that this color purple is the same color as the background to the front page of the Ritual depicting the statue image of the Christ — of The Aquarian Christ! The 7th ray color associated with Aquarius is purple.
December 24, 2024
We begin the Fourth Mountain of Consciousness on the foundation stones of our Disciplines.
Having participated in lighting all four quarters of the 4-fold Field, we stand as brighter Lights in the world “where on Earth we Live”.
The 4th Advent Light — I SERVE. Ten white roses in Capricorn, the 10th Sign.
‘Legend has it that every 25 years an angel touches a single candle, and whomever lights this candle receives a miracle on Christmas Eve. But in 1890, at the dawn of the electric age, this centuries old legend was about to come to an end when a young minister arrives after having suffered a tremendous loss with the death of his wife and young daughter. The townspeople discover that each has been given a Christmas candle. The candlemaker must fight to preserve the legacy of the Christmas Candle.
Let us make heart felt wishes when lighting the 5th Light on Christmas Day.
DECEMBER 20/21/22 ~
The annual ritual ceremony of Sun AND Earth during Solstice times — brings the Lord of the World, Sanat Kumara, and our Solar Lord into close relationship, producing a profound inner atmosphere of DEEPENING SILENCE, STILLNESS AND PEACE PROFOUND. The inner life of Planet Earth, Hierarchy and Humanity are witness to the STANDING STILLNESS of this blessed event in our solar system, inwardly and outwardly.
Let us Be together in this profound Awareness ~
PLEASE NOTE: After 7 hours of editing today, the 4TH SUNDAY OF ADVENT CEREMONIAL RITUAL IS NOW READY for our SOUTH PACIFIC participants who ARE ONE DAY AHEAD of the majority (and the Third Sunday Advent ritual was also revised yet again - ready now for next year). Edits were brought forward from changes made from earlier weeks of Sunday Advent and will require reverse editing when time permits. Only a “writer” will comprehend the painstaking process of careful editing and writing, especially Ceremonial rituals which are especially demanding as one must “listen” to the energetics behind every word or phrase change.
A movie we had not seen before called The Christmas Candle is perfect for viewing this time of year, especially on Christmas Eve as we prepare to light the 5th Light on Christmas Day. Be prepared to make a Soul Wish when lighting the 5th Light of Spirit - for the world, for your loved ones, for You.
(See the URL on the main website for this week, viewable on YouTube).
December 15; revised December 17
Good Morning and Welcome Everyone to this week’s Third Sunday of Advent — “LOVE ALL” — and the Solar Full Moon Day of Sagittarius — and Mountain the Third!
It is auspicious that both these events are all coinciding on the same day or within the same period of time. The Full Moon Ritual for Sagittarius can be found under the tab — 7 Day Full Moon Approaches — 2024 Sagittarius.
I will make a second attempt to upload our altar image of the third Light of Advent. The room this morning was filled Light, presumably by the Angelic Presences who were either invoked or who attend all ritual ceremonies of Light and Love and high calling. It was as if we were in a unified quantum field of LOVE ALL.
We are definitely sensing the reality presence of “us” as a participating Soul Group. As Souls we are lighting up the inner worlds through our deep inner work of meditation and daily attunements that presence the “Light of the World.”
A feeling of gratitude for this blessed work together expands our subtle senses and opens the door to the inner worlds. We are continuously refining and expanding. As our concentrated work continues, the Spiritual Hierarchy feels nearer and dearer.
Blessings One and All as we gather our energies to ascend a new vibratory Mountain of Consciousness. “Love All” moves upon Mountain the Third!
Every Day is a new renewing opportunity.
With Much Love and Blessings,
Halina and Sheldon
P.S. The Third Advent Light ritual was re-uploaded this morning after taking out a duplication in Part II of the ritual (my apology — a result of working too late in the night making editing changes).
Also — there is a new document to read held in the tab of The Four Sundays of Advent — titled The Revelation of the Presence and Vision from the book, Initiation Human and Solar, p 113/120. It is rife with symbols and understanding of the initiatory process and perfect reading for this time period corresponding with our Mountain ascents.
December 13, 2024
The deepening process continues.
A few new comments were made on Soul Conversations. It would be good to read them and add your thoughts
We had trouble with the link in the Zoom Webinars tab for the Thursday gathering. We expect it will be corrected before the next meeting date. If you want to attend and can’t get in, write me directly — esotericadvent1@gmail.com — I will do my best to help.
My apology for not writing more — out of necessity we traveled to NYC during Week One. It was auspicious to bring the Madonna Laboris energy into NY in time and place.
I’ve been under the weather since my return and am grateful for this blessed group work.
December 7, 2024
Greetings Friends,
We are still away in NYC and we are occupied with service, but it has been a blessing to “BE WITH” the energies of the Divine Mother as Madonna Laboris, with us while in NYC. Her energy is everywhere - with the people, remarkably. Raddison Hotel, a well-known international hotel chain in which we stayed years ago, is today completely dedicated to housing Immigrants.
The Second Sunday of Advent ritual was uploaded this evening (12/6) and is ready for our South Pacific friends who are a full calendar day ahead of the majority of us. I will be updating the Group Souls list as soon as I have some time given that we have had a number of newcomers join us. It will be up soon.
With Love and Blessings,
December 2 & 3, 2024
Greetings dear Friends upon Mountain the First. We have started, and it is a good beginning. Email notes have already started pouring in expressing gratitude to be part of something so spiritually meaningful, ritualistic, and ‘depth-full’ during this holy season of Lights!
I want to share a profound synchronicity at play on the world stage corresponding to “Our Lady” and the First week of Advent with the Madonna Laboris — a face of “Mary” for our Earth. Here in the States, yesterday (Sunday) — a weekly CBS news program named “60 Minutes” featured the reopening of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, five years after ‘she’ burned.” It is a restoration project with a resurrection story behind it, and carries a particularly sweet, yet significant emphasis for us as we begin the First Mountain focused entirely on the Feminine aspect of Divinity as a Saving Force.
Seeing the program caused me to recall an event of special significance after an experience relating to the fire of Notre Dame one day before it happened. It was the weekend of April 13 and 14, 2019. I had been home when I began sensing the strong Presence of the Divine Feminine, of God as Mother, appearing in my field. She simply made Her Presence known to me, growing stronger from Saturday to Sunday, as if portending something was about to happen. I did not know what to make of it other than the fact that She was palpably present. I was preparing my annual conference talk and my mind was completely occupied so I did not think much more about it. Then, the very next day on Monday, April 15, the world news announced Notre Dame was burning.
A ripple effect of “horror” spread around the world — how could Notre Dame, a huge symbol of spirituality, beauty and power for the world, be burning? Even for non-Christian people it was having an impact. One newspaper reported the stunning effect it had on a Muslim man witnessing the destruction express how much he valued Notre Dame as a symbol for the world and that it shook him and saddened him to see this happening.
The “60 Minutes” program interviewed Macron, construction people, artisans, architect engineers and lay workers all committed to the restoration project these past five years. Their eyes reflected a deeper purpose and joy to work on a project of such import and meaning to the world. One artisan working on careful cleaning expressed the cathedral had not been cleaned for over 150 years! Before and after pictures of columns, art and murals that had looked dark gray and dreary long before the fire were now popping with color, detail and vibrant beauty.
What does this signify? Is the Feminine Mother God Principle gaining ascendency in the minds and hearts of Humanity as a valued Presence, and necessity, at this time? What is She saying, communicating? What are your thoughts — how are these events speaking to you?
With Love and Light,
December 1, 2024
In preparation for the FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT and WEEK ONE, we are gathering our forces — inwardly and collectively as one Group Soul.
There is great Joy and anticipation in the atmosphere as participating Souls are gathering in readiness to begin our first Sunday of Advent, and first Mountain ascent in Consciousness on our group journey! Our sighted arrows of Intuition (in Sagittarius) are directed upward. Let us maintain our focus — pure, true, and strong.
There is great beauty, magic and power in ritual processes such as these. Let us partake of this communion of souls by diving deep, as high and deep as we are able, heightening our faculties of awareness in readiness.
Let us see and know “Beauty” as a living Being blessing our lives during these Holy Days — revealing our own Beauty — and each others — everywhere — everyplace.
While there are many layers of depth built into the whole ritual/invocation/retreat process, it is simple to follow with only four major steps in sequence:
We proceed in this order:
a) “Communicating With You” – the top tab for “spiritual news”
b) Sundays of Advent. Four Sundays have an “Invocation of Light” and new Angelic Word of Power, WITH
Participating Souls List — Naming and Loving, and Anchoring “Where on Earth We Live”
c) Week — Mountains of Consciousness Ascents - Monday through Saturday.
1) Every Sunday of Advent begins with a Group Invocation to the Light and a Meditation that includes Naming and Loving all Participants “Where on Earth We Live”. For most of us this ritual is best performed in the morning before the world and your day stirs into activity. Try to do it at the same time each time. Read before doing the Invocation to the Light. Gather your materials (e.g., a new candle), open or print (have ready the Names). Take your time to intentionally do the ritual – we are working with real energies and real Beings.
2) Every Monday begins a new week of ritual attunements moving progressively higher (or deeper) upon a Mountain Ascent of Consciousness. We begin with Meditation to link with the energy field of the spiritual Hierarchy; we go to the Day of the Week for the lesson of the day and mindfully hold the practice throughout the Day to maintain a continuity of consciousness — in memory or remembrance of some aspect of the lesson or teaching. Some participants may want to take a thought from the day and follow the ancient Egyptian rhythm that moves with the Sun – from daybreak, to high noon, to sunset to slumber.
3) Regularly open “Communicating With You” for “spirit news” - if any. We also want to encourage you to share your insights, impressions and encouragements on the “Soul Conversations” tab by posting Comments.
1. For each Sunday of Advent – have ready a NEW candle (a real candle, or tea light, or electric light) to symbolically build a 5-pointed Star. Add any ritual accoutrements you enjoy to create sacred space (flowers, incense, music, symbols, etc.).
2. A White Scarf for Week One to symbolize working with the Madonna Laboris – an aspect of the Divine Mother Principle and Feminine aspect of Divinity Who comes to us as World Mother, Virgin Mary, Venus, Isis, Kwan Yin, the Pleiades, the Manifested Universe and/or any aspect of the Mother Principle near and dear to your heart. As a Being of Divine origin, in our solar system She, with the Christ, as the Madonna Laboris, carries the “Saving Force.” The planetary Christ and leads us to The Christ. We begin with the Madonna Laboris as foundational for the remaining weeks where the focus will be on the Christ and spiritual Hierarchy. She is already “With Us.” Welcome Her in your heart and She will immediately Be With You. Make no mistake that She is the grand Conductor and Queen of Angels. To say more would limit Who She Is in our perception. It is enough to know that She is Real and powerfully present throughout the entire Christmas process and Four Mountain ascents.
NOTE: all the tangible objects utilized in our weekly rituals are but tools or devices to assist, and are secondary to the interior deepening process or when serving as conduits for higher energies. For example, a white scarf can be imaginatively placed around our neck indicating the divine saving force we are in touch with, offering humanity, or at times, are in need of ourselves.
Let us remember that we begin on common ground. The Cosmic Christ principle flows through man and humanity — in each and every one of us. We are widening the channel for Divine Love to pour through every atom of Creation ~ making all things new.
Please NOTE: A friendly reminder. If you are participating but have not Registered (RSVP), your name will not appear among the list of names for “Naming and Loving” and you will lose the beneficial blessing of a direct CONSCIOUS inclusion and placement into the group chalice, reinforced by the group alignment and Christic Communion.
So please RSVP/Register!
© www.ESOTERICADVENT.ORG To Contact Esoteric Advent, write: EsotericAdvent1@gmail.co
THE EVERGREEN TREE - Spirals of Consciousness
EXCERPTS from prior years THAT INSPIRE!
December 8, 2023
All are welcome to attend the Thursday gatherings (11 pm Pacific time zone - see Zoom Webinar for the link).
It has been a glorious week with the Divine Feminine … real and “transformative” as one participant put it. And here now follows a sharing from a Soul Participant (Susan G.) who had a life-changing spiritual event this week with the Madonna Laboris:
“How welcome, this time of Advent/Christmas, of new beginnings blooming from the old, these precious words … to be savored each day as we prepare for the Capricorn climb. It is a time restorative to the soul, our souls challenged so intensely by the disturbing and chaotic world we are living in, as humanity grapples with the deep divide of how to proceed into the future.
For me, an accompaniment to the esoteric inspiration of these weeks, [the Beatle’s] song: "When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be, let it be. And in my hour of darkness, She is standing right in front of me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be let it be, let it be....."
Falling asleep last night, I felt Her come to me. Her Spirit surrounded me and entered my heart, and I felt her spirit hands inside my heart, massaging my heart, comforting my heart, comforting me as I "let go" of layers of fear, anger, disappointment in my fellowmen's behavior, deep concerns for the future of humanity. It was a bodily/physical letting go, a being-on-earth level of letting go, different from a mind/ spiritual letting go. Today I realized how much all of this had been stored in my earthly form, how much lighter I feel without it, as I hear [the] song inside me, as I proceed deeper and deeper into Advent.... “
Here is a testament to the substantive work of the Divine Mother/Virgin. Her power to transform and make changes can occur on any and all levels of our Being - from the densest physical/etheric to emotional, mental, Soul, and yes beyond to even the most subtle planes and vibrations of the entire Cosmic Physical plane. She works with substance and matter because this is Her domain.
We are all enriched by events such as these. If transformative changes such as this can happen to one, it can happen to all. No one is left out when THE HEART is open to the Promise of the life line of “Let Be”.
A child Gabriel was born into the family of one among us ~ it was a time of celebration! SHE (the Virgin) is said to be present at every birth and every death. There is no death and no new life, it is all one great continuity betwitx the veils of time and space and the subtler inner worlds. We come in and out of form. It is Virgo the Virgin who builds and refines form-life allowing for a greater, more refined entry of spirit to manifest through.
In this first Mountain week, we have now entered through a portal where the Blessings of a rarified, unified field of Love is “with us.”
December 3, 2023
Greetings dear Friends upon the Lighted Way,
Assuming the First Sunday of Advent ritual was complete (from prior years) aside from a few minor word edits, a 4-hour re-write ensued (not completed and uploaded until 1 AM PT …) … it is clear these rituals do not belong to one person as they are being refined and “re-written” at a higher level, not allowed to sit “as is” until right. The perfecting process goes on, as with ourselves. … There is a LOT of 1st Ray power pouring through these rituals … While working, it became apparent that the “powers” flowing through them had grown and were augmented between this year and last … as if the Angels assigned to them did something to the energetics, requiring the wording to change, even if ever so slightly in some cases, to make them more “true” and more potent. Here again, this is a “magical” process as things happen in the subtle worlds unawares.
Likewise, the Madonna Laboris is calling, beckoning us to begin! Her energy is present and “waiting”.
Our two friends in the southern Hemisphere, Troi and Carole, both in Australia, are one full day ahead of us leading the way ahead. Our dear friend, Lawson, on the other side of the veil is participating! I felt his presence today more than once as I was working earlier in the day and recall him saying to us when he was still alive on this side of the veil, the joy he felt knowing the sun rises first in New Zealand.
We’ll be a smaller group this year, though Souls are still registering. Small is not bad and can be potent in fact.
So we have begun in the Wondrous blessing of the Group Soul, ONE AND ALL.
The Story of the Other Wise Man by Henry Van Dyke (the little red book seen above guarded by the one-pointed Unicorn). The Fourth wise man is a profound story of the Soul in selfless Service to the Christ—let us think and be reminded of the Fourth Light of Advent lit in the western quarter on the 4th Sunday of Advent in the making of a White Magician (Magi / Master). As he sacrificed his deepest desire to meet the newly born Christ child, ‘he spent all he had in service’ as is required of all true servers in Aquarius. Finally, old and dying, thinking he had failed his mission and squandered his wealth that was meant for the Christ, he received the profoundest of blessings — for having served the least of his brethren.
12/25/2023 - Christmas Day — Fifth Light
A Star of great tidings … Good Will … The Spirit of Peace … the Birthing of unnamed blessings … flood the field in a synthesis of Giving.
The Story of the Other Wise Man by Henry Van Dyke (the little red book seen above guarded by the one-pointed Unicorn). The Fourth wise man is a profound story of the Soul in selfless Service to the Christ—let us think and be reminded of the Fourth Light of Advent lit in the western quarter on the 4th Sunday of Advent in the making of a White Magician (Magi / Master). As he sacrificed his deepest desire to meet the newly born Christ child, ‘he spent all he had in service’ as is required of all true servers in Aquarius. Finally, old and dying, thinking he had failed his mission and squandered his wealth that was meant for the Christ, he received the profoundest of blessings — for having served the least of his brethren.
December 12, 2023
Greetings on this New Moon Day of Sagittarius.
Making our conscious ascent up the Second Mountain in this sacred season of the Christ Mass, there is joy and purpose in our movement, and a magical inter-play in the atmosphere with the Angels/Devas who are so very present in their joy to be with us. The new moon today brings an energetic shift in the esoteric field — and once it has fully registered and integrated, we can look forward to articulating its meaning and purpose.
Energetically, while it is only Tuesday, it seems the Days are flying by with uncommon speed, a speed that Sagittarian energy brings to those who continue to do the work of purifying their vehicles (the sheathes). Ruling the thighs, Sagittarius allows for making great strides across the plains. Yet with this faster movement, which is another way of saying we are vibrating at a higher frequency and moving along ‘less obstructed’, ample opportunities will continue to be brought by MOUNTAIN THE SECOND for applying the “Mind that is in Christ” to dark forces that will likely assail us, or others in our field of service, in the world, or in our own psyches. This is a good thing. We serve along the Way.
In the wider Soul field, the powerful Presence of Beauty continues to be a constant presence and reminder of the farther reaches and pristine awareness of — Reality. After searching for a word that resonates with the ever-presence of Spirit, Reality defines it All in its truest sense.
Beauty, and profound Grace, are what we find to “be with us” now after the culmination of Week One and the spiritually over-riding atmosphere of the first Light of Advent — “BE PURE”.
It is pure Beauty that was literally with us as we personally began Week Two — Mountain the Second. Making our way up and over the 7200 (feet) elevation on the way to Truckee / Lake Tahoe (Monday morning), the beauty of pristine white snow blanketing the surrounding Mountain peeks quietened our outer senses. It was a heightening reprieve into nature after a week in NYC (returning Saturday), and Sunday’s period of adjustment (that included unpacking, picking up Alcyone — Little Lady (our kitty) from Boarding and meeting her sweet demands, getting a Christmas Tree, buying food for the week) allowing us to settle in to an interior time and space.
An act of will was required to shift fields as we began the Sunday morning ritual (before all the above described activity) to be present for the Second Light of Advent — shifting out of the personality’s “out-going” energy from the week of service, in-ward. Dressing ceremonially (in white) for the ritual, helped. Lighting candles with intention, helped. Drawing a circle with incense of Frankincense while visualizing a ring of fire, drawing four crosses of Light in each cardinal direction and all corners and directions, helped. As the words were read aloud, spoken by Sheldon as he read selected paragraphs from the preamble, the forces gathered, moved and organized the energy toward the Goal … what became palpably present opened the portal and gave way to the “Real”. With us from the very start, having never left in fact, was the enormous, living energy of the Madonna Laboris, Her Presence blessed and over-lighted the “naming and loving” of every Participating Soul. My Ajna center filled with Light and Love as we took turns naming each participant, pausing long enough to “see” (and/or visualize) the star above every Crown and its energy flowing down “where on earth we live”. Her over-lighting magnificent magnitude of Love over us was the true Gift of this Light.
During the moments when we look to invoke the Angel of the Southern Portal, its power and presence filled the room. Catching an actual glimpse of its flowing robes at the level of the feet, noting a blue white color, the Angel offered such an outpouring of Good-Will that it filled the entire room. Afterwards (toward the end of the ritual), I sensed an unusual awareness — an “appreciation” neighboring “awe” — by this great Angel that a group such as we are would be consciously interested in the history and reinforcement of Humanity’s distant past and spiritual progress now and into the future. We are working with subtle field energies in Humanity and the Earth by invoking Light and Words of Power. Subtle does not mean weak. The subtler they are the more powerful they are in the spiritual realms of Ideas. We have now laid the vertical axis — North and South.
It was a wonderful curiosity that as Sheldon and I, together, tried to blow out the candle at the end of the ritual as described, it would not blow out. We tried three times, both of us blowing hard. The flame barely moved. I then said, let’s first blow out the Purity Light. It blew out easily. We then tried once again to blow out the Second Advent Light and this time it disappeared, as expected. The thought that came to me was the Angel held onto that Light for as long as necessary, until ready to let it go. Was the Angel playing with us? Or communicating its power and giving us a sign that this is Real magical work and never doubt it.
This, in part, is what is meant by “this is a magical process”. Let us continue to be open to the magic of the season and expect the unexpected.
So much more could be shared …
Blessings dear Friends and companions.
~ The Stars that Lead — Homeward Bound ~
Polaris — The Star of Direction—governing Shamballa
Sirius — The Star of Sensitivity — governing Hierarchy
Alcyone — The Star of the Individual — governing Humanity
~ Polaris ~ “Direction, will, purpose and plan are all connected with the solar Logos and with His evolutionary undertakings in connection with the many lives manifesting in the vehicle of expression which we call the solar system.” (EA, 195)
“Esoterically speaking, [Polaris] the Pole Star is regarded as the "star of re-orientation" whereby the art of "retracing and recovering that which is lost" is developed. This eventually brings a man back to his originating source.” (EA, 196)
~ Sirius ~ “The major controlling influences whereby the cosmic Christ works upon the Christ principle in the solar system, in the planet, in man and in the lower forms of life expression. It is esoterically called the "brilliant star of sensitivity." (EA, 197)
~ Alcyone ~
“Who seeks for heaven alone to save his Soul,
May keep the path but will not reach the goal;
While he who walks in love may wander far,
Yet God will bring him where the Blessed are.”
(The Story of the Other Wise Man by Henry Van Dyke)
What to anticipate ascending the Mountains of Consciousness — written in a prior year:
We are not alone. Our ritual disciplines and interior alignments, invocations and evocations at this seasonal time of Light and Love place us “en rapport” with Hierarchical forces and potencies. The “penetrating Christ force” makes its impact felt during the Christmas Advent Solstice season — which is what makes this season so very alive and elevating, and so very Holy ~ to use a mystical phrase.
We are not alone. What is “with us” now? Let us “see into it”. The Christ Force is with us now. The Hierarchies of Angels are with us now. The deep calm and stillness pervading the etheric field of the whole world after the Capricorn Winter Solstice is with us now. The Christ force itself, flowed-through by Life Itself, is with us now anew – infusing every kingdom and every atom with new life. ALL are with us now. “With us” especially because we chose to be with them in a very conscious, intentional way. We prepared to open, we dedicated our focus and our time sacrificing other interests and pursuits, we participated and availed ourselves of the Soul opportunity to ritually “be with” the Solstice season in “group approach to Divinity”. The subtle effects that these past weeks — and what still lies ahead — will have upon us is as yet unknown, but what we can be sure is it will be foundational to expanding consciousness in service and the processes of Initiation that furthers “spiritual achievement”.
“The golden Christ force” enters the earth during the Capricorn Solstice. As it does, “an impulse is released that quickens the life, and spiritualizes the conditions of the entire planetary sphere.”
Let us hold firm to sacred knowledge ‘front and center” and as the days unfold ahead. Let us not forget — let us remember who is “with us now”, and why “we are never alone”.
The Fourth Advent Light prepares the Fourth Mountain
Our Method
Every morning, our method has been to play a piece of music (of choice). Sheldon reads everything out loud in a measured meditative voice and rhythm that presences the energetic reality behind the words on the page. This is our method and while it may not be yours, it works so very well to read everything out loud. With several tabs open on the computer, we played “Lux in Tenebris — All Shall Be Well” as background to the Third Mountain. It was profound. Yes, profound, no other word suffices.
11 December, 2021
As Saturn’s Day gives way to Sun Day, we are filled with radiant Thought as the Soul Star Group lights the Third Advent Light, building and releasing the intensification of Light into the world. Accompanying this light, is a force of Light Divine “swinging round the square” to — LOVE ALL.
Prepared for Mountain the Third, an ascending Consciousness nearing the goal … it is being on the journey that we find where the Joy Is — where the Love Is — where the power Is — where wholesome Creativity Is. The Chalice has been building with Light. Living energy is present in the Field, and growing. The Angels are expectant and calling others in. The spine is humming, the Centers are spinning with more refined beauty. Beauty and Order are finding expression … from exquisite refinement to glorious displays. White orchids are quietly shouting “see me!” God listens, in the field, smiling. Love is full-filling. Light, everywhere. Friends appearing. Animals responding. Christmas Trees are glistening — spiral vortices are slowly forming. The magnet grows abundant with love and life. Symbols, more symbols, portals and gateways — all pointing in unison in the same direction. Alleluiah.
To the First Advent Light — BE PURE, and the Second — I DEDICATE, on this Day we add the Third — LOVE ALL.
From Andrea:
“I love your idea of recreating the vision and meaning of our Christmas Trees with intentional purpose. Their arrow point shape — that Sagittarian reminder, directs our gazing hearts to look upwards in search of the highest light and purest love. And the Star that graces the apex reminds me of our soul star group that is a beacon [of light] for all.
I am also reminded of the extraordinary discoveries regarding the unified connectedness, silent communication and love that is being understood to exist within the kingdom of trees. They stand as quiet teachers, angels of grace, for all of us. …”
December 7/8, 2021
The Master DK’s depth of writing when speaking about “Love” has brought a fuller and more substantive understanding to what Love Is, and has brought the spiritual Hierarchy home closer to us. The Teachings indicate the spiritual Hierarchy is “the Center where the Love of God is Known”. One can feel the substantive reality and Truth of this statement coming through today’s focus on the “Law of Love”. Today was an immersion in Hierarchy — it’s “Devotion to Love” further reveals the Love of God pervading this universe.
Are we still listening for the overarching impress of “I dedicate”. Today was a dedication to the Law of Love. The only really real thing there is — the Law that supersedes all others.
This evening we brought home a “silver-tip pine” Christmas tree, grown on private land in the high Sierra mountains for Christmas. Tall and elegant. It grew to give its life for this season and reason. When intentionally adorned with magical symbols, it “stands as symbol” for a tradition that links humanity with each other — to the stars — to eternity.
Wondering … what Soul magic would we create if this year we celebrated the Christmas Tree in a new way — if we intended a special attribute, virtue or meaning for our sacred trees. In Christmas movies (Hall Mark), one special movie centered around “The Wishing Tree”. Young and old placed their “wishes” onto the tree, and if sincere enough — in other words if “soul enough” — pure of heart and true, their wishes would manifest.
Would you like to create such a tree this year? What if we gave it a name that reflected a deeper intention such as the “Lightness and Freedom of Being Tree” or the “Joy of Life Tree” or “Joy of Manifestation Tree” or “The Magical Creation Tree” or “The Soul Wishing Tree”. The Esoteric Advent-Christmas process has been a “serious” inward journey of expanding Consciousness, simultaneously anchoring what we inwardly “touch” onto the plane of daily living. Adding “lightness” to the profound work we are engaged in, we reinforce the joy and bliss that exists in the higher worlds. What if we intend our trees to be portals, a means for magical manifestations?
What if this year, we brought the energies we touch and bring through, into the magical Christmas tree to serve as a portal of entry, or conduit, for calling forth and manifesting our deepest Devotions, for ever-renewal (in the symbol of ever-green)? Let us therefore carefully formulate and place these Thoughts in writing onto the Tree.
It is a Joy walking and being “with us” on this Mountain of Consciousness.
December 6, 2021
Friends walking the Lighted Way during Christmas—Advent,
This Second Sunday of Advent lighting ritual brought a flood of Light from the Angel of the Southern Portal. And with the Light came a Loving Presence. It was a familiar presence, a known presence, and a kind of potent arrival that only occurs when someone “big” walks through the door into the room! The same was true today in the presence of the Solar Angelic Being guiding our group process.
The power of ritual and invocation continues to amaze … reinforcing the methods of contact with higher energies, serving as vehicles for anchoring and distribution. Consecrated Ritual magic will increasingly be used by disciples and initiates as the Aquarian age unfolds in the decades ahead because the 7th ray of ceremonial magic and ritual is coming into play.
Did we recently say what a joy it is to be with you again, working in this way? Tomorrow’s (Wednesday’s “Pilgrim”) carries a clue about rhythmic notes and tones.
Please send your thoughts and sharings to EsotericAdvent1@gmail.com I read and reply to everyone. At some point the tab titled Soul Communications will be opened for anyone to make a post!
Good night — good morning and blessings upon your Day!
December 4, 2021
The Second Sunday of Advent ritual is now uploaded.
If you are in the southern hemisphere and are a Day ahead, we suggest you work with the Sunday in the northern hemisphere for the majority to be working in relative unison. Ultimately, however, work as you deem it best.
From time to time someone will send in their experience or Sharing/Commentary. This morning, arriving in my inbox was a note from one of our Participating Souls, on the last day of WEEK ONE with the Madonna Laboris.
“Today's Meditation reading was for me transformative!! It was an extension of Thursday's zoom image/experience where I experienced myself within the chalice of the SS Group and saw the many other chalices of like-minded groups, and felt the energy within all of them as one.
Today in Saturday's meditation/reading, the image/experience evolved. The chalices totally covered a map of the U.S. and they overflowed (the "cups runneth over") flooding the country with this "saving force" for Good, to save the soul of the country. I saw it, I experienced it, I felt it, I was "of it". And for the first time, I can say I truly believe in and have experienced its power. The will of God. I feel a new sense of liberation, a freedom from personality, a weight lifted. It's a leap forward which will deepen my continuing work and participation as an evolving soul. Somehow I've established a new link between my growth as a human soul and the power of service for Good.”
Yes! That’s It! A marvelous living experience and perception of the Oneness of the Group of World Servers and Serving Groups, and the power of the Saving force and “the Will to Good” at work.
As Soul Stars, we are each others gifts in this Group, and as a Group, we are a gift to the Soul of Humanity!
Saturday’s Diamond Soul practice comes as a healing balm today. Our country mourns yet again after one more mass shooting from an automatic weapon in the hands of children killing children. What utter madness.
Today we are in energies of the New Moon of Sagittarius — making strides forward for the greater Good of Humanity, in cooperation with the spiritual Hierarchy!
December 2, 2021
Friends - what a wonderful Webinar meeting we had today in the great Heart of the Soul Star Group. Our words expressed a coming together upon a higher turn of the spiral, built upon all our previous work. We are standing now within a fuller, wider, substantive foundation from which all our work in the preceding year(s) as Souls, and as a Soul Group, has wrought. In this new substantive energy field, we will move forward.
An interesting “symbol” was brought to mind confirming the above. About a month ago, I pulled a book off the shelf in the living room that had stood with the “Blue Books” titled, The Divine Plan (by theosophist teacher, Geoffrey A. Barborka). This book somehow migrated into the Soul Chamber / Council Chamber and survived the pre-described white whirlwind “cleaning, purification and ordering” process that preceded last Sunday’s first Advent Lighting ritual. In other words, it did not return to the shelf whence it came. Instead, it was mysteriously moved to hold a position on the desk — my laptop sitting on top of it — the laptop from which “Esoteric Advent — Christmas” is written and conducted. The Divine Plan, its title, is a significant symbol. Questions now rise for pondering: With what part of the Divine Plan does Esoteric Advent resonate, express, move into, build upon? Is the Divine Plan opening a Hierarchical channel to and through Esoteric Advent? How is the Divine Plan foundational to Esoteric Advent? Thoughts to ponder as we — the group who has gathered — continue our journey.
Words and thoughts shared by participants encompassed a range of beautiful “high points of contact”. Sharings were so very appreciative to be a Participating Soul in this group, sharings of being “at home”, sharings of love and light, of growth and fuller identification with and as the Soul, moves and movement, identification with higher purpose … were finely and beautifully expressed, including practical applications. To do justice, we suggest listening to the webinar - it is well worth hearing and pondering. A link will be provided if you missed it or if you want to hear it again.
I shared that this year, SHE did not send an emissary Angel in advance of our beginnings. At first I was concerned, wondering why, had something changed? Tuning In and asking about it, we concluded that the Field, a “body” has been substantively built by the group — the group Soul has knit and weaved together the finest filaments for a body or chalice of reception — for this, our 8th year. And, a Group Soul, can be counted upon and trusted to continue — we are now a Presence on the inner planes.
The North pole is the residence of the northern star, the Pointers, giving direction for our Earth. Let us “radiate that diamond point, hold it, and live from within its Center”. The Pointers are nestled above the northern pole, two stars in the heavens, one the personality, the other, Spirit. Spirit leads with a Monadic touch … as it is far more powerful than Soul force.
Rotary motion — Spiral cyclic motion — Straight ascent in Being
Personality — Soul — Monad
After leaving today’s webinar filled with an abundance of light and love, an experience from today’s Thursday focus came swiftly into demonstration through its opposite. After so much love and light, appreciation and gratitude, deep soul insights and movements of soul into greater life …. opposites appeared in the field in the extreme — projections of hatred, cruel lack of care, political, social and moral hypocrisy, guns of death, ruinous ideology regarding human relations …
This is the work for the Mediatrix (Mountain the First with the Madonna Laboris). We too must function as such, as a Mediatrix in the various stages of Soul identification and as Monads or Spirit. Are our vehicles neutral enough — pure enough— to take such a hit (withstand the blows) and still stay centered to lift “whatever” into a higher Soul matrix?
“Pure Love neutralizes conflicting dualities on the astral plane”
Remember our best fires. Augment them. Magnify them.
When Christ said, “I am the Light of the World”, “I am the Love of the World”, this is a statement of pure identification with the inner “fire” of — high planes of Identification. Identification does not leave its post.
Universal Love is identification with all Beings.
Thence separation falls away ... dis-appears into Unity
“In 1105, a terrible epidemic of epilepsy struck the region of Artois in northwestern France, causing convulsions, hallucinations, and gangrene. The bishop of Arras prayed to the Virgin to bring relief. Mary then appeared to two trouveres (poets) who detested each other. She commanded them to go to Arras, where they would receive a church candle. They then had to reconcile and light their candle in the presence of the bishop. They were to let the candle wax drip into containers full of water and give the water to those who were ill. Those who had faith would be cured, and the rest would die.
The two enemies did as they were told. In the cathedral of Arras, they saw the Virgin come down from the vaulted ceiling in a flood of light, carrying the miraculous candle. When they took the candle, the Virgin disappeared. The poets gave the water for the ill to drink and anointed their sores with the liquid. That same day, the 144 dying people in the cathedral were cured. The taper was given the name of Saint Candle and its drips were used to make a great quantity of other holy candles which were distributed in the churches of Artois. In the thirteenth century, the brotherhood of minstrels and bourgeois of Arras organized a devotional group for the veneration of the miraculous candle.”
NOVEMBER 28/29/30 — 2021
Dear Friends Upon the Lighted Way …
All are Friends in this work, often the deepest of Friends are found not in one’s natal family but in the kin of spiritual lineage and spiritual Family.
Preparations for this year’s Advent was like being inside an unexpected current of purification. Unknown to me at the time was what would come to pass — what would happen, as the first Advent Light was lit after shifting the order from the East (in the ritual from prior years) to the North (this year) and which begins with “BE PURE”. This was a profound shift that brought the force that stands behind the Words closer to the form world. More to say.
The time spent in the first week prior to the First Sunday of Advent is normally shared between preparing and editing the rituals and pages on the website, and the administrative tasks around registration. This year, a current of purification and order took over, sweeping through and “ordering” the environment. It began some months earlier, intensified two weeks before, and in the final few days increased into a grand finale until “it” was done and complete. The last two days forced a cleanout and purification of the “Soul Chamber” unlike ever before. Accumulated papers and boxes were removed or put away, surfaces dusted, floor washed, books placed on shelves and some removed to make space for others resulting in an overall beautification and order that lifted the room to renewed purpose, beauty, order and heightened energy. Even the name Soul Chamber now has a new name sharing energetic space with — “The Council Chamber”. These past few days, I said to Sheldon more than once, I sense that an intensification of energy will come through the group this year, that there has been an upward turn upon the spiral, allowing for a new power — hierarchical power, to pour through the Soul Star Group. All the above preparations represent an aspect of readiness to receive the incoming energy.
The ritual for the first Sunday of Advent was re-written, representing a major change in the upward spiral of energies being invoked, about which I will elucidate later. In brief, this change moved a physical planetary emphasis to an Hierarchical emphasis.
As a result of the time invested in all the above, what would normally be sent out to the group “to have ready” did not happen, so it is included here now. We will have a smaller group this year than last, most here are old hands and know what to expect, but we do have with us a handful of newcomers and it is for you that the following is written, and for the rest of us to be reminded (we all need reminders) - make special note of point number three:
While there are many layers of depth and complexity built into this ritual, the process we follow is simple:
1) Every Sunday of Advent begins with a Meditation, the Naming and Loving of all Participants, and a ritual Invocation/Evocation that includes Lighting the Advent Light. For most it will be best to do this ritual in the morning, but whatever time you choose, try to do it at the same time. Read through it first in full, and take your time in doing it – we are working with real energies.
2) Monday begins a new week of ritual attunements, moving us progressively deeper (or higher, the meaning is the same) upon a Mountain Ascent. We can revisit the website for the practice throughout the Day to maintain a continuity of remembrance; some may want to follow the ancient Egyptian rhythmic movement of the Sun – daybreak, high noon, sunset and before sleep (representing the midnight hour).
3) Every Thursday at 11 am (Pacific time, 2 PM Eastern) – 7 PM GMT, we will have an in-person zoom meeting for approximately one hour for all who are interested in coming together to touch in, share experiences, ask questions, make comments … and to deepen our group process. A link will be provided in the Tab titled “Thursday Zoom Links” … All are Welcome to participate or just listen.
4) Please check this tab titled “Communicating With You” daily (or every other day). We also encourage you to share impressions by writing to esotericadvent1@gmail.com. I may re-open the Soul Conversations tab which is another place and way to share.
5) We BEGIN on the website https://www.esotericadvent.org/ — [Christmas 2021 / 2022] — 2023:
a) Communicating With You – the first tab on top for communications
b) First Sunday Ritual of Advent (Second Sunday, and so on)
c) First Mountain Ascent (Second Mountain, and so on)
d) Participating Souls – List of our Names and Locations.
1. For each Sunday of Advent – plus one, have ready a NEW candle (electric light, or symbolic Light) to symbolically build a 5-pointed Star. Plus any ritual accoutrements you enjoy in creating sacred space and for building the Advent field (flowers, incense, music, symbols, books, etc.).
2. A White Scarf for Week One – to emulate, symbolize, participate and contribute to the work with the Madonna Laboris – an aspect of the Virgin Mother, Mother of the World, Venus. She is a Heart Being of Divine origin Who carries “the Saving Force”. She is real and powerfully present throughout the entire process of Christmas and each Mountain ascent. We begin with the Madonna Laboris to lay the foundation for this sacred ritual process. She is already “With Us” in the field energies. Welcome Her. Make no mistake that She is the grand Conductor — Queen of Angels. To say more would only limit Her in our perception.
NOTE: if you do not have a white scarf, use the power of your imagination worn around your neck during the weekly rituals.
WE BEGIN in the common ground of the universal Cosmic Christ principle – in the field of Divine Love, pouring through every atom of Creation making all things new.
H & S
P.S. All the readings, meditations, sacred sounds and imagery will "take you in" deeper and wider into the greater whole, over time. We are working with real energies, with real forces, therefore let us take nothing for granted. Be awake and alert. In one instance, things may seem “normal” and inconsequential, and in the next, a whole world opens up causing us to “see into” and work with. The Madonna Laboris is a Being of great power. At the same time She is of great gentleness and Grace. It may seem paradoxical, but in actuality, these reveal Her many facets. We too have many facets in our nature that are drawn out depending upon the circumstances or need. Let us Be aware that one part of Her role is to “make us ready” to “meet” the Christ — the Christ energies, which are potent beyond measure. I had read, but did not choose to believe, what was written in "Catholic" books, that Mary brings us to the Christ. Now, I better understand the deeper meaning of this, and that it is real.
January 10 — What do we do now? We continue with the meditations - we enter the sacred portal through “The 12 Days of Christmas”, we daily attune using the Daily Meditation, and we keep a sustained focus in the energy of Capricorn. We may also want to enter into the tab titled the “12 Lights of Life” — click on Capricorn to find additional content, Diamond Soul Practices and Contemplations for each month (beyond our monthly 7-Day Solar Full Moon processes).
As we continue to absorb and move through the aftermath of the sacred process we have just completed, let us allow “a settling in” of these energies and high points of contact to continue. Let us be reminded that we are now focused in the Light of Capricorn, and are carrying with us the Light of all that we had touched, invoked, evoked, and embodied.
Let us not ‘come down from the mountain top’ or ‘turn our back on that light’ too soon. We turn our back and come down from the Mountain when the sun enters Aquarius, the sign of group service. It is important for us to stay in these energies for as long as possible, for the Light that we have contacted to settle in more deeply into the Soul and the recesses of our instrument.
We are reminded in Capricorn: "The result of any experience in any sign of the zodiac should definitely work out as an expansion of consciousness and, no matter what form this experience may take, it consummates in an initiation of some kind or another. Students would do well to regard initiation as a determining process in life and should endeavor that every life experience or cycle of life experiences should work out as an initiation into a wider field of awareness, of expression and of resultant contact. Following this is the inauguration of a new cycle of effort."
The Epiphany (zoom meeting) was such a gift to all of us, even to those who were not present (because the energy fills the chalice of the group heart and is still present and accessible by all). The high note of the conversations, the depth, the beauty, the sacredness of souls passing beyond the veil, the high note of invocation in the meditation … all of it continues “flowing” within, and in the Esoteric Advent group, and into the world “where on earth we live”
Received in a note today, “one among us” shared a beautiful sense of gratitude and an awareness:
“It is a privilege to be part of the Esoteric Advent Group and I am wordless to thank enough for your great efforts. The last Zoom was wonderfully made and I felt like everyone was in very high spirit. … So many impressions received and such an overwhelming feeling of gratitude. The realization that we live in an Angelic Solar System made me aware of our duties and reminded me of the respect you [we] owe Them. In fact we are living [in] Them and not otherwise. The Angelic units are exceedingly higher than the human units … according to M DK.”
Gratitude such as this blesses all of us — the whole group. And in the awareness of “living inside an Angelic Solar System, we inside Them”, is one example of DK’s words above that every sign works out as an “initiation into a wider field of awareness”. He is speaking of living an entire life cycle through a Sign, as well as smaller life learning cycles. It is true that we live inside an ‘entified universe’, inside a great Deva called SPACE. To intellectually know this is one thing, but to experience it as an embodied living experience — is altogether something more.
Sheldon said today, “we are being “lived through” by higher Beings, we are invited into a new opening and life process. Every moment, almost everything we do is being guided by "Initiation" because "It" is a "determining process in life".
In the past few days and again this morning, we had been thinking how Esoteric Advent—Christmas was a means for us to apply ourselves for a focused “spiritual retreat” — to dive deep, to enter into and sustain a high vibration. This is the purpose of religion, to use it as a means and purpose for unfolding latent divinity with resultant "contact". As newer teachings are brought into religion such as is done here through the Esoteric Advent process, then that “religion” is fulfilling its purpose.
There is a conjunction in the heavens right now (Jan 8 - 11) between Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury portending a new and higher heavenly communication. Higher Mercury is the great communicator and link between high and low, linking heaven and earth.
Bless and Be Blessed - Is the Law of Love
January 6/7 — A most blessed Epiphany to everyone. The Epiphany page is now open to peruse and ENTER INTO in preparation for our harvest and closing, deepening the experience of where we have been, and are going. (See the Thursdays Zoom link page for the time and link).
Epiphany is an annual cosmic celebration and release of energies for which each of us has been preparing. “Epiphany is the “manifestation” and “showing forth” of the Christed Man” (CH). The arrival of the three Wise Men is our higher nature bringing gifts to the Christ. It is a time to dedicate and re-consecrate our lives to the growing, unfolding inner Christ that takes periodic birth in form with increasing strength and power. It is a threefold dedication giving our gifts. During this time we have been consciously cultivating spiritual qualities that eventually become spiritual powers for service. During this time we make a deeper, inner connection with the Christ “coming closer”.
In recent world news “strife” is yet again evidenced in the outer world. Our cultivated gifts of Light and Love Shine brighter and stronger, with increased power. We SHINE BRIGHTER because of who we are — where we have been, what we have become in the world of form and what we are becoming as we move into the future.
January 4 — The Christ Spirit settles deep into the Earth during the 12 Days of Christmas following the “Birth” … “flooding the inner planes with vibrancy and power” …
January 2/3 — Bringing blessings of Beauty and Light — the Christic Chalice holding the Light of the World distributes that Light …
The “etheric presence” of the Christ — With Us
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JANUARY 1, 2021 - A blessed new year beginning on this first day.
~ We love and hold each of you in the heart and mind of Christ ~
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Dec 30 — A blessed full moon here last night (on the west coast of the U.S.) Amazing “light”. And “pressure”. And “weight” of spiritual response. A symbol of white roses in full bloom - Capricorn Roses. Purity and beauty of the high mountain top. I’ll upload a photo soon.
The Christ Principle manifesting seems to be the theme. The Christ Light (therefore Life says DK) — the Light of the World — Cosmic, Solar, Planetary, Individual through each and every one of us as we increasingly become Christs walking the planes of the Earth — serving as and through this sacred Light “where on earth we live” — as has been pre-ordained for all time, from the beginning — increasingly becoming more real, as intended from On High. All this is the inner meaning of “Esoteric Advent” — the advent or coming of the Christic Principle — the Christ Presence revealed in and through all forms — through the fabric and layers of reality. What more could one really want, or aspire to? This is the Plan. “It is written”. In the records. This is the “Great Work” of the Divine Alchemist. We are fulfilling the plan, day by day, step by step, vibrational rung after another. Ineradicable Goodness, the ultimate triumph and inevitable solution. Walking the Way of the Magi. Yes, we Are the Magi, the Triune Self, ineradicable Goodness.
The Coming, the Advent of the Christ Principle is but a reminder of what we Are. What is more real than this? No-thing. If something appears tempting to be more real than that, discard it at once, consider it an illusion attempting to convince you otherwise causing the loss of much time and energy. One goal now. It is the fastest Way.
Please note there will be no meeting scheduled tomorrow, “Thursdays With the Soul Star Group”. However and always, the SSG is with us - one and all, brimming with spiritual response.
DEC 29 — We are with you dear Friends. What a blessing it is to be in the supra-imprint of the Constellations one day after the next in these 12 Days of Christ-Mass. Each constellational Day is not a day in human terms. And now we are within the sacred energy field of the Solar Capricorn Full Moon. How perfectly timed this Full Moon day is in relationship to the 4th DAY of Cancer - the opposite Sign of Capricorn that makes it One Sign. This synchronicity is perfection, and auspicious. Only those who are following the 12 Days of Christmas know of it. Blessed beyond measure.
PLEASE NOTE: I chose to place Day Three and Full Moon Day for participants in the West on the same Day because of the late hour of the Full Moon. For Europe and much of the Southern Hemisphere, Day Three and Full Moon Day (Day Four) arrive on two different calendar days.
DEC 27 — Friends - the 7 Day Solar Full Moon process for Capricorn begins today. If you intend to participate in both the 12-Days of Christmas (that began yesterday) and the 7-Day Full Moon process, then there is no need to do both Group Meditations. Only one alignment is needed. Enjoy this process.
Some among us may feel over-loaded with all the “spiritual opportunity” presented at this time, as if we are on a non-stop spiritual marathon! Let us be refreshed, not burdened. The fact that the Capricorn Full Moon follows so closely to all the preceding events is “good fortune” (to use an I-Ching phrase). The ongoing energy movements in the “heavens” support us in holding a high point of tension. Let us ride the energy waves and the currents will uphold us. Yes, it does feel we are being stretched. It is in part how we self-initiate ourselves into new, wider and stronger fields of Consciousness. These are lessons of stabilizing the frequency of a higher vibration. As a group, the support is here.
The new world needs us now as never before.
Blessings to One and All.
DEC 26 — Dear and Blessed Co-Journeyers Upon the Mountains — Do you believe it? Christmas Day has arrived and now passed! I do not, cannot “believe” it, no. Truly it is all One Day. And now we begin our 12 Days round the zodiac, re-igniting the 12 points of the inner Heart in the Crown — a Crown of Lights indeed.
And, the Capricorn Full Moon process begins as well, in parallel. Content for this will be up soon.
Re-open Christmas Day if last you saw it yesterday morning. A little bit of rearranging, reminding us of the Inner and the Outer. The deeper ritual invoking the Presence of the Christ and inner group of Great Potency was so very powerful and real. Sheldon nearly insisted we’ve never done this ritual before! We have of course done it every year. What is new is the depth and living presence of the spiritual Hierarchy. The mutual approach is coming closer.
One among us wrote today: “For me, and many others, I feel this time has been deeply inner and quiet, more so than previous years. Please know that in our outward silence we have been deeply together.”
Yes, deeply together. We stand in the Love Field — the Heart of the Logos that is more real than whatever is happening in the outer world.
DEC 25 — Dearest Friends - we are with you in the blessings of "GLORY TO GOD, PEACE ON EARTH AND GOODWILL TOWARDS MEN"
Dec 24/25 — A friend sent this link to a song to The Mother, sung by an unusual “devotional” duo. Enjoy, and have a tissue handy: (32) Eric Clapton, Luciano Pavarotti, East London Gospel Choir - Holy Mother (Live) - YouTube
Dec 24 — With You.
A blessed DAY to you friends. It was wonderful to be with those who gathered today. It was recorded this time on the cloud (NOTE: for privacy reason the Recording link in the Zoom tab is removed - if you want to view it, write me personally at esotericadvent1@gmail.com and I will send you the link).
Blessings to one and all as we move deeper into the Birthing “hour” with the great Mother Presence.
Please read Dec 22 again, with the music of Alleluiah playing, … and Dec 21 and Dec 20.
DEC 22 - Upon entering Winter Solstice Day and all that it has released, we have entered a fullness and a richness, what for many will be experienced as a high point of group and individual attainment for this time. If there was nothing more to reach toward in this wide season of Light, it would already be more than enough!
We have entered the 4th Mountain. The “atmosphere” vibrates with purity, a refined and subtle vibration.
Let us stay a little while longer, as it is too soon to move to another Day. Strongly impressed to “Stay with What Is”, we extend and sustain the Solstice energy, allowing it to settle in more deeply. The Solstice light, the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, the lighting of the 5th Light of Spirit (and Spiritual Attainment), each and all are of tremendous import and impact — each are playing an energy role upon the 4th Mountain. Each is a soul rocket ship taking us places.
We have yet to see where we are landing, who we have become, what is next. Yes, too soon for all this.
Therefore, we suggest going into Winter Solstice Day once again — choosing a section to “be with” … to stay with … to contemplate … to move deeper into — such as:
May “the life of every day Be a divine sphere of spiritual livingness”
DEC 21 — As the sacred Light of the Winter Solstice distributes gift waves of Solar Light upon the planes of Earth - through the Earth and all Life within and upon Her form, all is rendered PURE - if for but a moment in the timelessness of this Day. And oh how potent that moment has been. Reinforced by Jupiterian Love and Saturnian Light giving their Gifts … we all can sense portending messages of a destined future. We with conscious aspirants and disciples shall continue Lighting the Way for a new world unfolding, sensed and known to be real, but as yet hard to see.
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The Winter Solstice Ritual is ready for all who would like to participate in a guided ritual in your own time. It can of course be performed at the exact moment (best) or anytime during the 12 hour period before or after.
NEW/RE-ENTER: Tuning-in with the SOUL STAR GROUP - entering once again the Winter Solstice ritual, or a portion of it, during the exact moments of union between Jupiter and Saturn (at 11:50 AM Pacific time / 7:50 PM GMT) — hold in heart-mind for Humanity ~“Peace Be on Earth and Goodwill to ALL” ~ sounding it as a mantric phrase, at least three times.
Afterwards, in the felt experience of a true pause, follow your own soul-filled intention for the year and years ahead marking the beginning of a new expression and dispensation — that like an arrow of intuition — you will meet in the future (with the knowledge that Saturn brings Soul opportunity …).
Jupiter 00º30 Aquarius
Saturn 00º30 Aquarius
Yesterday, during a presentation by three Board Members for Meditation Mount (Ojai, CA) for the Solstice and Lighting the 4th Advent Light, I used a portion of the Sunday Advent ritual, preceded by a 15 minute talk on the deeper meaning of Advent, the Solstice and The Light of the World — however the audio quality was poor for the first seven minutes and portions of it could not be heard. If you are interested in reading the transcript, I offer it here now: CLICK HERE MEDITATION MOUNT Dec. 20, 2020 (edited late on 12/21/20)
DEC 20 — We have now entered a prelude, the antechamber to the Sacred Silence of the Planetary God and Solar God standing in sacred alignment. Their PRESENCE manifests as a sense of fullness … of Love … and Beauty. The energy field is sounding … BE STILL.
Blessings to one and all.
The 4th ADVENT LIGHT is now lit - BE PURE.
Do you sense Purity sounding through the ethers?
As if Purity, a Being — not a conditioned state, had been waiting for someone, anyone, to participate with profoundly sensitive Awareness. We did that. Yes. Not just someone, but a whole group of someones.
Purity Is
DEC 19 — The idea for Saturday (and also for Sunday in addition to Lighting the 4th Advent Light) is to review the week. I realize now that by not putting this in writing somewhere on the page, it may have caused some to wonder what happened to Saturday? I will do so to make it right now. Yet I trust that this is exactly what most of you had done. Even without something specific for a Saturday/Sunday Soul practice, the daily meditation is sufficient in its depth and magic. Our review of the week today included a drive to the mountains after a heavy snow fall. The tall pines, firs and cedars growing in the forest were laden with heavy snow and a marvel to see along the winding road as I drove and Sheldon read aloud from “Mountain the Third”. The tall trees played into the magic, like angelic sentinels. At one point he said, “The angels have landed on the tress blessing us with their pure white snow”.
DEC 18 - Friends, On Sunday, Meditation Mount will be having a pre-Solstice Zoom event describing the Jupiter Saturn alignment, and the 4th Candle Lighting Ritual of Advent. People will begin gathering online 15 minutes before the official start time at 6 PM PT / 9 PM ET / 2 AM GMT. The meeting will last 45 minutes. This is simply information if you are interested.
Here is the Link to more information: Solstice Celebration Meditation (mailchi.mp)
DEC 17 - Our meeting today — “Thursdays with the Soul Star” was deeply and profoundly soulful. Thank you to those who attended anchoring our group life in and through the form.
DEC 16 - This Friday, Dec 18, Jupiter and Saturn begin to swing into each others orbit (a very close conjunction) whose combined presence can be felt by those who are sensitive and tuned in.
“The exact time of the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter moving into zero degrees Aquarius begins Saturday, December 19 at 5:07 AM Pacific time / 1:07 PM GMT.
Jupiter 00º00 Aquarius
Saturn 00º15 Aquarius
The moment they are in exact conjunction is Monday, December 21at 11:50 AM Pacific time.
Jupiter 00º30 Aquarius
Saturn 00º30 Aquarius
These exact times are based on the longitude and latitude of Los Angeles, so depending where you are in the world the time would change.” (D. Lang)
In the meantime, please enjoy this image, courtesy of Antonella Nobilio, of the conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter coming closer together since the September 21 Autumnal Equinox. Following this image, she shares some global events in which to participate.
Global Solstice Invocation 2020
On 21 December 2020 at 7pm GMT
Geocentric conj. between Jupiter & Saturn between 4.15-7.45 pm GMT
on December 21 at 0° 28'- 0° 29 'Aquarius
[December Solstice — GMT 10:02 AM; 2:02 AM PT; 5:02 AM ET]
Here is the link of the stream on the Global Invocation YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/KkbOv5UppaY
As we know, the world is now moving through a crisis of a major transformation leading to a total Renewal when the Spring of Humanity will blossom on Earth.
The epochal conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn, for the first time in Aquarius (since 1404; heliocentric on Nov, 2, 2020 and geocentric on Dec, 21 2020), marks a decisive step towards this luminous Spring. Jupiter is our solar Master of Love while Saturn is our solar Master of Light and at this extraordinary convergence with the earthly solstice They generate a powerful impulse in hearts and minds towards the New Era of universal Brotherhood.
Afterwards, join the CHALICE OF SILENCE Facebook Live Event
from 8:45pm to 9:15pm GMT https://fb.me/e/1L3UTIMdo
which will also be broadcast on the website www.globalsilentminute.org.
“Unity is strength, but to be real and just the union must be harmonious.
Victory lies in Harmony.”
Dec 14 — Monday: NEW MOON IN SAGITTARIUS GMT 4:18 PM; 8:18 AM PT; 11:18 AM ET.
Suggestion: Meditate with the Soul Star Group utilizing the daily Group Meditation from Week TWO during this time. Let us BE in Sacred Silence with the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Lord of the World. Or one could repeat the Ritual for the Third Advent Light.
Dec 13 - Sunday. Friends, for todays THIRD ADVENT LIGHT, a small correction was made in the ritual when instructed: “Now Light the SECOND Advent Light from the flame of the previous Light, whilst intoning with Soul Power” - this should have said Now Light the THIRD Advent … I hope this did not throw you off. Also, for this ritual you may have noticed the hand gestures were simplified, using only the dominant hand in the section saying “With Noble Heart, and Pure Intent ….” (followed by both hands reaching up into Divinity). It is now natural and flows. Please know that it is not perfection we seek when first beginning, rather, it is ones sincerity of intention, deepening inner poise, and purity of effort that will result in making contact with the Real and bringing through the energies — the only thing that ‘really matters’. This is also why one can mentally visualize the entire ritual with the same effects. The perfection of form comes with use and repetition (and with a perfected working ritual — which is on me — and which will grow with power with use — thank you for your patience). This year included in the invocation of the Angels are FOUR WORDS from an ancient text given by Master DK. With use, this year and in the years to come, it will grow and come alive.
NOTE: If you are a Participating Soul but have not registered, then you will not appear in the Group Soul list of names. Some Souls are missing who have been with us for many years. Did you forget to register?
Tomorrow we begin our Third Mountain ascent. This THIRD MOUNTAIN is an important week for heightening our group vibration. This is the WEEK to increase and hold a greater “point of tension” — “no matter what” — no matter what is happening in the world, in or around us. As we work “this way”, we can expect the Real to manifest through the Soul Star Group and be registered in our auric field and consciousness. This THIRD WEEK is timed perfectly with the auspicious Winter Solstice moment and Saturn Jupiter conjunction — which is With Us even now. The most important factor is for us to work as a Group — and the daily Group Meditations will achieve this above everything else.
Let us be reminded that according to HPB, a Saturn-Jupiter conjunction was present two thousand years ago and was the “Star” guiding the three wise men. These two planets were so close that they appeared as One very bright Star. Their combined Presence in our solar system was significant for the Planetary Logos and Hierarchy, unfolding the Plan of God for the First Advent Appearance of the Christ on Earth. We are here again.
Something “sacred and profound” has started to gel and deepen with our Thursday gatherings — Meeting with the Soul Star Group. We will continue to meet at the one hour earlier time frame from now on: 7 PM GMT —11 AM PT — 2:00 PM ET. Look for the link in the Zoom tab below.
Dec 12 - The Third Advent Lighting Ritual is now complete and uploaded for Sunday, 12/13/2020. The Participating Souls list has also been updated with a few new Participating Souls joining us.
The Second Advent Lighting Ritual was also revised today (in an ever perfecting process - for the future). The first First Advent Lighting Ritual will probably need to be revised to reflect more recent changes.
FOR YOU: The Great Jupiter Saturn Conjunction 21st December 2020 - “Properly prepared we must always be.”
Astrologer PAM GREGORY offers a deep astrological description and understanding of the significance of this Conjunction, why it is important, what to expect. In the disciplines of Esoteric Advent - Christmas ritual, we are attuned to staying true to our highest Soul note as a group and as an individual, during this time. We are about to begin the THIRD MOUNTAIN which will take us up to the time of this conjunction.
See her video in the following link (copy and paste). “Hold your vision, hold your faith, there’s a big shift coming”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FnfUve-Qz0&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=PamGregory
Dec 8/9/10 - PLEASE NOTE: This coming Thursday’s zoom webinar will take place one hour earlier: 7 PM GMT / 11 AM PT / 2:00 PM ET. This will allow some to attend another webinar that begins at Noon PT / 3 PM ET.
Find the zoom link in the next tab below this one titled Thursday Zoom Links. Thursday for northern hemisphere, Friday for southern Australia and NZ!
Dec 8 - such a beautiful post today in Soul Conversations by Andrea. I literally felt the “blessing” radiating from the words, like waves of concentric circles. Thank you!
The presence of the Angel of the Lord is growing in strength and beauty. It filled our space this morning with such love and presence. It is a joy walking this lighted path together - lifting the field of Humanity with the Soul Star Group, step by step. This too is a service that touches all the pain spots on the planet, all the areas of illusion, leading to victory and breakthrough. The Christmas Advent season energies provide divine opportunity for deepening Silence, for lifting the entire energy field of the Human Race to a higher vibration.
Dec 7 — Welcome, dear Friends, to advancing upon the Lighted Way with our Second Mountain Ascent!
Dec 5/6 - The First and Second Advent Lighting Rituals have been revised to include an ancient writing from the Master’s archives dating to Atlantean times in the OLD COMMENTARY. They refer to the FIVE QUALIFICATIONS OF THE WHITE MAGICIAN, and while appearing to be simple, together they pave the road to Attainment: Be Pure, I dedicate, Love All, I Serve. These correspond with the Four cardinal directions and gateway portals to great Angels overseeing them (at least this is how I have constructed the ritual to link them together). They will now be incorporated into all Four Sunday Advent Rituals and a Fifth. They seem to add spiritual beauty and an unusual power.
“In the thoughts of purity, dedication, love and service, are summed up the nature and the destiny of man, and it should be remembered that they do not stand for so-called spiritual qualities, but for potent occult forces, dynamic in their incentive and creative in their result.”
CLICK HERE if you would like to see more of this short excerpt from Treatise On White Magic
Side note, as we go through these Days ourselves, delving deep into the process, we are amazed by what is already present in the “Field” and also impacting our Consciousness. It seems the Angelic lives attracted to this group work, and a powerful hidden presence of Eyes looking upon us “from on High”, are “With Us”. As Consciousness changes, we change and it is reflected in some of the edited writing. Day 5, Venus, was edited substantially.
It is a Joy walking this Path together with You!
P.S. The weekly Zoom gathering on Thursday of this coming week will need to shift to either an hour earlier or to the next day, Friday. Any preferences? Please write: EsotericAdvent1@gmail. com
Our meeting this past week Thursday was small, intimate, and marvelous.
Dec 3 - Our First One Hour Weekly Zoom Meeting on Thursdays. Please find the link in the next tab titled Thursday Zoom Links! Welcome.
Dec 2 - Another meaningful post on Soul Conversations! Do read it and join in.
Dec 1 — Greetings and blessings Dear Souls Upon the Lighted Way — there is a deeply meaningful Post this morning on the Soul Conversations tab. It weaves Sagittarius - the Rider on the White Horse with our journey upon the First Mountain and our work with Forgiveness in clearing the field with the Madonna Laboris.
Blessings to you and the Soul Star Group this day and everyday.
Nov 30 - The Participating Souls list of names and locations is now up !
We send you love, blessings and gratitude on this First Sunday and week of Esoteric Advent-Christmas to one and ALL in the Soul Star Group (SSG) for this blessed beginning!
Please NOTE: AOL is having very long delays in receiving some emails from Gmail and perhaps from other sources too.
Very Dear “Participating Souls” of Esoteric Advent – Christmas ~
Welcome one and all to our magical pilgrimage. We are the ones who have gathered as “Participating Souls” in the Soul Star Group to move upon the Way together through Four Mountain Ascents (Weeks) of Esoteric Advent–Christmas and 12 Days of Christmas.
During this very interior time, we are given the privilege to approach the inner worlds for an extended period of time in the holy companionship of each other and as a Soul group in ‘Group Approach to Divinity’ intent to walk the Lighted Way in Four Mountain Assents of Consciousness together. In so doing, we serve to provide a group conduit – a channel for higher energies to flow through us – connecting “heaven and earth” through the vessels of our “bodies” and Soul Group ~ blessing that which is in front of us, the environments in which we live, those with whom we are in relationship in the realm of daily living, and those to whom we choose to direct and project lighted Thought upon the Beam of Light and Love for healing and support.
During this magical sojourn, we the Soul Star Group, further serve by building an etheric Chalice on the inner planes where many more unseen participating Souls and Angelic lives can join to be with us – and we with them. There are no words to describe this magical process or its effects in full – it can only be lived and experienced to be known. What we can say for sure is that we can expect to be “lived through” from on High. If you are new to this process, expect to step into a magical realm and process of joyous unfoldment and soulful participation. If you have participated before, expect the unexpected and a deepening of the power to elevate and to be lived through for Hierarchical purposes. The only pre-requisite we have is to commit wholeheartedly to the process, and be open to the “miracles” that the Holy Spirit wills to work through us.
While there are many layers of depth and complexity built into this ritual, the process we follow is simple:
1) Every Sunday of Advent begins with a Lighting Ritual Meditation and Invocation, and Naming and Loving of all Participants. For most it will be best to do this ritual in the morning, but whatever time you choose, try to do it at the same time. Read through it first in full, and take your time in doing it – we are working with real energies.
2) Every Monday begins a new week of ritual attunements, moving us progressively deeper (or higher, the meaning is the same) upon a Mountain Ascent. Revisit the practice throughout the Day to maintain a continuity of remembrance; some may want to follow the ancient Egyptian rhythmic movement of the Sun – daybreak, high noon, sunset and before sleep (representing the midnight hour).
3) Every Thursday at Noon (Pacific time, 3 PM Eastern) – 8 PM GMT, for an in-person zoom call for approximately one hour for all who are interested in coming together to touch in, share, ask questions or make comments, and to deepen our group process. A link will be provided in the Tab titled “Thursday Zoom Links” … Welcome one and all.
4) Please check “Communicating With You” daily (or every other day) for regular “spirit news”. We would also like to encourage you to share impressions on the Soul Conversations tab (which will be updated soon for our process).
5) TO BEGIN, go to the website and click on CHRISTMAS ADVENT 2020. Then click on one of Four Tabs successively. https://www.esotericadvent.org/
a) Communicating With You – the first tab on top for communications
b) First Sunday Ritual of Advent (Second Sunday, and so on)
c) First Mountain Ascent (Second Mountain, and so on)
d) Participating Souls – List of our Names and Locations.
1. For each Sunday of Advent – plus one, have ready a NEW candle (electric light, or a symbol for Light) to symbolically build a 5-pointed Star. And any ritual accoutrements you would enjoy to create sacred space (flowers, incense, music, symbols, etc.).
2. A White Scarf for Week One – to emulate or symbolize your work with the Madonna Laboris – an aspect of the Virgin Mother, Mother of the World, Venus. She is a Heart Being of Divine origin Who carries “the Saving Force”. She is real and powerfully present throughout the entire process of Christmas and each Mountain ascent. We begin with the Madonna Laboris to lay the foundation for this sacred ritual process. She is already “With Us” and has been for 10 days. Welcome Her. Make no mistake that She is the grand Conductor. Queen of Angels. To say more would only limit Her in our perception.
NOTE: if you do not have a white scarf, use the power of your imagination to create one, to be worn around your neck during the weekly rituals.
WE BEGIN in the common ground of the universal Cosmic Christ principle – in the field of Divine Love pouring through every atom of Creation, making all things new.
H & S
NOTE: This letter overviewing our process will eventually be saved on a separate page titled LET US BEGIN - for newcomers.