THE FOUR SUNDAYS OF ADVENT — and the fifth Light
NOTE: IF you Right-Click on the words — CLICK HERE shaded in gray below, a pane opens giving the option to “open a new tab”. Click on it to have this page remain open, and a new tab to open for the Ritual. This allows you to play the music above while going through the ritual.
THIRD SUNDAY ADVENT LIGHT RITUAL —CLICK HERE — FOR DECEMBER 15 (Version 3 uploaded — 12/20/2024 - further revised).
FOURTH SUNDAY ADVENT LIGHT RITUAL — CLICK HERE — FOR DECEMBER 22 (NEW V-2 updated 12-22-2024 with extensive word editing) (New edits made in this version will be made to the First, Second and Third Sundays - for next year as time permits)
FIFTH ADVENT LIGHT RITUAL — Christmas Day — FOR DECEMBER 25 - Go to Christmas Day page
DOCUMENT: Four Corners of the Square Plus the Fifth — The Five Qualifications of a White Magician — CLICK HERE (pdf file)
SUPPLEMENTARY STUDY: Every Mountain we ascend corresponds with a Stage of Initiation. Section from Initiation Human and Solar, p 113/120 - The Revelation of the Presence and Vision — READ HERE
“The Heart is the Center
of Loving, Giving Energy
and the Distributor of Life”
“The Centering Heart gesture holds the force there”
"We know, Oh Lord of Life and Love, about the need. Touch our hearts anew with love that we too may love and give."
“In the Heart of Universal Love – we forward move."
*Gesture: “There are those who have learned to say these words with intensity of feeling, raising the clasped hands [hands pressed together palm to palm in prayer position] above the head, and then—at the last word—bringing them down to the forehead and then to the heart. The raising of the hands above the head and their return touching the forehead and the heart are simply symbolic of lifting the heart and life and consciousness to divinity, and the subsequent and consequent down flow of spiritual life into the personality—the instrument through which the loving soul must work out the expression of good will.”
“The emphasis is laid upon the heart centre and upon the necessity to hold the forces there, symbolized by the clasped hands resting upon the heart because the heart is the centre of loving, giving energy, and the distributor of life.” (EP-II, 734)
FOUR SUNDAY Advent Rituals. PLEASE read through the entire ritual on the day before, or give yourself enough time prior to doing it. The first Sunday of Advent has preliminary background information to better understand the fuller process of Esoteric Advent - Christmas.
In brief, we are symbolically building a 5-pointed Star — the Star of the Christ, in our Consciousness. The Sunday ritual Meditations have several parts to them that build to a climax of energetic power. They include the Naming & Loving of all participants visualizing the Star above all our Crowns, an Invocation to the Forces of Light in service to Humanity and planet Earth, and an Invocation / Evocation to an Angel Who carries a potent Word of Power for Humanity that will be with us for the week.
These are rituals of “high magic”, meaning they draw upon energies of the seventh ray (ceremonial magic), first ray (will and power) and second ray (love-wisdom) to bring about a higher energy condition for Humanity and the Earth. Invocation & Evocation is a 7th ray activity that for our purposes during this season of Light, is intended to bring more light into the world and release specific energies in support of soul unfoldment and stimulation of the Soul of Humanity. As we invoke Angels of a high vibrational standing and order, whilst in the company of the Christ and Masters of Love—Wisdom (the spiritual Hierarchy), all Kingdoms thereby benefit.
While not everyone is suited for ‘high magic ritual’ if one does not have 7th ray in their personality equipment, know that we all can accomplish the same aim and aspirational goal of the Ideal by entering the meditative space with reverence and willingness, thereby allowing the words in the text to come alive and profoundly flow through us.
In the practice of magical invocation & evocation, ritual meditations as provided here bring forward and affirm our essential God nature. In our group approach to Divinity, we are accessing and releasing energy that is not otherwise made available. The rituals are also designed to bring energy “from on high” into our living spaces and immediate environments — “Where on Earth We Live.” So then, in our individual small ways, we assist in making Earth outwardly sacred to reflect the fact of Earth’s inner spiritual achievement of sacredness. In the process, a secondary outcome of being conduits in “time and space” for these higher energies, we too are beautified, strengthened and rendered more star-like and perfect. At minimum we are engaged in a conscious magical process of the growth of Light in LIGHT, which is what the Soul Is.
Blessed Be