Esoteric Advent

SOL INVICTUS UNIVERSALIS: Contemplative Diamond Soul Practices and Spiritual Rituals for the Heart of the Christ and the Soul of Humanity

Visions for a New World

THOUGHTS TO PONDER FROM “EXTERNALIZATION OF THE HIERARCHY” By the Tibetan Master given through Alice A Bailey (p. 240).

“What shall be done to stop the progress of aggression, of selfish nationalism and cruel attack upon the weak and the defenseless? …

“A new world order is possible, and there are certain steps which need to be taken if the vision of this new world is to enter into the realm of accomplished fact. Certain angles of the vision I can—with the greatest brevity—point out to you; I can indicate the sign posts on the way to the future. …”

“First, I would ask you all to ponder the vision of this new world order, preserving an open mind and realizing that this new mode of living hovers over humanity and will materialize when selfishness is defeated, right human relations are correctly envisaged, and the ideal of this new world order is divorced from all nationalistic concepts and aspirations. It will not be an American world, or a French world, or a British world, or a totalitarian world. It will be the outcome of the civilization which is passing and the culture which is the flower of that civilization, but at the same time it will be neither of them. It will be a human world, based on right understanding of correct human relations, upon the recognition of equal educational opportunities for all men, for all races and all nations, and upon the fundamental realization that "God hath made of one blood all the peoples upon the earth." It will be a world in which racial distinctions and national unities will be recognized as enriching the whole and as contributing to the significance of humanity. Such distinctions and nationalities will be preserved and cultured, not in a separative isolation, but in the realization that the many aspects of human unfoldment and differentiation produce one noble [Page 242] whole, and that all the parts of this whole are interdependent. All will comprehend their relation to each other in one progressive, synthetic, human endeavour, and the enterprise of united living will produce an interior work which will flower forth in the production of a beauty and a richness which will distinguish humanity as a whole. In this all will share, with wisdom and a planned efficiency, offering to the planetary life and to each other that which they have to contribute. This will be made possible because the whole of mankind will be recognised as the essential unit and as being of greater spiritual importance than the part.”

“This is no idle and visionary dream. It is already happening. Embryonic movements toward this world synthesis are already being made. There is a dream of federation, of economic interdependence and of religious unity, plus social and national interrelation which is rapidly taking form, first in the minds of men, and then in experiments. There is a tie of united purpose, felt by many in the political and economic fields, which is no wish fulfilment or fantasy but indicative of an emerging reality.”



 (EXT, 25) “Will you say, each night and morning, with all your heart's desire and with the attention of your mind as well, the following words. Their united saying will set up a rhythm and a momentum of great potency.” “Please give us your aid” ~

 “Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to mankind.

Let the Spirit of Peace be spread abroad.

May people of goodwill everywhere meet in a spirit of cooperation.

May forgiveness on the part of all … be the keynote at this time.

Let power attend the efforts of the Great Ones.

So let it be and help us to do our part.”


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