Dear Friends Upon the Lighted Way,
“Esoteric Advent—Christmas" will formally begin this coming Sunday, December 3, 2023 with the First of Four Sundays of Advent, followed by the Twelve Days of Christmas. (See below to Register).
Christmas or Christ-Mass is a magical time of year where Light is the central theme. During this time, in the northern hemisphere we attune to the annual solar planetary ritual of “light and dark” as we ritually move into a deep spiritual reality on the longest Night of the Winter Solstice, and the longest Day in the southern hemisphere during the Summer Solstice. In both instances, a sacred Stillness and deep interior Silence spreads over the Earth as the Sun apparently stands still for three Days. This is deeply felt by the spiritual “observer”.
Esoteric Christmas Advent is a “sacred time” as great inner forces move and conspire to nurture the inner growth of the “Light in LIGHT” – the Light of the Soul. This Light, part of the Cosmic Christ principle, is birthed by the Universal Mother principle into visible growth and expression. The advent of the Soul is a birthing process that occurs through every living life form.
Esoteric Advent – Christmas is the observance of and participation with The Light of the World as the Christ presence comes close to the Earth and the peoples of the Earth. It is a time when Angelic contact is easily made and when miracles appear frequently and abundantly, visible to all who are trained to “see and hear.” It is a time when we can expect expansions in consciousness, pure love to pour through us, and a deepening relationship with the Great Ones and the Divine as beneficent forces flow through Them. It is a time of a surprising increase in joy, awe and wonder of the extra-ordinary. It is a time for aspirants and disciples to journey together as they move through conscious mountain Ascents in “group approach to Divinity”. The means are sacred rituals and attunements, high thought, beauty and music, ceremonial rituals, and simultaneous meditation observances. All are designed to nurture the inner God Self for fuller blossoming and potency in service.
During this sacred season of Christmas Advent, universal Love and Light pour to and through the Earth, its Centers and the planetary Christ – thence “unto us” – the Soul of all living Beings. In the biblical phrase, Unto Us a Child is Born, we can begin to understand the deep significance of the universal celebration and spiritual observance of Christmas.
Every Sunday begins a new week with the customary candle lighting ritual that invokes the Great Ones, and builds an etheric Cross of Light in the Group field for joining with “The Light of the World.” As we make conscious contact with the Great Ones throughout these weeks, we are serving to bring healing and protective forces to the planet and Humanity.
All are welcome to Participate. The journey is joyous, exalting, deeply moving, magical and at times arduous. You will receive more than what you put in, but consistency and commitment, earnest sincerity, reverence and openness are the keys.
To Participate, REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED ! Please register this week by going to the Esoteric Advent website: Click on the tab titled RSVP/Register and fill out the form. All who have registered will constitute the Soul Star Group for 2023/2024. Once registered, group instructions will follow. You will find everything you need to participate under the main tab on the website titled 2023 ESOTERIC CHRISTMAS ADVENT.
Daily and/or weekly communications about our process will be in the tab titled – “Communicating With You”. Please open and read it regularly.
PLEASE NOTE: Money is circulatory energy that can help evolve many things, including bringing refreshment to the volume and long hours of work that goes on behind the scenes in producing and facilitating this lengthy process. Toward the end or anytime along the way of this process, if you are moved, willing and able to do so, please consider making a financial contribution to support this work in the spirit of “for the workers and the work.” However, for those with modest means, in lieu of "money energy", all expressions of appreciation and gratitude are gifts that keep on giving and are wholeheartedly received and appreciated.
Gift contributions of any size are welcome in accord with your means. To do so, go to the tab titled “Give to Esoteric Advent” to select a method of giving.