Esoteric Advent

SOL INVICTUS UNIVERSALIS: Contemplative Diamond Soul Practices and Spiritual Rituals for the Heart of the Christ and the Soul of Humanity

SOUL CONVERSATIONS: Sharing Impressions

Entering the Stream of Soul


To read what Participants have written, or to join-in to make a Post, simply click on either the little black icon below this note (that looks like a computer screen) or click on the word 'Comments'. After clicking, wait a few seconds for the Page to open, scroll down a little. You will see an empty box appear within which to write your comments.  

Or scroll down to read comments left by participants, or you can REPLY to someone's post - hover your pointer over the 'Reply’ icon on the right side of their name.  All very easy to do.

Tips: When making a post longer than a sentence, it is best to first write your thoughts in a word file, and then when it is as you like it, copy and paste it into the empty box below.  After doing so, you can still Review and Edit what you wrote before "Posting" it.  

To Post: After clicking “Post” a new screen will open. Type your name into the top box asking for Name. That is all. You do not need to Login nor provide an email address or anything else - just click on the word Guest (at the bottom) and Send.  

Contact me at:

You are part of the Soul Star Group.  We look forward to reading your sharings, insights and impressions !

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