SCORPIO - 2020
Dear Friends Upon the Lighted Way,
These are intense times. This little phrase is apt for Scorpio and descriptive of the trials and tests of the world disciple, Humanity, undergoing yet another wave of trials as the global Pandemic (of COVID-19) sweeps through the world, testing us all. This is a big one. Added to this are critical elections in the western world, as well as meeting trials resulting from critical elections in times past testing the Souls of all our nations. Added to this, an ongoing and escalating climate crisis – another big one. Added to this, materialistic values overrunning spiritual values. And more, always more. Why should we be hopeful? Because the size and nature of the test invokes the energy of the Soul in equal measure to meet, overcome, evolve and eventually master. This does require Disciplic awareness, full involvement and needed action.
What are the tests? And how shall we meet them? Tests are self-initiated – let us remember. From a soul perspective, we look to see where Soul expression is still limited. This is a major clue to both questions – our answers are found within the question, specific to the nature of the evolving Soul, and in context of the environment. The Soul looking to the nine hydras at three levels of expression is another good place to turn one’s gaze.
Irrespective of where we look, for Disciples during the cyclic month of Scorpio, opportunity must not ever be lost. The energies of Sirius for Freedom, Mars for Courage and Heart, Pluto for surfacing and Power for blasting away and clearing, Mercury for Light and connection to the higher worlds … are all available and encoded in the energies of Scorpio for bringing trials, testing, release, freedom and eventual liberation - to RISE.
The influence of the Star Sirius is strong in Scorpio giving us the gift of freedom and liberation. “The principle of freedom is a leavening energy which can permeate substance in a unique manner …” (R&I, 416)
As the principle of Freedom “permeates matter” we are released from the thralldom of the downward pull of matter left over from the previous solar system “holding us back”. Inertia is but one such “head of the hydra” in Scorpio that every disciple meets, again and again, until we overcome and the battle is won. As Souls we meet and do inner battle with those aspects of the personality that prevent full Soul control and expression until “the day be with us” when we are freed at last to rise as the “triumphant disciple” – for ourselves, and for Humanity. We have the help of Sirius with us, so important to our little planet, Earth, and the Solar Logos.
“Scorpio is under the influence or inflowing energy of Sirius. This is the great star of initiation because our Hierarchy (an expression of the second aspect of divinity) is under the supervision or spiritual magnetic control of the Hierarchy of Sirius. These are the major controlling influences whereby the cosmic Christ works upon the Christ principle in the solar system, in the planet, in man and in the lower forms of life expression. It is esoterically called the "brilliant star of sensitivity." EA, 197
If you “will to” participate in the Seven-day process of Group Approach to Divinity, Day One begins this Wednesday, Oct 28. Go to, click on the 7-Day Full Moon Ritual Approaches, then 2020 Scorpio. Or click here:
We look forward to being with you in the Christic field of Scorpio in Group Approach to Divinity,
Halina Bak-Hughes and Sheldon Hughes
P.S. Days 1 – 7 will be uploaded daily. The ritual Meditations and Diamond Soul Practices, further refined each year, are based upon a foundation of Teachings by the Master DK – for Disciples. We approach these rituals starting with the evolving consciousness we bring. The magic lies in our group work and the evolving heart-mind of Christ in us – brought to these living rituals. Thus we serve the evolving flower of Humanity.
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