esoteric EASTER
revelation / RESURRECTION
Easter is a time of Joy, a time of ‘release unto greater Life’.
OUR PRAYER INTENTION: Let us recognize the rising divine “Christ within Us” in fulfillment of the divine Plan.
"It is the Christ life in all forms which constitutes the evolutionary urge. It is the Christ life which makes the steadily unfolding expression of divinity possible in the natural world. It is deep within the heart of every man. The Christ life brings him eventually to the point where he transits out of the human kingdom (when the work of normal evolution has done its part) and leads him into the kingdom of spirit. The recognition of the Christ life within the form of man makes every human being, at some time, play the part of the Virgin Mary to that indwelling reality. It is the Christ life which, at the new birth, comes to fuller expression, and from crisis to crisis leads on the developing son of God until he stands perfected, having achieved "the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Eph, 4, 13)".
“We shall see later that upon the revelation of the risen Christ must the new world religion take its stand. Christ upon the Cross … showed us love and sacrifice carried to their extreme expression; but Christ alive from all time, and vitally alive today, is the keynote of the new age, and upon this truth must the new presentation of religion be built and, later, the new theology be constructed.”
“The true meaning of the Resurrection and the Ascension has not yet been grasped; as a divine subjective reality those truths still await revelation. The glory of the new age will be the unveiling of those two mysteries, and our entrance into a fuller understanding of God as life.”
“The true Church of Christ is the assembly of all who live through the life of Christ, and whose life is one with His. This will be increasingly realised and will bring forth into clearer and more radiant light the wonder and glory which lies, unrevealed as yet, in God the Father." (FBTC, 162/3)
REFLECT on the above and absorb these living truths now and in the years to come.
In the altar of the heart is a living flame,
A radiant fire, Sun —
The Light of Love, the Love of Life.
The Unconquerable nature of Goodness,
The Inevitable triumph of the Good”.
this we are
we are that
in truth and fact
This I Am
I am That
That Am I
in Truth and Fact
“The whole concept of Resurrection is the new and most important revelation which is coming to humanity, and which will lay the basis for the new world religion.” (R&I, 318)
“Resurrection is the keynote of nature; death is not. Death is only the ante-chamber of resurrection. Resurrection is the clue to the world of meaning, and is the fundamental theme of all the world religions—past, present and the future..."
"Resurrection of the spirit in man, in all forms, in all kingdoms, is the objective of the entire evolutionary process and this involves liberation from materialism and selfishness. In that resurrection, evolution and death are only preparatory and familiar stages.” (EOH, 469)
The living display of life
“In the coming cycle, ... the great goal of all religious teaching will be the resurrection of the spirit in man, and eventually in all forms of life, from the lowest point in evolution to the highest monadic experience. The emphasis in the future will be upon the "livingness of the Christ nature"—the proof of which will be the Risen Christ—and upon the use of the will invoking this "living display." The glory and the radiance of the Transfiguration initiation will eventually be relegated to its destined place, and what is meant by the "display of life" will ... be sensed in its unimaginable beauty." (R&I, 318)
We “arise” today in the living Spirit of the Christ
~ Filling our hearts, our minds, our imagination ~
I Arise Today (click here for words to music).
Through the strength of Heaven
Light of sun
Radiance of moon
Splendor of fire
Speed of Lightning
Swiftness of wind
Depth of the sea
Stability of earth
Firmness of rock
I arise today
Through Gods strength to pilot me
Gods Eye to look before me
Gods Wisdom to guide me
Gods Way to lie before me
Gods Shield to protect me
From all who shall wish me ill
Afar and anear
Alone and in a multitude
Against every cruel, merciless power
That may oppose my body and soul.
Christ with me, Christ before me,
Christ behind me, Christ in me
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ on my right, Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down,
Christ when I arise, Christ to shield me
Christ in the Heart of everyone who thinks of me,
Christ in the Mouth of everyone who speaks of me.
Resurrection ~ “rising up” ~ is the keynote of nature
Let us sound the Gayatri to greet the "Rising Sun" and invoke the Loving Will of God pervading the solar system and the life and resurrection energies of Aries pouring through the Heart of the SUN, the "Son of Divine Love" and through Earth’s Centers:
"Oh Thou, Who givest sustenance to the Universe,
From Whom all things proceed,
to Whom all things return.
Unveil to us the face of the true Spiritual Sun,
hidden by a disk of golden light,
That We may know the Truth and do our whole duty as
we journey to Thy sacred Feet (Fire).
Om bhur bhuvah svah
tat-savitur varenyam
bhargo devasya dhimahi
dhiyo yo nah pracodayat
Stepping into the Christ field …
FEEL CHRIST inside your Heart, not as an image but as an energy — a Living Presence
One by One, sounding our names in Love, let us sense the living Presence of each Soul by visualizing each Soul as a radiant sphere of light — a five-pointed star of the perfected human (our potential) above the Crown. As we sound our names in love, see all “Participating Souls” filled with the Christ Spirit ... passing (conducting) Christ energy through the Centers of our vehicles — and into the earth whereon we live.
SOUL STAR GROUP - Naming and Loving is an option (go to Esoteric Advent (tab for Christmas) — Participating Souls — RIGHT CLICK to “open link new tab”)
Let us see ourselves as radiant, living spheres of luminous Love standing in the radius of the radiant circle ... connected through a LIVING field that is the Heart of the Christ standing in the sanctum of the inner circle — symbolized for us by the greater five-pointed Star of the Christ (His Star is five-pointed, His number is Eight).
We intone the ancient invocatory mantram:
"Lord Maitreya, Be With Us"
(Say 3x - 2nd and 3rd time in a whisper)
(Pause in the Silence of His Presence — intensifying the field of our Consciousness)
Imagine the Soul Star Group standing in the auric field of the MASTER of all Masters
~ Teacher alike of Angels and of Men
INTONE (imaging the Christ speaking to us):
Hide not the secret of your Heart, O Son/Daughter of God.
Broadcast widely the Love of Thy Soul as a Light unto the World.
Through Light shall ye see Light,
Through Love shall ye Know Love,
Through Life shall ye truly Live,
O Pilgrim on the Way, Offer the gifts of Thy Salvation — Holy Love, Holy Light, Holy Will
to a thirsting humanity who would drink deep of the waters of Life
for a new Harmony to prevail upon the planes of our Earth.
Thus is the new Temple of Humanity built,
Thus shall ye Know a new Earth,
Thus shall the Sons of Men who know not they are the Sons and Daughters of God
Turn their faces to the brightness of a new Day
To Know the Self as One
With Gifts of Freedom, pure ~
Yours now to give.
Then will the veils of the earth be lifted,
Revealing luminous Beauty,
Joy-filled Days,
and Holy Companionship upon the Way.
the keynote of nature is RESURRECTION
“Resurrection is the denial of death, being the assertion of Life.
Thus is all the thinking of the world reversed entirely.”
The note and message sounded by the Christ when last on Earth was resurrection and a "progressive understanding of the eternal verities".
Resurrection teaches essentially the "lifting up" of matter into heaven - the "livingness of Life" and the state of "unalterable Being".
“The state of unalterable Being constitutes the nature of the Monad [Spirit], and it is to this condition of awareness that Christ attained when He functioned as a World Savior and thereby guaranteed, by the force of His achievement as a personality-soul, the same point of attainment for us, for we are equally and essentially sons of the Father or expressions of the Monad, the One.” (EOH, 469/70)
Let us affirm the ESSENTIAL TRUTH of our "unalterable Being" ... and the inevitable and ultimate RISING of our Souls to five-pointed perfection … thence to the One.
"The line or the path or the Way of Resurrection is the "Radiant Way" …
“ ... It is a Way which is composed of the light of intelligent substance, of the radiant attractive substance of love, and the karmic way which is infused by the essence of inflexible will. Forget not that karma is essentially the conditioned will of the planetary Logos as He orders all things toward the ultimate goal of life itself through the process of livingness, of loving understanding, and of intelligent activity." (R&I, 318)
We pause to CONTEMPLATE the Way of Resurrection — the Radiant Way — and God’s Way of “ordering all things” toward the ultimate goal of life Itself in Divine Order.
— Divine interconnectedness, Divine Relationship, and Divine Order.
rising with hierarchy
To the degree of our unfoldment, sensitivity of response, and strength of Aspiration and Desire that is in resonance with higher Will, we can experience and understand something more of the nature of Christ’s great achievement. We can come into synchrony with Christ’s revelations and realizations as He “went unto the Father” to begin the next phase of His work in higher spheres of Living.
What follows are four Realizations with their corresponding “Words of power” as given and understood by the Master DK (ROC, 27/30). By entering into these high Thoughts and resonating with the living Idea, through them we gain a potent sense of these states of Being as they impress an exalted energy pattern in us (and through us). These four moments are "states of Being".
Read through all four with care and CHOOSE ONE. Having chosen one, move into Contemplation. With a contemplative mind – the Christ Mind, read it again penetrating it "purposefully". Repeat the "Word of Power" as an Affirmation several times over rhythmically, allowing our Soul to realize a Truth of Being ... embodying the living substance in our all. To begin, start the music and allow it to play to the end, sounding the OM afterwards to seal in the high vibration.
These "Words of Power" carry the reality of the living Idea behind the Thought— the living Idea behind each is evoked as a living energy whence it came. Though few among humanity as yet live in the full stature of the Christ, these "Words of Power" entered into as Souls, 'condition' and move us vibrationally toward that full stature on the Radiant Way. It is possible to experience the vibration and be drawn up ... Rising to new Revelation — understood and experienced as Resurrection.
Know that your chosen WORD OF POWER will condition you throughout this year, initiated in the Sign Aries of new beginnings.
Four Recorded Moments in the Gospel Story - A fuller reference for study
(Translation of latin “lux in tenebris lucet” — “the light shines in the darkness”.
CONTEMPLATION: “There is His statement to His parents in the Temple, "Wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?" We should note here that He was twelve years old at the time and, therefore, the work with which He had been occupied (as a soul) was finished; twelve is the number of completed work.… The symbolism of His twelve years is now replaced by that of the twelve apostles, the symbol of service and sacrifice. He was also in the Temple of Solomon, which is the symbol of the perfect life of the soul… Christ was, therefore, speaking on soul levels and not only as the spiritual man on Earth. He was also serving, when He spoke these words, as a working Member of the Spiritual Hierarchy, for He was found by His parents teaching the priests … These points all indicate His recognition of His work as a World Teacher, becoming conscious, for the first time in His physical brain, of divine intention or of the divine will."
WORD OF POWER AFFIRMATION: “I must be about my Father’s business” or “I must be about my Father’s Will”.
Sound the Sacred Word, OM, sealing in the new vibration
CONTEMPLATION: "It was the magnetic power of the will that Christ referred when He said, "I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto Me.” This had no reference to the crucifixion but to the magnetic will of the Christ to draw all men, through the life of the indwelling Christ in every heart, out of the world of material values into the world of spiritual recognitions. It did not relate to death but to life; it had no reference to the Cross but to the resurrection”. (ROC, 29/30)
WORD OF POWER AFFIRMATION: "I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto Me.”
Sound the Sacred Word, OM, sealing in the new vibration
CONTEMPLATION: "Lo, I am with you all the days, even unto the end of the age". "Here Christ was speaking as the Head of the spiritual Hierarchy and expressing His divine will (at-one now with the will of God) to inform and pervade continuously the world of men with His overshadowing consciousness. It was a tremendous affirmation, sent forth upon the energy of His developed will, His all-inclusive love and His intelligent mind. This affirmation has made all things possible”.
WORD OF POWER AFFIRMATION: "Lo, I am with you all the days, even unto the end of the age".
Sound the Sacred Word, OM, sealing in the new vibration
CONTEMPLATION: “In the cycle which Christ will inaugurate after His reappearance, the goal of all the religious teaching in the world will be the resurrection of the spirit in mankind; the emphasis will be upon the livingness of the Christ nature in every human being, and upon the use of the will in bringing about this living transfiguration of the lower nature. The proof of it will be the risen Christ. This "Way of Resurrection" is the radiant Way, the lighted Way which leads from one great expression of divinity in man to another; it is the way which expresses the light of the intelligence, the radiant substance of true love, and the inflexible will which permits of no defeat or withdrawal. These are the characteristics which will be declarative of the Kingdom of God.”
WORD OF POWER AFFIRMATION: I Rise with Christ today in the livingness of my Christ nature, the radiant Way of true love, the Lighted Way of Intelligence and the secret of the Will - the divinity within man that is the unconquerable nature of Goodness and the ultimate triumph of Good.
Sound the Sacred Word, OM, sealing in the new vibration
"Be In Peace, I have Overcome the World"
"Christ gave to the world (for the use of the "man in the street") one of the oldest prayers ever known, but one which hitherto had not been permitted to be used except by the most exalted, spiritual Beings. He used it Himself for the first time, we are told, at the time of the Full Moon of June, 1945, which is recognized as the *Full Moon of the Christ, just as the Full Moon of May is that of the Buddha. It was not easy to translate these ancient phrases (so ancient that they are without date or background of any kind) into modern words, but it has been done ... It’s extraordinary potency can be seen in the fact that hundreds of thousands of people are already using it day by day and many times a day." (ROC, 31/2)
"Not a day goes by that the Christ Himself does not sound it forth.”
Let us now direct the energies invoked to Bless the World and the Soul of Humanity ~
Standing together as One in the Soul Star Group with the Christ and His Great Companions,
we sound
(A World Prayer)
From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men
Let Light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men
May Christ return to Earth
From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the center which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth
Sound forth the sacred Word Om (embodying and radiating the Light of God)
Sound forth the sacred Word Om (embodying and radiating the Love of God)
Sound forth the sacred Word Om (embodying and radiating the Will and Purpose of God)
— "So let it be and help us to do our part" —
(Alternate Version)
From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let Light stream forth into Human minds,
Let Light descend on Earth
From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let Love stream forth into the Human hearts,
May the Coming One Appear on Earth
From the center where the Will of God is known
Let Purpose guide all Human will,
The purpose which the Great Ones [The Masters] know and serve.
From the center which we call the Human race
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out,
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth
Om – sounded forth 3 times
(Sound forth the sacred Word OM embodying and radiating the Light of God)
(Sound forth the sacred Word OM embodying and radiating the Love of God)
(Sound forth the sacred Word OM embodying and radiating the Will and Purpose of God)
— And Help Us Do Our Part —
~ May Peace Prevail on Earth ~
*As a point of clarification, ”The Full Moon of the Christ” referred to above was an event that occurred during the Gemini Full Moon of 1945 when the Great Invocation was given out to Humanity. This began the revelation of the Christ as He is today — and Who when the time is ripe will appear as the Aquarian Christ and World Teacher.
The annual Gemini Full Moon Festivals are one of three major Hierarchical Festivals occurring annually — during Aries, Taurus and Gemini. The Aries Full Moon Festival is referred to as the ‘Festival of the Risen Christ’ whereas the Gemini Full Moon Festival is referred to as ‘the Festival of Humanity and the Christ’, both are distinguished from the 1945 event above.
Much more about these Festivals has been written by Lucis Trust (see link below).
ADDENDA for monday and the week to follow
The Rituals and Contemplations of Easter Holy Week and Easter Sunday cannot all be done in one sitting. It is intended that we continue to uncover our spiritual heritage and deepen the treasures we have been given by the Lord of Love and the Lord of Life (SK), and the Companions of the Christ. Through these ritual days depicting the episodes of the Christ, we have barely scratched the surface of what lies beneath them and what is possible as we “further mine” the depths. Let us carry them forward into our lives and build upon them. That which was penetrated, invoked and evoked during Easter Holy Week and the preceding 40 day Lenten process has been a call “to prayer and discipline”. At the very minimum it is the evocation of the Soul for daily sanctified living which continues and deepens through the three Hierarchical Festivals for Humanity as a whole.
We continue deepening and Rising. There is a deeper hierarchical truth behind the major Christian religious festivals that the esoteric teachings are bringing to the fore. Running in parallel with the next 40 days toward the Ascension commemorating the departure of Jesus from Earth (May 13, 2021 ), and the 50 days to Pentecost Sunday when the Christ brought forth the Holy Spirit to descend on the Disciples/Apostles of the Christ (May 23, 2021) … culminating in the Full Moon Gemini Festival of “Christ and Humanity” (May 26, 2021) — preparing Humanity for the remaining nine month cycle for the unfolding of the Soul through the evolving heart-mind of Christ in us.
Resurrection is built-in — wired-into "all forms of life from the lowest point in evolution to the highest monadic experience". Let us continue to avail ourselves fully of this truth through conscious participation and practices in the days and months ahead. STAY WITH THE WORD OF POWER (chosen by you from among one of the phrases of THE FOUR WORDS OF POWER above on Revelation / Resurrection Sunday). Work with this phrase during this period of the three Hierarchical Festivals and carry it forward into the year. Look for "what is rising" in and through us, and Humanity — as the work of purification, redemption and upliftment proceeds. We are upon “the lighted way” — “preparing the way” for Humanity’s future — for “the Coming One” on a planetary and individual scale. Let us recognize “that which is newly rising" for betterment is part of the revelatory Resurrection process. Let us not be derailed in the pain and suffering of the world seen and experienced around us. Rather, see with the eyes of the Soul what is being called to be healed and evolved. With deep compassion and insight, and intelligent action, let us recognize the greater Plan that is unfolding, trust it, and do our part as we continue to evolve and reveal our True nature.
— Remember.
Imagine a time when you were lit up from the inside out or outside in ~ when the vibrational sound of music or the rhapsody of a great chorus symphony swept through you lifting you to higher worlds …
The joy of group progress through the light and love of the Soul— opening to great fullness experiences and appreciation beyond present confines …
The beauty and power of nature — a rippling wind through a field of grass lifting you up and forward, drawing you into an expanse beyond where you stood …
The awe and wonder of looking up into the dome of night … drawing you into countless stars so heavenly bright and endless in number that boundaries fade — you one among them in silence and peace profound …
The sight — a vision of towering snow-filled mountains appearing high above earth’s horizon — as if floating down a descending heaven …
A time when the heart opened to Love and perception deep … wide Compassion—pure and strong, birthing new understanding upon a fractured heart, healing pains long-sustained …
When a virus makes its way round and round the world, every life touched — bringing us to our knees in true humility — to that which is real and true — slowing all our lives down to revisit our “humanity”, our hearts softened and widened — opening to Love without borders
When seeing through the eyes of the Soul of Earth, accepting the Soul’s Lighted Way of living on beloved Earth — Gaia.
All these, Holy Instants, of Life becoming more real now … facets and variations of ‘Christed Ones’ walking the planes of earth as Solar Angels … serving, loving, healing, making things right.
Drawn into Aquarian living — oceans of Life more abundant, the River of Life — a great magnet — draws us into currents of Unalterable Being, restoring facts and perceptions unto higher Truths — and to that LOVE where All Is unalterably Well.
As we rise, this new vibration is Our most Real gift “for giving” to the World.
May ◊ Sirius … and ◊ The Lord of the 5th Ray, “The Beloved of the Logos”—"Brother from Sirius”, and ◊ Venus, and ◊ The Solar Angel … Live In Us Now.
May this luminous Ray of supreme Light reside in us, in YOU, for the remainder of this Incarnation.
Translation of latin “lux in tenebris lucet” — “the light shines in the darkness”;
All Music uploaded on this site is intended to enhance a living experience of the Teachings herein presented. If you do not currently own the pieces featured here, purchasing them will support the livelihood of the creative artists who created them.
Music by HAROLD G. MOSES can be ordered through
HG Moses, PhDE • 602-751-8352
Director: The Institute of Harmonic Science - a 501c3
Composer • Performing Artist • Intuitive Musical Readings
Harmonic Consultant • Harmonics For All, LLC
Music by Michael Robbins - The Great Invocation can be ordered through
Other Music on these pages can be purchased on-line or in music stores.
Teachings and references from the "Blue Books", authored by the Master DK (communicated to Alice A. Bailey) can be purchased through LucisTrust:
Edited 2022