Esoteric Advent

SOL INVICTUS UNIVERSALIS: Contemplative Diamond Soul Practices and Spiritual Rituals for the Heart of the Christ and the Soul of Humanity

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LIBRA - 2024



"A Group Approach to Divinity"



"The entire "vault of heaven" is the phenomenal appearance of that entity."

"The Ancient Wisdom teaches that "space is an entity".  It is with the life of this entity and with the forces and energies, the impulses and the rhythms, the cycles and the times and seasons that esoteric astrology deals".    (Esoteric Astrology, 7/8)  

Steadily the Presence shines forth. 

Steadily the Lighted Way of the Soul

Leads all unto the Higher Way of the Royal Road

and Peace-filled chamber of Shambhala.

“The entire theme of the zodiac can be approached from the angle of light and its unfolding and increasing radiance and of the gradual demonstration in what I have called elsewhere "the glory of the One." The mode of the development of this inner light and of its externalization must remain—from the standpoint of its cosmic effects—one of the secrets of initiation and this for a long time to come. It will, however, not be out of place if I were to give symbolically certain phrases and sentences which will indicate (for each sign) this "growth of light in light," as it is esoterically called, bearing in mind that we are attempting to express conditions connected with the soul whose essential nature is light. This soul-light affects the form as evolution proceeds and produces sequentially the revelation of that form, and of the nature of space-time as well as of the goal.”   ...  "A study of the above thoughts will reveal the symbolic story of the irradiation of matter, of the growth of the light body within the macrocosm and the microcosm, and finally make clear the purpose of the Logos."     (EA, 328/9)


The heavens, the constellations, the signs and planets – “from the standpoint of esoteric truth, they are simply embodied Lives and the expression of the life, the quality, the purpose and the intent of the Beings Who have brought them into manifestation.” (EA, 257)  

The Zodiacal Being Who ensouls our twelve zodiacal constellations, is One Life energy, twelve-faceted, pouring through the Heart of the Sun, Solar System and planetary transmitters, to and through Shamballa, the Christ and Spiritual Hierarchy, Humanity – and all of us who stand as saviors to all lives on Earth. As we move from one Sign to the next, the Light of that Sign creates a new field of focus and activity. The more unique qualities and specific “gifts” of each Sign become increasingly apparent to the earnest student-aspirant-disciple, and yet are the substance of That Greater Whole–the Life of the One Great Lord of our Zodiac – a stupendous Being far beyond our comprehension.  In That Life, there is no separation or division.

Libra —The Light that moves to rest. “This is the light that oscillates until a point of balance is achieved. It is the light which is distinguished by a moving up and down.”   (EA, 330)

Keyword of the Soul: “I choose the way which leads between the two great lines of force.”  (EA, 251). The soul “reaches a point of equilibrium in Libra, in which sign soul and personality achieve a balance of cooperation”  (EA, 94)

LIBRA. "This constellation, as you know, connotes the point of balance in the long relationship and interplay between the pairs of opposites. It indicates the will-to-express—in perfected proportion and harmony—both the life of the spirit and the potency of matter."  (EA, 632)

Having moved through Virgo’s refined synthesis and embodiment of “I-God, I Matter Am”, we can now be inspired to express this beautiful synthesis creatively unfolding divinity as the vertical upward spiral axis of Divinity releases and confirms the will-to-express.

SUPERMUNDANE (Book), Vs. 772

“Urusvati knows that this is a time of painful progress for nations. Each nation evolves in its own way: one by war, another by calamity, by labor, by knowledge, or by *podvig. Each nation bears its own karma. This karma can be light, but many nations carry a heavy and difficult karma.

You must tell people that in this evolution of peoples there can be no return to the past. Everyone who realizes the immutability of evolution, has already made his own destiny easier. Everyone who understands the law of labor in the service of humanity helps his own ascent. Everyone who learns to love to serve the evolution of peoples also serves his own evolution. Thus, a great responsibility turns into a light burden.

It will be asked, “Why is this time called the Era of the Mother of the World?” Truly, it must be so named. Woman will bring great help, not only by bringing enlightenment, but also by affirming equilibrium. At times of confusion, the magnet of equilibrium is disturbed, and free will is needed to reunite the broken whole. Maitreya, the Compassionate One, needs co-workers. He who sacrifices himself for the Great Era will reap an abundant harvest.

The Thinker said, “Learn how to labor for all humanity.”

(*podvig - coming outside of oneself to be in harmonious relationship with another, to give of oneself and what one has for a greater good).



For the exact FM time in most major Cities around the world, click or copy and paste the following URL into your browser:

Full Moon Day — October 17 — 11:26am UTC

London, Manchester, Dublin — 12:26pm BST

New York, Toronto, Atlanta — 7:26am EDT

Los Angeles, San Francisco, Vancouver — 4:26am PDT

Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne — 10:26pm AEDT

To determine DAY ONE of the 7-Day Ritual Observance in your time zone:  Look at a calendar to see what day of the week your Full Moon Day falls on, then count back three (3) days — this is your DAY ONE.   For example, if Thursday is Full Moon day in your time zone, then Monday is your Day One; Day Four is Full Moon Day and Days Five, Six and Seven are the three days of Full Moon energy Distribution (following Full Moon Day). 

To access the Daily rituals, scroll down to the image of the 7 moon phases, titled “7-Day Group Ritual” . 

CLICK HERE— for V2 OF PDF “Letter of Invitation, Libra 2024, and to share with others.

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If you are new to the 7-Day Full Moon rituals in Esoteric Advent, this is a guided, and self-disciplined process. To participate, come to this website daily, scroll down to the image of the ‘moon phases’ below, and click on the appropriate day to participate.  

With practice, the meditations become deeper, fuller, richer and more potent.  Attuning with the energy of the constellational Sign with “the Soul Star Group” (or your Soul group) is a key element to the effectiveness of this process and to experience its full potency.

Ray Energy and Musical Notes:

The Meditations, Contemplations, and Diamond Soul Practices are greatly enhanced when accompanied by the meditation music of Harold Moses.  The “notes” presented here correspond with the Ray energy of the Sign that pour through the constellations or planetary transmitters, esoterically understood, and to the best of our current knowledge.

The constellation Libra transmits 3rd Ray energy. The planetary rulers (or transmitters) of Libra are: Venus (exoteric ruler) transmitting the 5th Ray; Uranus (esoteric or soul ruler) transmitting 7th Ray energy; and Saturn (hierarchical ruler)-transmitting Ray 3.



“Hold to your established links and with your brothers walk.  Walk as a group upon the Lighted Way.  The chain of Hierarchy firmly stands.”   (DNA-II, 627)


Path of Approach to the Kingdom of Souls

Every full moon period has three phases: Preparation (Days 1-3), Contact/Registration (Day 4 - Full Moon Day) and Distribution (Days 5-7).

Participating in Solar Full Moon Rituals presents opportunity for “group approach to Divinity” effecting deeper rapport with the Soul and increasing levels of vibrational awareness as every contact builds the bridge to true Soul Identity. A Soul relationship with all life is the gift we give and receive.

Rituals in Group approach to Divinity are part of the new wave emerging as the 'new world' religion. The term religion has little to do with church doctrines or theological teachings. It refers to “the cultivation of those attitudes and conditions which will evoke [spiritual] reality in man, bring the inner spiritual man to the foreground of consciousness and thus produce the recognition of God Immanent.” [EA, 237/Libra]

Humanity as a whole has a strong “religious spirit” that will inevitably bring to fruition this inner recognition of “God immanent”. Humanity is continuing on the trend of a growing awareness that we are One Humanity, supported by the ‘new sciences’ in themes about “the implicate order”, the “unified field”, “entanglement” and the trend toward “synthesis” in the discovery of nested aggregates under holography. As we come into closer union with that spiritual Center in the body of God named the spiritual Hierarchy — the Kingdom of God, Humanity will come into conscious rapport with the Being Whom we call God, our Heavenly Father Mother. We will come to know in all true humility the important role Humanity has to play in the heavenly Plan for Earth.

The Center known as the Ashram of the Christ — and referred to as the Spiritual Hierarchy — is the Center where stands the Christ as world Teacher and leader for the Aquarian Age. It is the magnet to Whom all conscious aspirants, Disciples and Initiates gravitate. We become co-workers when loving and assisting Humanity.  As we consciously participate in solar-planetary invocations and evocations with the Great Ones, we are participating in the redemption of Humanity, bringing the best humanity has to offer to fruition and bettering life on Earth.

“ … Can you master the trinity of Consciousness without diminishing one part?  The spirit must be accustomed to divisibility. …  Why is the Service called great?  Because it approaches the Infinite…”  (Hierarchy, Vs 442)

Special Practices and Themes

(Click on the shaded area to open a PDF file; these can also be found in the Supplemental Reading tab; new information is added to these Themes periodically).

◊ What is the Spiritual Hierarchy and Their Work Today:  The Spiritual Hierarchy

◊ Alignment: What Is Alignment?  What Is Alignment?  

◊ Prepare the Way - A Compilation Prepare The Way

◊ The Great Invocation: A World Prayer for Humanity - The Great Invocation 

◊ The Sacred Word OM / The Breath is the Life - Mantram - Sacred Word

◊ Affirmation of the Disciple - Affirmation

◊ Mantram of Unification - Mantram

◊ Seven Newer Truths - Seven Newer Truths 




Regarding the daily meditations, there is much teaching and training value in how the meditations are constructed and their content.  However, hold these meditation instructions “lightly”.  In the final analysis, they are a ‘form’ and as is true of all forms, they can naturally be adapted to higher needs and demands once learned. The meditations can be abbreviated while still retaining the primary elements of every phase with full power and effectiveness. At the same time, there is a growing potency and beauty when staying with the meditation rituals as written, and as they are continually refined, building in consciousness the higher energies being invoked through their usage and disciplined practice.

◊  During meditation, Be aware of what is happening rather than attempting to make something happen.  Following the form whilst simultaneously letting go for a 'greater flow-through' allows for genuine Contact with the Energies and for the Great Ones to make Their influence felt and known as They convey "Universal Truths” (Ideas) from the Universal Mind of God, Love from the Heart of God, and Purpose from the Will of God to Humanity.



The Days are uploaded one day at a time. If CLICK HERE is not active (the words are not ‘grayed out') this means the PDF has not been uploaded yet. If you receive an Error code, this means a new version was uploaded after the original and you need to refresh your browser to see it.

Each of the “Days” is often updated again (appearing as V2 or V3) after we ourselves have gone through the Day and made revisions to it with minor edits; the newer version replaces the original.  For help, write:

DAY ONE — CLICK HERE - Libra, Day 1, V2 — 2024 (V2 uploaded today)

DAY TWO — CLICK HERE - Libra, Day 2 — 2024

DAY THREE — CLICK HERE - Libra, Day 3, V2 — 2024 (V2 - minor edits uploaded today)


DAY FOUR Go to the website and click on “2024 LIBRA FULL MOON DAY Ritual Invocation/Evocation” (that is not a PDF file) — or CLICK HERE

◊ For “Labor of Hercules Visualization for Libra” offered by Doug Wells: CLICK HERE


NOT READY - what follows is from 2023


DAY SIXCLICK HERE for Day 6, V2 (newly edited and updated today 10/1/2023)

Chant the Great Invocation, softly to the Key of D# for magical effect, standing from within the Spiritual Hierarchy ~

DAY SEVEN CLICK HERE for Day 7, V2 newly edited (today 10/2/2023)

DAY EIGHTCLICK HERE - V3 (New corrected image of the Great Wheel)

Example of global project worth supporting: Paul Hawken: Drawdown | The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming

“The Seven Creative Builders-The Seven Rays - The Doctrine of Hylozoism and the Adept”

The Adept “is one who comprehends the nature of the 19 forces as they express themselves through the medium of the triple divine manifestation…”

“I have sought to convey the magnitude of the Plan and the steps upon the evolutionary stairway which lie ahead of every aspirant and of every member of the hierarchy.” Esoteric Psychology- Volume I (EP-I), 149/57

This Addendum can be found in the tab titled Supplementary Reading in this website. It is recommended that everyone read this document periodically to be reminded of the big picture — that we live in a universe alive with intelligent life and loving purpose. Furthermore, the nature of an Adept described as “one who comprehends the nature of 19 forces” is an underlying theme that will be found in the coming science of new world Religions. The text has been underlined and bolded to highlight what stands out for reflection. CLICK HERE for the document titled: “The Seven Creative Builders-The Seven Rays - The Doctrine of Hylozoism and the Adept”.

The Meditations, Contemplations and spiritual practices in the Seven Days can be utilized throughout the month of Libra to deepen our spiritual practice and continue the flow-through of Libran energy for upliftment — of oneself, humanity and the world in which we live. How we use the instrument of our Mind is self-determined. The question remains — are our choices and decisions made in the light of the Soul, consciously walking the Noble Middle Path, or are they unconscious — caught in the maelstrom of the collective unconscious and unredeemed memes of our society. You decide.


Dr. Jose Becerra offers scientific and symbolic presentations of the 12 Lights and Word of the Soul for all 12 Signs. They can be found on his website:


A MUSICAL rendition of The Great Invocation by Michael Robbins and Harold Moses


All music on this website should be purchased on-line or in music stores to add to your music library in support of the creative artists.  

Music by Harold Moses can be purchased through HGMoses - Harmonic Sounds and Tracks. Contact

Gratitude to Lucis Trust Publishing for continuing to provide the "Blue Books" authored by Master DK and Alice A Bailey. Much of the written content in this website is sourced from this body of Teachings intended to guide spiritual aspirants onto and through the path of Discipleship and Initiation into the New Age - in service of the full flowering of Humanity meeting its spiritual destiny. The intent of the Master DK, the most learned of all the Masters, was to ‘spread the Teachings of the Ageless Wisdom far and wide’. He foresaw the need for a solid framework of Wisdom Teachings to serve as a guiding light for a rising new human heralding the New Age. The Blue Books can be purchased through Lucis Trust: "Lucis is derived from the Latin word, lux, meaning ‘Light’".


The SUN enters SCORPIO on Oct 22

The New Moon of Scorpio is Nov 1 and the FULL MOON in the solar Sign of Scorpio is Nov 15.

The exact times can be found in the uploaded Full Moon Magic booklet, under the same tab as this one, titled The 7-Day Full Moon Approaches. Click on — Dates and Times.

© www.ESOTERICADVENT.ORG To Contact Esoteric Advent, write: